Leadership Meeting Power Point

Chapter 6
Leading the Data Teams Process:
Standards, Assessment, and Instruction
The Teaching and Learning Cycle in
the Data Teams
The Teaching and Learning Cycle in
the Data Teams Process
Standards drive our work, Priority Standards
give teams focus.
Readiness and Supporting Standards
Assessment measures our teaching and student
Common Weekly Assessments
Summative and Formative Assessments
The Teaching and Learning Cycle
Analysis is needed to bring meaning and
collective insight to data.
 Collaborative discussions
Collaborative planning is needed to ensure
instructional integrity.
 Data Teams use collaborative planning to
determine strategies, resources, and
process that will best help the learner.
Teaching is both a Science an Art!!!
Priority Standard in the Data Team
Teachers are overwhelmed trying to
teach all the TEKS, Readiness and
Supporting Standards they are required to
 According to Marzano, Pollock, and
Pickering in order to teach all the
required standards would amount to over
15,000 hours of instructional time or in
other words our system would move
form K-12 to K-22.
The Priority Standards in the Data
Teams Process Continued
Teachers only superficially cover standards
and do not provide the depth needed for
understanding and higher level thinking
 Question: Is time to cut down on off task
behaviors such as Pep Rallies and other
non-essential events that take away from
instructional time?
Priority Standards
Ainsworth defines Priority Standards as
those standards which provide students
with a solid foundation for learning new
 Readiness and Supporting Standards
Teachers need to know and understand
their Reporting Categories (TEKS)
Curriculum Mapping
I believe is just one the tools we need to use
for understanding our Priority Standards.
Curriculum Maps help narrow focus and allow
specific concepts or skills to be measured in
common weekly assessment.
The unwrapping process allows for or
provides students opportunities for students
to develop deeper levels of critical thinking.
Exhibit 6.2 Curriculum Map
Strategies for Leading the Focus on Learning through
Priority and Unwrapped Standards
Instructional Data Teams:
use these teams to prioritize all major
we already use state standards to determine
urgent content areas of need.
Strategies for Leading the Focus on Learning through
Priority and Unwrapped Standards
District level:
Creates opportunities for teachers to develop an
understanding of the unwrapping process.
Teams will create documents of power and unwrap
standards to used in the district.
Representatives should be selected from all schools
and departments.
Use the Accordion model, see hand out.
Strategies for Leading the Focus on Learning
through Priority and Unwrapped Standards
School level:
Involve the entire staff.
There are 3 objectives:
to teach the purpose and process of
prioritizing and unwrapping standards.
to establish procedures and process
when applying priority standards and unwrapping process.
to translate the work of the Data Teams
process and infuse the priority standards into the Data Team
create curriculum maps
vertical team meetings
master scheduling
The best professional training for
unwrapping the Priority Standards
According to Popham assessment measures
the impact of teaching.
We have and use Summative assessments
well. We disaggregate state data to help
us prioritize the state standards.
We still struggling with the concept of
Formative assessments.
Formative Assessments
Teachers need to develop an understanding of
assessment literacy.
What are the different purposes of
Teachers need to reflect on the use assessments
in the classroom.
Who is the primary audience for the assessment.
Assessments measure the impact of teaching.
We have implemented bi-monthly
assessments at each campus.
We need to communicate the purpose of
these formative assessment so that the
teachers will develop a deeper
understanding of this important concept.
The evidence gathered from these
assessment must be used to adjust
instructional strategies in the classroom.
If the formative assessment is used to
measure student’s learning during the
instructional process and student’s fail to
grasp the material then teachers need to
utilize different modalities in their
instructional delivery.
Writing as an Assessment
Assessments need to move from multiple
choice to a written response.
Our students are able to read but have a
difficult time comprehending what they
Writing will help students reflect and
grapple with the content producing a
deeper level of critical thinking and
Formative Assessments in the Data
Team Process
Data teams should use assessments for
learning with purpose of collecting
evidence along the way.
Data teams should use assessments that
are short cycle measurements of student
These cycles assessments should take
students no longer than 15 minutes.
Formative and Summative
Assessment Cycle
Assessment 1: Is the student’s baseline. This
provides teachers with evidence of the
student’s level of learning.
Assessment 2: Post instruction assessment.
This is used to measure the level of
learning that has occurred since the
previous assessment. This is not a
summative assessment.
Assessment Continued
Assessment 3: Between assessment 2 and
3 RTI should occur and a reflection by the
teacher and changes in teaching styles
must occur. This will provide information
on student understanding of concept and
Assessment 4: A formative assessment is
given to measure student learning.
Assessment Continued
This assessment process is a continuous
cycle. Similar to the lesson cycle.
Teachers need to gather information about
the learning that is occurring during the
instructional process, not after.
Primary Strategies when Leading the Focus on
Assessment Data Teams Process
Find the assessment leaders in the
school. These people are not necessarily
the department heads.
Provide feedback to teachers on their
use of formative assessments. Follow
Guide teachers in the creation of an
assessment map.
Collaborative Scoring in the Data
Team Process
The five step data team process is on page 38.
School that experienced the most success
were those that created and scored their
own assessments.
Data teams should score their common
formative assessments collaboratively.
Inter-rated reliability may be difficult at first,
but with practice teams will become
proficient and consistent when scoring
Involving Students in the Data Teams
Feedback is one of the most powerful
influence on student achievement.
Involving students will raise their levels of
Feedback must be related to the learning
objectives and reflect student’s
RTI is an example of how we use feedback.
Instructional Strategies in the Data
Teams Process
Instructional Strategies are define as deliberate
actions of adults that impact the cognition of
Examples: HYIS, CIA, and grounded strategies
based on research.
Professional development such as Kilgo and
share fares will enhance a teachers
understanding of collaborative planning and
lead a deeper understanding of the
unwrapping process.
The Classroom Teacher in the Data
Teams Process
Every thing we have discussed funnels directly
to the individual classroom teacher.
Teams must commit to using common
instructional strategies, all of which should
be researched based .
The manner of delivery will lie with the
personal style and approach of the teacher.
The teacher must by into the Data team
In conclusion
Data teams need to take an inventory the strategies
used by teachers and their level of understanding
in implementing different strategies.
Data Teams should build capacity. Rely on expert to
disperse learning to their teams.
Data Teams should use action research, book
studies, and cadres as methods to develop
awareness of strategies.
Data Teams should use coaching.
Data Teams should model the use of research based
strategies and increase the amount of feedback to