Authors: Corrin Ward, Rachael Berger Kemp, Erica Reinbold Subject Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 4-5 Time Needed: 2-3 Days 2.2.4.A. Develop fluency in the use of basic facts for the four operations. 2.2.4.B. Multiply single- and double-digit numbers and divide by single digit numbers, add and subtract fractions with like denominators, and add and subtract decimals. 2.5.4.A. Develop a plan to analyze a problem, identify the information needed to solve the problem, carry out the plan, check whether an answer makes sense, and explain how the problem was solved in grade appropriate contexts. 2.5.4.B. Use appropriate mathematical vocabulary, graphs, and symbols when explaining how to solve a problem. Cognitive Objectives: o The student will understand the concept of division and its function. o The student will learn the essential division vocabulary of quotient, dividend, divisor, and remainder. o The student will understand the division process for long division. Behavioral Objectives: o The student will listen to an online read-aloud and will respond to 3 journal entry questions accurately showing comprehension of the audio text. o Given a long division problem with all work displayed, the student will accurately label the dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder. o The student will independently compute long division problems with 1 digit divisors and 3 digit dividends with 90% accuracy without using notes. o Given a long division word problem, the student will complete a problem solving 4-square (paper is folded in 4 sections and labeled Understand, Plan, Solve, and Interpret) accurately filling information in the understand, plan, solve, and interpret boxes. Videos: o Listen to teacher readaloud of “A Remainder of One” by Elinor J. Pinczes and complete journal prompts. o Watch Long Division Video for 3.14 minutes o Watch the Long Division Video #2 for 4.40 minutes o Complete the steps/example/my turn organizer as you view the instructional video. Song Videos: o Video #1 o Video #2 Games o Play Game Number Monster for 10 minutes and Math Journey for 10 minutes. division/index.html heets/Long%20Division.html Fill in KWL chart for lesson Prepare questions for the teacher Worksheets o Without Remainders • Worksheet #1 • Worksheet #2 o With Remainders • Worksheet #3 • Worksheet #4 KWL Chart Outcomes Students struggle to remember steps to the long division process in order. o Students develop through think, pair, share a helpful mnemonic device. o Share teacher example (Dad, Mom, Sister, Brother) o Share video Demonstrate long division on the board (modeling) enlisting student help for the procedure Have students demonstrate the calculations on the board Students complete star work in which they are given a one star, two star, and three star problem, increasing in difficulty with each level. Teacher facilitates by approving students’ correct answers and allowing them to pass on to the next star, or providing guidance as needed. Students finishing early can become peer helpers. Students who did not complete the one star question will be given practice worksheet 1 “Extra Practice” and will work cooperatively with peers and instructor. Students will have the long division process steps available at the table for reference. Students who ended on the two star question will be given practice worksheet 2 “What’s My Error” and will work with one other peer to complete the worksheet. Students who ended on or achieved the three star question will be given practice worksheet 3 “Missing Digit Division” to complete independently. Compare and contrast the terms quotient, dividend, and divisor. Compare and contrast multiplication and division. Give a real life example where division is used to find the number of groups or the number in each group. Given a division word problem, solve it and interpret the remainder using the self-created 4-square organizer. Interactive Quizzes Formative/Summative o Quiz #1 o Survey Monkey o Quiz #2 o Worksheets with Remainders