Jessica H

What does it look like?
The sugar glider:
Is 40 cm long
It has light brown and dark brown fur.
The sugar glider has 4 legs.
Has big eyes to see in the dark
How does it move?
The sugar glider:
Climbs up trees
Runs along the ground and branches
Glides from tree to tree by using its skin flaps
What kind of babies do
they have?
The sugar glider:
Has live babies
Where do they live?
The sugar glider:
Lives in forests in Northern Eastern Australia
and New Guinea.
What do they eat?
The sugar glider:
eats gum from plants and sweet liquid produced
by insects that suck sap.
Thanks for listening
by Jess Hildebrandt
Fantastic work Jess.
 Wonderful information written in your
own words. Well done.
 I like your choice of background –
very appropriate for your animal.
 Great choice of graphics to suit each
piece of information.
 Good use of transitions and
animations. Makes your presentation
more dynamic.
 Would be even better if you could
find some music for the background.
 An outstanding effort, one to be
proud of.