Workshop PowerPoint Presentation template

Age Friendly Communities
[Council Logo can be
added here]
Outline of the Day
Setting the scene
Older people - Who are we really talking about?
Interacting with the built environment
Where do older people fit in the strategic plan?
Actions from the day
COTA New South Wales
Project Background
• Council on the Ageing (COTA NSW) funded by
Office for Ageing, NSW Department of Family
and Community Services
• Follow on from Local Government and Ageing
Report (O’Brien and Phibbs)
• To develop a resource to help local
government prepare for an ageing population
• This workshop is part of that resource package
COTA New South Wales
• Population ageing is a pressing international
policy and budgetary issue
• In Australia – 2010 Intergenerational Report
gives a national perspective
• State level – NSW Ageing Strategy
• Little work has been done at a local
government level
COTA New South Wales
Local Government and Ageing
• The University of Western Sydney O’Brien and
Phibbs study in 2011 was specifically
concerned with local government
• The study covered 13 rural and 10 metro
councils and focused on senior staff
COTA New South Wales
Overall Findings
• Across NSW, only community service staff
seemed to be across the issues, although
other staff “got on board” after they were
walked through the issues
• New strategic planning process in NSW is
providing opportunities for the issue to be
given greater prominence in Council
COTA New South Wales
Overall Findings
A common concern for Councils was
the high level of social isolation
amongst older Australians
COTA New South Wales
Policy Implications
• Better transport is a key issue
• Co-ordination between levels of government
and NGOs
• Sharing of resources and ideas between
• Collect better data to measure the impact of
ageing – not just relying on anecdotal
COTA New South Wales
[Council Name] Population Pyramid –
2011-2036 change
Insert Council
pyramid on this
slide. This is an
COTA New South Wales
Increase in older population for
[Council Name]
COTA New South Wales
Increase in proportion of population in
[Council Name] aged 65 and over
• 2011 - ??%
• 2021 - ??%
• 2036 - ??%
COTA New South Wales
Ageing is everybody’s business
Want older people to be active and involved
Good for health
Good for economy
Not just a social services issue
Cuts across all aspects of Council work
Sometimes it’s in the detail, not big picture
COTA New South Wales
Myths and Stereotypes
• All older people
– don’t work
– are frail
– have nothing left to offer
• All older people need
– special accommodation
– special and separate products
– need care
COTA New South Wales
But older people
Provide family support
Are active consumers
Mostly look after themselves
Volunteer in community organisations
• Only 5% of older people are in supported
accommodation – this does not characterise
all older people
COTA New South Wales
There are lots of Guidelines
Healthy Spaces and Places
ALGA, PIA and Heart Foundation
Checklist of Essential Features of Age-friendly Cities
World Health Organisation
Built Form Guidelines and Open Space Guidelines
Age-friendly built environments
Australian Local Government Association
Building Dementia Friendly Neighbourhoods
Alzheimer’s Australia
Development and Active Living
Premier’s Council on Active Living (PCAL)
COTA New South Wales
Guidelines and older people
• Assuming general liveability factors are a
given – specific aspects for older population:
– Footpaths
– Seating
– Lighting
– Wayfinding
– Toilets
– Parking
COTA New South Wales
What are the issues for
[Council Name]?
(room here to insert a graphic or logo if desired)
COTA New South Wales
Introduction to Activity 1
COTA New South Wales
Archetypal Older Person
• Create a person and their story using
information about people you know.
• Some things to think about:
– Where are they living, and who with?
– Do they have family connections?
– What activities are they involved in?
– What are their aspirations?
– What would they like to do but can’t?
COTA New South Wales
Review the Archetypes
• View the other archetypes
• What thoughts and ideas are most important
or relevant?
• Are there any thoughts and ideas new to you?
• Give these a star
COTA New South Wales
Introduction to Activity 2
COTA New South Wales
Example for Activity 2
COTA New South Wales
Every Picture Tells a Story
• Look at the picture and view it through the
eyes of an older person
• Make notes in the space beneath the picture
• When ready, discuss the pictures together
• Identify the common themes in the pictures
COTA New South Wales
What did other people find?
COTA New South Wales
Summary of Activities
• Population is ageing – more older people than
younger people in 50 years
• Older people are not all the same
• Still contribute – child care, paid work,
volunteer hours, study and learning
• Mostly want to age in their own home
• Reluctant to move house
COTA New South Wales
What we’ve realised …
• Built environment not very age friendly
• Disability access standards not sufficient
• Attitudes play out in everything from policy
development to putting down concrete
• We have to think more inclusively about
• It’s not all about aged care – it’s aged LIVING
COTA New South Wales
What does it mean for local government?
• Approach to all things needs to be agefriendly
• Have to think now about 10-20 years
• Has to be inherent in Community
Strategic Plan
COTA New South Wales
Age Friendly Communities
Council Logo can be
added here
Joining the Dots
Policy focus on:
• The public built environment
• Special accommodation
• Separate housing
• But where will most people grow old?
At home in their local community
• This is where most say they want to age
COTA New South Wales
Joining the Dots
• Focus is on aged care not aged living
• Shortage of everyday housing to suit older
• Homes as well as public domain needs to
support people – join the dots
• Going to residential care before they need to
COTA New South Wales
Introduction to Activity 4
[Council Name]
Community Strategic Plan
[Can insert graphic or logo]
COTA New South Wales
[Council] Vision
[Put vision in centre of slide]
COTA New South Wales
CSP Goals
• [List goals here]
COTA New South Wales
Example 1
People Goals:
• What are the particular issues for older people
in accessing cultural, recreational and sporting
• Are older people encouraged to participate in
arts and sporting events?
• What can Council do within current
COTA New South Wales
Example 2
• Economic Goals:
• What role can older people play in economic
development and tourism?
• What can Council do to make the area more
appealing to older tourists?
• What can Council do to support older
residents to spend their money locally?
COTA New South Wales
What can Council do?
• Read the goals assigned to your group
• Decide by consensus 2 or 3 goals to work on
• How does the goal translate into a liveable
community for older people?
– Write down specific actions Council could implement
that relate to an older population
– Write down specific actions other agencies might
need to implement
– Write down what you think Council could do, but is
COTA New South Wales
What did other people find?
COTA New South Wales
Activity 6: What can I do?
COTA New South Wales
What can I do?
Reflect on the work so far. You’ve been
Looking through the eyes of older people
Seeing what Council can do
Sharing ideas with others …
COTA New South Wales
Thank You!
COTA New South Wales