FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT IN THE LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER Jennifer Stewart LSI 2011 : From Isolation to Collaboration June 16, 2011 Remember the LSI Essential Question How can school librarians demonstrate through inquiry and collaboration the characteristics of highly effective teaching and learning? CHETL Connections School Media Librarian designs lessons that allow students to participate in empowering activities in which they understand that learning is a process and mistakes are a natural part of learning. The school media librarian, classroom teacher and student collaboratively gather information and reflect on learning through a systematic process that informs instruction. Session Objectives To understand the meaning and purpose of formative assessment To explore examples of formative assessment To consider applications of formative assessment in the library media center Four Corners Based on your current knowledge of formative assessment, move to one of the following corners: The Dirt Road (I can’t see where I’m going, it’s so dusty!) The Paved Road (It’s pretty smooth, but full of potholes.) The Highway (I’m fairly confident, but need to slow down sometimes.) The Interstate (It’s an easy ride, and I can get you here too!) (adapted from Kagan Cooperative Learning Structure and Formative vs. Summative Assessment Summative Assessments – “a means to gauge, at a particular point in time, student learning relative to content standards.” Examples include end-of-unit tests, final projects, state assessments. Formative Assessments – are part of the instructional process and “inform both teachers and students about student understanding at a point when timely adjustments can be made.” Summative assessment = noun Formative assessment = verb (from “Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom” by Catherine Garrison and Michael Ehringhaus) Formative Assessment Traits Ongoing Informal Quick Student involvement Include descriptive feedback Inform future instruction Provide basis for differentiation Assessment FOR learning Why use it in the library? Turn to someone near you and think-pair-share about why we should use formative assessment in the library. Think realistically about your situation and how it would work in your library. Be ready to share what your partner says! Questioning A natural, easy and informative formative assessment technique for the library (puzzled faces, blank stares, answers from left field?) Can lead to deeper thinking and further inquiry The Question House (discuss handout) Is questioning a type of formative assessment you already use? Written Formative Assessments Admit slips and Exit slips Journaling Quick Write activities like “3, 2, 1” or “Circle, Square, Triangle” Analogy prompts Think-Write-Pair-Share Whiteboard responses or response cards Graphic organizers and concept maps Kinesthetic Formative Assessments Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down Traffic Light Inside-Outside Circle Four Corners Sticky Bars Commit and Toss Oral Formative Assessments Questioning Numbered Heads Together Think-pair-share Idea Spinner What Will You Use? Using the handout on formative assessment examples, and your own knowledge, work individually or with a partner/small group to plan how to use specific formative assessments in two or more lessons you plan to teach in your library. Consider : WHY did you choose the assessment? HOW do you anticipate it would inform your instruction and improve student learning? The Next Step Implement new types of formative assessment to engage students, inform instruction and improve learning Be intentional with questions Include students in self-assessments Incorporate in collaboration with teachers Provide descriptive feedback Infuse technology In Conclusion Formative assessment is FOR learning, it is often informal and it drives instruction Formative assessment fits well with many library schedules and situations Formative assessment is something you likely already do – now you can use it more powerfully! Questions or comments? Please answer one of the Question House questions on a sticky note and place it on the Exit Slip poster on your way out.