Design Thinking for the Training World Laura Nedved, PMP E-Learning Consultant and Founder/Creative Designer – Chooser Apps, LLC What is Design Thinking? I love this visual and this book! Business Model Generation, Osterwalder & Pigneur Typical Empathy Map From Business Model Generation, Osterwalder & Pigneur Learner-focused Empathy Map Business Model Generation, Osterwalder & Pigneur Laura Nedved, PMP Reveal Opportunity Laura Nedved, PMP Learner path with touch points and endpoints/dead-ends. Teacher/Administrator path with touch points. Tools used along the journey (physical and computer-based). New technology integration options and requirements. Design Thinking – 5 Stages (re)DEFINE NEEDFINDING AND BENCHMARKING TEST AND LEARN BODYSTORM, PROTOTYPE, BUILD IDEATE Many models. Design Thinking – 7 Stages DEFINE (FOCUS ON POINT OF VIEW) Modified from UNDERSTAND YOUR JOURNEY: YOUR QUEST (TO DISCOVER): LEARN about the problem TALK with SMEs and stakeholders ENGAGE learners/end-users* SKETCH the journey *5 Whys are critical for understanding this group. YOUR TOOLS: Sticky notes Customer Empathy maps Journey maps Laura Nedved, PMP WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? HOW? YOUR QUEST (TO DISCOVER): OBSERVE YOUR JOURNEY: WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? HOW? WATCH how people behave/interact OBSERVE spaces and places ASK questions CREATE empathy maps REFLECT on the journey YOUR TOOLS: Sticky notes Empathy maps Journey maps Interviews Laura Nedved, PMP …and maybe a really cool saber DEFINE (focus on point-of-view) YOUR JOURNEY: DEFINE the Issue IDENTIFY the Audience PRIORITIZE Steps DRAFT User Persona’s DEFINE Success from the Learner’s Perspective YOUR TOOLS: Sticky notes Customer Empathy maps Journey maps Affinity Diagrams Personas Laura Nedved, PMP YOUR QUEST (TO DISCOVER): WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? HOW? YOUR QUEST (TO DISCOVER): NEEDFINDING/ BENCHMARKING YOUR JOURNEY: TALK to end users REVIEW history RECORD obstacles DOCUMENT prior attempts to resolve QUERY stakeholders, supporters, investors and critics REVIEW opinions of thought leaders What’s needed? By whom? At what time? In which location? Why they need it? How they get it? Where are the gaps and gray areas in your thinking? Look for undiscovered paths (a.k.a.: A better way) Where might our hero (the learner) fall off a cliff? YOUR TOOLS: Ethnography, interviews, personas, journey maps prototypes, and yes – sticky notes. Laura Nedved, PMP 23/6/f/cliff_by_ocularreverie-d37uqvf.jpg BODYSTORM/ IDEATION YOUR JOURNEY: IDENTIFY end-user needs DISCOVER user motivation BRAINSTORM ideas and options (as many as possible) YOUR QUEST: Who else is a stakeholder? Who offers a different viewpoint? Find a model from a different industry? Bring in unique perspectives from other teams? Seek out silo-breaking opportunities. Discover new opportunities to ideate. YOUR TOOLS: GET CREATIVE. Really. It helps the process. Improv warm-up tools. Laura Nedved, PMP YOUR QUEST: REFINING ideas through iterative prototypes CREATING and PRESENTING working prototypes SEEKING feedback from SME, stakeholders and end-users PROTOTYPE/ BUILD YOUR JOURNEY: MAP the path IDENTIFY additional user needs COVER learning objectives BRAINSTORM ideas for the build ANCHOR to the corporate vision BUILD scaffolding, routes, bridges, shelter, entertainment and communication forums. INCLUDE guides, helpers. WATCH OUT for dragons: Misunderstood user perspective Gaps and misunderstandings in both process and content Team stress and the need for better communication Laura Nedved, PMP WATCH OUT for dragons, gaps and cliffs: Gaps Dragons Cliffs Laura Nedved, PMP YOUR QUEST: TEST AND LEARN YOUR JOURNEY: TEST the paths and structure SMOOTH OUT the path DIVIDE AND CONQUER feedback CONFIRM that you’ve met user needs POST SIGNS (Bridge Opening Soon) GUIDE learners to the path. REVIEW issues and objectives INTEGRATE feedback ASSESS the user experience. CHOOSE and PROMOTE the strongest ideas to deliver. OBTAIN new, powerful ideas (both internal & external to training) CALL OUT THE TROOPS for support (IT, Legal) KNOW your boundaries. What did we leave out and why? YOUR TOOLS: REVISIT Empathy Map – expanded to other stakeholders including IT and Legal, beyond? – yes, your corporate attorneys deserve empathy, too. Create Empathy Maps for other stakeholders…. UPDATE your standards doc. Laura Nedved, PMP YOUR QUEST: LESSONS LEARNED YOUR JOURNEY: RETURN home safely LEAVE no man/learner behind YOUR TOOLS: Ethnography, Surveys, Results Data, Team Celebrations, Wish List for Future Iterations SURVEY users COLLECT data and measurements EVALUATE success (or not) DOCUMENT future improvements ASK what else could be done. LOOK for new pain points. ASSESS the body count – did you lose team members? (HINT: empathy maps work for team members, too!) Empathy Maps Sticky Notes MY NEW IDEA Interviewing User Personas Storyboarding IT’S ALLABOUT ME Interactive Prototypes Affinity Diagrams Journey Maps QUEST-ions? Laura Nedved 612-708-0705 Apple 1 l/ Resources Design Thinking by Thomas Lockwood Business Model Generation, Osterwalder & Pigneur This is Service Design Thinking Prototypes as (Design) Tools for Behavioral and Organizational Change: A Design-Based Approach to Help Organizations Change Work Behaviors Brian A. Hoey. "A Simple Introduction to the Practice of Ethnography and Guide to Ethnographic Fieldnotes.” Marshall University Digital Scholar (June 2014). Available at: Search for Design Thinking LinkedIn Groups, Meet-ups and related associations. Laura Nedved, PMP