Cause and effect - Madison County Schools

Writers use certain key words to let us know what is
significant in a piece of writing. When we see words such as:
"also," "likewise," or "in the same way," we know the author is
showing us details or qualities that are alike about the subjects
of the writing. When we see words such as "however,"
"otherwise," or "on the other hand," we know the author is
telling us about details that are different.
When a paragraph describes both the qualities that are alike and the things that
are different about the subjects, the author is using what structural form of
A. compare and contrast
B. description
C. sequence of events
D. cause and effect
When you write about how two things are the
same you compare them. When you write
about how these things are different, you
contrast them. A paragraph that does both in
using the structural form called compare and
Writers try to let us know what is important in their
writing. When we see words such as: "so", "because", "since", or
"thus" the author is letting us know that an event has happened
because of some other event. One event depends on the other. A
paragraph that describes certain events that have come about as
a direct result of other events is using what structural form?
A. pro and con
B. compare and contrast
C. cause and effect
D. description
Cause and effect makes a
connection between one event
and another event that happens
as a direct result.
MP3 players have become a problem at Vince Lombardi Middle School. Many teachers
have complained that students are bringing MP3 players to school and attempting to listen to
them in class. "The earphones are now so small that students think that we will not notice
that they are wearing them," said math teacher Marissa Randall.
According to social studies teacher Geno Ricci, "The students don't think it's a problem.
They listen to the MP3 players when they're with their parents and when they're with their
friends. As a result, they've begun to think that not paying attention is normal and paying
attention is weird!"
Beginning in April, students will no longer be able to bring MP3 players to class or to listen
to them in the school during normal school hours. "We are doing this because we want kids
to get the best education possible. Some people might think it is an excessive restriction,"
said Principal Sondra White. "We were slow to react to students bringing cell phones to class.
We are not making that mistake twice."
Which text structure did the author use to develop the passage?
A. description
B. chronological order
C. compare and contrast
D. cause and effect
When a passage is organized by
cause and effect, the text shows
that one event causes another
thing to happen. Look for words or
phrases like "because," "then,"
"since," or "as a result."
In America, ketchup can be used with food all year long. You can put it
on french fries, hot dogs, and hamburgers. Ketchup is a tomato-based
sauce that is used for dipping and for flavoring. It is often made from
tomatoes, vinegar, corn syrup, salt, and spices.
Before ketchup was tomato-based, it was made from different foods.
There were ketchups made from mushrooms and walnuts. Even
cucumbers, red peppers, and fruits were used. Each of these ingredients
gave ketchup a distinct flavor.
Identify the text structure of the passage above.
A. definition because the word ketchup is defined and examples of its flavors are
B. cause and effect because the reason behind tomato-based ketchup is
C. classification because the topic of dipping sauces is divided into
several subtopics
D. compare and contrast because the flavors of each kind of ketchup
are compared
The paragraph is organized by using
definition. Ketchup is defined as "a tomatobased sauce that is used for dipping and for
flavoring." The rest of the paragraph
provides more information about how
it came to be.
The Jeep Cherokee Scrambler is designed to perform under
tough conditions. It offers both high protection and high style. This
heavy duty mountain bike features a steel/aluminum hard tail frame.
Full suspension adds a heavy duty shock absorber to the back wheel.
It also features front fork suspension. This bike gives you more
comfort and greater control as you attack the trails. It also features
21 speeds, front disc brakes, a headset, plastic pedals, and all-terrain
tires. The Jeep MTB-style is padded to keep you comfortable on long
How is this passage organized?
A. description
B. chronological order
C. cause and effect
D. compare and contrast
The text simply describes a
situation or a thing.
Passages that are organized
to describe often use a lot
of adjectives.
To drill or not to drill: that is the question. Prudhoe Bay in Alaska is home to
North America's largest oil field. Many think this would be a prime drilling spot to help
the U.S.'s energy crisis. However, the bay is located just west of the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge. Anti-drillers believe that gas prices will not go down with this drilling.
They argue that drilling near the wildlife refuge will instead endanger the lives of the
animals living there. Many animals will lose their water supply, their food, and their
homes. Anti-drillers also claim that the amount of oil under the bay will only satisfy the
nation's oil needs for six months. Anti-drillers have been arguing against Prudhoe Bay
drilling for over 30 years.
How is this passage organized?
A. The selection compares and contrasts two possible solutions to the national
energy crisis.
B. The selection asks questions and provides answers to the problems in the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
C. The selection describes the problems and solutions to the oil crisis
in the United States.
D. The selection describes the cause and effect of drilling oil in the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
The selection describes the causes
and effects of drilling oil in the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge. The author does
not propose solutions, but simply shows
the argument against drilling for oil
in the Arctic.
Two strong black men were on the front lines of the civil rights movement
in the 1950s and 1960s. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X both believed in
equality for all people. However, they argued their shared goal in very different
ways. King believed in a nonviolent approach to change. He wanted to keep the
peace and fight for rights through speech and peaceful action. Malcolm X argued
that sometimes violence was necessary. He believed that all people of color
needed to fight for equality through whatever means necessary. He did not believe
that speeches and other peaceful urgings were going to change the world.
The selection above uses its text structure to:
A. to show that Martin Luther King, Jr.'s ideas led to Malcolm X's more violent
B. to show the differences and similarities between Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and
Malcolm X.
C. to illustrate how the nonviolent approach was a failure in helping to
advance civil rights.
D. to show that Malcolm X's ideas were better than Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.'s ideas.
The passage describes the similarities and
differences between the way Malcolm X
believed the struggle for civil rights
should be and the way Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. believed it should be. It doesn't
make any judgments on which
method was better or worse.
In the candy business, Chocolateers and Mr. Choco Late the top makers of
chocolate are rivals. Both of the companies do their best to make the best possible
tasting candy. They search for the best cacao beans to use in their chocolate. Plus,
they take all the time to make the candy perfect while the other candy makers
choose to cut corners. Although they believe in the same methods, they try to
make their candies different. The Chocolateers use special vanilla beans and berry
flavors. These flavors satisfy people who have a taste for fruits. In contrast, Mr.
Choco Late adds hints of mint and coconut into some of its recipes. The mint gives
a burst of freshness while the coconut gives a tropical taste. Although
Chocolateers' and Mr. Choco Late's flavors are very different, both claim to be
better than other.
Which of the following best describes how the passage is organized?
The passage classifies each type of chocolate that can be found around the
B. The passage defines the term cacao bean and shows how it is used in
C. The passage shows how the chocolate is affected by the freshness of its
D. The passage compares the chocolates of Chocolateers and Mr. Choco Late.
There are two companies being compared
and contrasted in the passage:
Chocolateers and Mr. Choco Late.
To show this, the author highlights
what each company has in common
and how they differ from one