Can Music Affect The Way You Play A Sport Elijah Clausell Mr.Leingang Per 5 Question How dose a certain song “Let “I Put ON” affect the way a person plays a sport? Hypothesis As I play the song I Put On then it should change the way a person plays a sport because the player will mostly focus on the song more than the sport. Abstract The purpose of my project is to see if music can affect the way a person plays a sport. What I believed what was going to happen was that the music was going to affect the player. After collecting my data I have proved that music can and dose affect the way a person plays a sport. Some minor errors that may have interrupted my data was the lack of knowing how to take a picture, I kept on messing up with the photos. What I have learned after completing this project is music really affect the person playing type, because at first I didn’t know it could. Varieables MV: person playing sport RV: type of sport CV: song being played, type of ball Procedure 1.Gather players 2. Get sport utensils 3. Turn on song let it rock 4. Have player take 10 shots/ 20 passes 5. Keep same type of ball for each player 6.Switch players as they finish their 10 shots/ 20 passes 7.Only two sports should be played basketball football 8.Record all data collected 9.Repeat steps 1-8 Materials 1. 1/3 section cardboard 2. 1 camera 3. 1basketball and football 4. 4 people 5. 1 basketball court 6. A object which plays 7. Colored paper brown, white, orange, black Conclusion I thought that if we play two sports basketball/football with music on then it would affect the players playing type. My results showed that playing with music on effected the players astributes, and without music the results came out to what you would expect. I can prove this because the lowest average for playing with music was 10%, and with music with the music off 25%. The highest average with music was 45% , and highest average without music 90%. Therefore I proved my hypothesis right because the music did effect th players playing style. Backround Usually when a person is playing a sport with music on they tend to forget about the sport which they are playing and sing along with song. As they do this it tends to decrease their playing abilities and makes them kind of bad at the sport. This one of the main reasons people lose focus because they try to play with music on. When a person attempts to play a sport with music they tend to lose figure, it’s like playing with a broken body part. People brick shots make the ugliest passes and they still don’t seem to learn it’s the music affected them. The two type of music that exspially effects people is rock and rap because rock is so loud and rap you tend too rap with. Data Table W/Music Players Shots made (10 shots) Accurate passes (10 Total percentile passes) Paris 2/10 30% 5/10 50% 35% Keon 3/10 30% 3/10 30% 30% Rae’kwon 2/10 20% 0/10 0% 10% Elijah 2/10 20% 7/10 70% 45% Data Table Without Music Players Shots made ( 10 shots) Accurate passes (10 Total percentile passes) Paris 8/10 80 % 10/10 100% 90% Elijah 6/10 60% 8/10 80% 70% Keon 4/10 40% 6/10% 50% Rae’kwon 2/10 20% 3/10 30% 25%