Sex Factors 2012 - London Sexual Health Programme

Sex Factor Ideas 2012
Working With Young People to Submit
Gareth Davies, Sexual Health Projects Manager
Jennifer Reiter, Sexual Health Projects Co-ordinator
Brief History Of Sex Factor
Launched September 2011
Purpose: To encourage and empower young
Londoners to create ideas to help other young
Londoners better care for their sexual health
Linked to the 2012 Sexual Health Legacy
Themes: Resilience, Engagement,
Competition open to 16-25 year olds living,
working or studying in London
Online-based competition (YouTube)
2012 Sexual Health Legacy Themes
Engagement: Young people take a more
proactive role in their own sexual health and the
sexual health of their peers and communities
Transformation: A paradigm shift in the way that
services are accessed by and delivered to
young people
Resilience: After 2012, young people will have
the skills & knowledge to take responsibility for
managing their own sexual health and that
of their partners
Workshop: Submitting Sex Factor
Split the group into an even number of small groups with
no more than 4 young people per group.
Name as many things you can think of which affect
relationships and sexual health for young people in
Write each thing on a single post-it note and keep them
in a bunch. (Five minutes)
Please note: there are hundreds of different issues so
don’t start a conversation about
them right now! Just write them down.
Workshop: Submitting Sex Factor
On the flipchart paper the facilitator has already
prepared, ask the participants to rank the things
they’ve come up with in order of priority.
The most urgent or important thing should be at
the top of the diamond and rank them
If there are more than 9 post-its, the small
group will have to decide their top 9
priorities. (Five minutes)
Workshop: Submitting Sex Factor
 Split the groups into pairs. These pairs exchange flipcharts.
 The facilitator then asks each group to look at the other
group’s flipchart and have a conversation (or use prompt
questions) about their things and the order they’re in. Do not
move any of the post-its! (Three minutes)
 Then feedback to the main group or to the group you
exchanged flipcharts with about your thoughts on their
flipchart. (Three minutes)
 After these conversations, if the original groups wish to
change any of the things on the flipcharts they created,
they can do so now. (Two minutes)
Workshop: Submitting Sex Factor
Each individual group now looks at their top
sexual health issue. Discuss as a group how you
would address this in a public health campaign.
Then write it down in a short paragraph or
illustrate what you would do. (ten minutes)
NB: Young people don’t have to come up with a
fully fledged campaign, rather an idea that can
be adapted into a comprehensive campaign.
Workshop: Submitting Sex Factor
Film yourself or your group members (up to 4
people) telling us your idea or film a piece of paper
with the idea written on it or written in a
Upload your video as a comment response to our
Sex Factor instructional video:
Email with group
names, ages, postcodes and title of idea.
 Then entries are official!
Workshop: Submitting Sex Factor
Gareth and Jennifer are available until mid-January
to visit your young people’s project or service to
workshop and film ideas for the competition. We’d
love to help! Just email us.