Project INVEST PURPOSE: PROVIDE FLORIDA’S TEACHERS WITH MODEL LESSON USING RESEARCH BASED STRATEGIES ADDRESSING NEXT GENERATION SUNSHINE STATE STANDARDS . Purpose Purpose: Provide Florida’s teachers with model lesson using research based strategies addressing Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. This is why we are creating lesson plans which are duplicable and why they are submitted to a data base. Ultimately, all the lessons created through Project INVEST will be on the state’s searchable database for all Florida’s teachers to use. Goals Goals of the Grant: To provide professional development to teachers in order to increase their platform of knowledge regarding the content of the NGSSS. This is why teachers participate in a book study and USF professor lectures To provide teachers with best practices We use research-based, best teaching practices in order to demonstrate learning. This is why teachers see lessons modeled for them. Teachers need to see the techniques modeled for them so that they can go back to their classrooms and apply and utilize the techniques in their classroom with students. Best Practices: Strategies 6 Interactive Strategies Skill Builder Experiential Exercise Response Group Problem Solving Group Work Visual Discovery Writing for Understanding Teaching Strategies Scotty Carroll Land ’O Lakes High School Multiple Intelligence Teaching Strategies • Experiential Exercise • Visual Discovery • Social Studies Skill Builder • Writing for Understanding • Response Group • Problem Solving Group Work Experiential Exercise: • Use short, memorable experiences to help students grasp social studies concepts. • Prepare your students for a safe, successful experience. • Make the experience as authentic as possible. • Allow students to express their feelings immediately after the experience. • Ask carefully sequenced questions to help students make connections between their experience and key concepts or events. Visual Discovery: • Arrange your classroom so projected images will be large and clear. • Use a few powerful images to represent a lesson’s key concepts. • Ask carefully sequenced questions that lead to discovery. • Challenge students to read about the image and apply what they learn. • Have students interact with the images to demonstrate what they have learned. Social Studies Skill Builders: • Teach the skill through modeling and guided practice. • Prepare students to work in pairs. • Set clear expectations, allow students to practice the skill repeatedly, and give immediate feedback. • Debrief the lesson to help students make connections to key social studies concepts. Writing for Understanding: • Use writing to help your students learn key social studies concepts • Give students rich experiences to write about • Have students record their ideas, thoughts, and feelings in prewriting activities • Provide students with authentic writing assignments. • Guide students through the writing process Response Group: • Create and move students into Response Groups. • Give students resources that inspire critical thinking. • Ask provocative criticalthinking questions. • Allow groups time to prepare their responses. • Facilitate a lively class discussion. Problem Solving Group Work: • Challenge students with engaging, multiple-ability projects • Prepare all students for successful group work • Give group members clearly defined roles and requirements • Give groups autonomy and time to prepare high-quality products • Have groups present their work It’s spring time. What is the typical eighth grader thinking about? We’re thinking about the divergent paths of the American people in the 1880s and the purpose, challenges, and economic incentives associated with westward expansion, including the concept of Manifest Destiny and the territorial acquisitions that spanned numerous decades. (Standard 6.2.2, of course) Unwrapping Standards Determining what students need to learn so that a common assessment can be identified Course Objectives: Participants will be able to: 1.See how unwrapping the standards is a process embedded within their Professional Learning Community. 2.Indentify essential standards within the curriculum. 3.Understand the importance of unwrapping the standards. 4.Apply the process of unwrapping the standards to your content that you teach. 5.Be able to communicate the process and decisions with colleagues. 6.Understand how to align lessons and assignments after standards have been unwrapped. Unwrapping Is… Reflective practice Goal setting Developing a common Language Improving students’ understanding of standards Providing clarity among educators, students, and parents Is NOT… Teaching to the test Taking the creativity out of teaching Only an elementary process Dumbing down expectations for students How does this fit into the PLC process? PDCA Inst ruct ional Cycle Unwrapping the Standards PLAN DO • Data Disaggregation • Direct Instructional Focus • Calendar Development ACT CHECK • Tutorials • Assessment • Enrichment • M aintenance • M onitoring 18 The Process of Instructional Planning Traditional Practice Select a topic from the curriculum Design instructional activities Design and give an assessment Give grade or feedback Move on to new topic Standards-based Practice Select standards from among those students need to know Design an assessment (the end in mind )through which students will have an opportunity to demonstrate those things Decide what learning opportunities students will need to learn those things and plan appropriate instruction to assure that each student has adequate opportunities to learn Use data from assessment to give feedback, reteach, or move to the next level Essential Learning What knowledge and skills must I impart to my students THIS year so that they will enter NEXT year’s class with confidence AND readiness for success? “We may be focused on the tested standards today, but overall success of our students it is important to keep in mind what they will need for Success in subsequent years of schooling and in life itself”. Douglas Reeves The Big Picture To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction. -Stephen R. Covey The Steps of Unwrapping the Standards Learning Objectives – What do I want my students to understand? What skills and knowledge will they need? Evidence/Assessment- How do I know they understand? Planning- What next? Standard Knowledge Reasoning Performance Skill Product X X X X X X X X X Target Knowledge Reasoning Performance Skill Product X 1. Knowledge 2. Reasoning 3. Skills 4. Products The facts and concepts we want students to know. Often stated using verbs such as knows, lists, names, identifies, and recalls. Also call for procedural knowledge, knowing how to do something, uses. Students use what they know to reason and solve problems. Represent mental processes such as predicts, infers, classifies, summarizes, compares, concludes, analyzes. Students use their knowledge and reasoning to act skillfully. Skill targets refer to performances that must be heard or seen to be assessed. Knowledge targets always underlie skill targets. Students use their knowledge, reasoning, and skills to create a concrete product. Product targets include creating a table, graph, or scatter plot, notate music, use desktop computer to create presentation, create wellness plan. Example Describe how events, ideas, or information are organized (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause and effect) in a whole text or in part of a text. Standard Knowledge Target Describe X Reasoning Performance Skill Product Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge Count, Define, Describe, Draw, Find, Identify, Label, List, Match, Name, Quote, Recall, Recite, Sequence, Tell, Write Comprehension Conclude, Demonstrate, Discuss, Explain, Generalize, Identify, Illustrate, Interpret, Paraphrase, Predict, Report, Restate, Review, Summarize, Tell Application Apply, Change, Choose, Compute, Dramatize, Interview, Prepare, Produce, Role-play, Select, Show, Transfer, Use Analysis Analyze, Characterize, Classify, Compare, Contrast, Debate, Deduce, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish, Examine, Outline, Relate, Research, Separate, Synthesis Compose, Construct, Create, Design, Develop, Integrate, Invent, Make, Organize, Perform, Plan, Produce, Propose, Rewrite Evaluation Appraise, Argue, Assess, Choose, Conclude, Critic, Decide, Evaluate, Judge, Justify, Predict, Prioritize, Prove, Rank, Rate, Select, BLOOM’S TAXONOMY WEBB’S DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION Recall APPLICATION Basic Application of Skill/Concept ANALYSIS Strategic Thinking SYNTHESIS AND EVALUATION Extended Thinking H.O. 27 H.O. 28 WEBB’S DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE Level 1 •Recall elements and details of a story •Conduct basic math calculations •Label a map •Represent in words or diagrams scientific concept or relationships •Perform routine procedures •Describe the features of a place or people WEBB’S DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE Level 2 •Identify and summarize the major events in a narrative •Use context clues to identify unknown words •Solve routine multiple-step problems •Describe the cause/event of a particular event •Identify patterns in events •Formulate a routine problem with data •Organize, represent and interpret data WEBB’S DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE Level 3 •Support ideas with details and examples •Use voice appropriate for audience and purpose •Identify research questions and design investigations •Develop a scientific model for a complex situation •Determine authors purpose and how it affects interpretation •Apply concepts in other contexts WEBB’S DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE Level 4 •Conduct a project that requires action research •Apply math models to illuminate a problem or situation •Analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources •Describe and illustrate how common themes are found across texts from different cultures •Design a math model to inform and solve a practical or abstract situation Cognitive Complexity Cognitive complexity refers to the cognitive demand associated with a standard. What are students asked to DO! Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Level 4 Extended Thinking Level 3 Strategic Thinking X Describe Level 2 skill/Concept Level 1 Recall Skill (Verb) Beginning the Process LEARNING OBJECTIVE Abstract A focus on larger ideas Helps students see relevance and purpose Helps to ensure student understanding Allows for transfer to other content LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learning Objectives represent that deep thinking, the end result we want students to ‘walk away with’ and see as relevant to their own lives. It is the educator that decides the Learning Objective, but it is the student that will ultimately say them. That is why as educators we must often word Learning Objectives in student friendly language. US pg. 30 Samples of Adult-worded to Student-worded Understand the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations. I will be able to explain how people live and interact, and why they settle in certain areas. Identifying Learning Objectives Read the standard thoroughly Underline ideas Make additional notes Look for nouns (Knowledge) and skills (verbs) Phrase in a way that lets the student know what they need to concentrate on and why Start with the STANDARD Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history / social studies. Learning Objectives Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history / social studies. Nouns Verbs Meaning Words Phrases Text Vocabulary Domains Determine Related History/Social Studies KNOWLEDGE SKILLS Learning Objective: I will illustrate the meaning of vocabulary words and phrases that I read in social studies text. Your Turn Understand the fundamental concepts and interrelationships of the United States economy in the international marketplace. 7th GRADE ECONOMICS STUDENT LANGUAGE I will compare how the USA’s economies relate to other country’s economies. PLANNING QUESTIONS STANDARD: Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history / social studies. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: I must understand the meaning of vocabulary words and phrases that I read in social studies text. PLANNING OBJECTIVES: HELP YOU DETERMINE WHAT YOU NEED TO INCORPORATE INTO YOUR LESSONS TO HELP STUDENTS MEET THE LEARNING OBJECTIVE. Aligning your Lessons Using the backward design, let’s Learn to align lessons and assignments. Understanding By Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe Standards Based Education Identify desired results Determine acceptable evidence Plan learning experiences and instruction Backwards Planning Model Stage 1 – Desired Results Standard: Learning Objectives: Students will understand that… Planning Questions: Facts: Students will know… (i.e. the concepts and vocabulary must Skills: Students will be able to… (i.e. the things students should be be established in support of the standard) able to do as part of the standard. Ex. Map skills, etc.) Performance Tasks: Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Other Evidence: (Through what authentic performance tasks will students demonstrate the desired understandings? By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?) (Through what other evidence (e.g., quizzes, tests, observations, homework, journals) will students demonstrate achievement of the desired results? How will students reflect upon and self assess their learning?) Stage 3 – Learning Plan Learning Activities: (What learning experiences and instruction will enable students to achieve the desired results? Ex. Preview, activities, reading notes, processing) BACKWARDS PLANNING Best Practices: Backwards Lesson planning 1. Start with the end in mind 2. Know the standard 3. Find an access point 4. Establish a broad goal in writing the essential question 5. Write the objective in kid friendly words 6. Determine the assessment Outlining the activities 7. Determine an engaging strategy 8. Establish a hook to capture students’ interest (Preview/Launch) 9. Connect the learning to where students were and where they are going (Develop Purpose) LET’S LOOK AT THE TQG LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE