Christie`s PP on Zebras

This PowerPoint is about Marty the
zebra, from Madagascar!!! No, I’m
There are 3 types of zebras that are in the
wild in Africa. These are plains zebras,
Grevy’s zebras, and mountain zebras.
Plain zebras- live mostly in southern and
eastern Africa, on grasslands and open
Grevy’s zebras- prefer dry grasslands and
deserts, live in small areas of eastern Africa.
Mountain zebras- found in southern Africa,
live on plateaus and mountains.
A zebra’s body looks kind of like a horse. The
thin legs they have are really strong, and they
have hard hooves for feet. Zebras have long
faces with large ears. Their eyes are found on
the sides of their striped faces.
Adult zebras-Height: 3.5-5 feet (1.1-1.5 m)
-Weight: 440-990 pounds (200 to
450 kg)
If you look at 2 zebras, you can’t really tell the
difference. In fact, you’ll probably have a
headache! But, zebras are easily recognized by their
bold coats. Most zebras have a white base with dark
brown or black stripes. A few have a dark base coat
with white stripes.
zebras of the same type look very similar.
Scientists have several ideas about why zebras have
stripes. Some say it helps zebras recognize each other
and stay together. Others say stripes help zebras as
their defense against predators. When they stay close
together, their stripes make it hard to tell them apart,
and may also make it hard for the predator to tell
how far away a zebra is.
Carnivores! Herbivores! Omnivores! All those
–vores words! Herbivores are animals that
eat plants, and especially NOT MEAT!!!
 Zebras are herbivores, they eat grass,
leaves, bark , fruit, buds, roots, and all those
other stuff! But mostly, grass.
 Zebras spend many hours eating, using their
sharp, pointy front teeth to bite plants, and
then their dull back teeth to grind up the
Zebras are social animals. Most live
together in family groups with one male,
several females, and their babies. Young
males form groups of their own.
 Often, groups of zebras join together to
form large herds. Zebra herds move around
together searching for food and water.
 They communicate with each other by
making sounds (like barks, snorts, and other
ones, too), or another way is by grooming
each other. Zebras use their eyes, ears, and
mouths to make meaningful faces.
Zebras stay safe by staying together in
family groups and herds. Zebras take
turns resting and eating. So, that way,
some zebras are always watching for
 When predators attack, zebras usually try
to run away, they can run up to 40mph!!!
If they can’t run away, herd members
work together to protect each other, by
biting or kicking the predator.
Zebras are mammals. Female zebras usually have
one baby at a time. Baby zebras are called foals.
At birth, they weigh 55-90 pounds. A foal drinks its
mother’s milk for about one year, and starts eating
grass a few days after it was born.
Foals form very strong bonds with their mothers.
Mother zebras show them what to eat, where to
find the food, and to watch for predators. Fathers
mostly do not help raise foals. But young male
plains zebras are sometimes close to their fathers.
By watching their fathers, they learn and know how
to protect their family group. Foals leave their
family group after they are 1-4 years old
In Africa, life isn’t easy for zebras. Besides
their usual predators, US HUMANS also
hunt them for their meat and fur(or hair)!
 New buildings and farms take over their
habitats, but still, zebras survive. In fact,
plains zebras can be found in large
numbers. And, some people work to
save zebra habitats. Zebras help make
Africa an interesting, amazing place!
Zebras can see very well in the dark, they
can see as well as owls!
 Zebras roll in dirt and mud to get clean.
After a good roll, they shake of the dirt and
mud to get rid of loose skin and hairs, it also
protects them from bug bites, and sunburn.
(I never knew zebras had sunburns)
 Zebras are drawn to almost anything striped
black and white. If there are black and
white stripes on a wall, most zebras will
stand near it.
Zebras are members of the horse family
Zebras can turn their ears to listen for danger
Predators pick just one animal to attack. Stripes
make it hard for them
A zebra’s teeth never stop growing
Zebra herds can have several hundred
Male zebras sometimes fight over females
Zebra’s predators: lions, hyenas, cheetahs,
leopards, crocodiles, and wild dogs
Live about 25 years