Emma Strachan – Health Improvement Specialist (Leeds City Council) Esther Foster – Senior Community Well-Being Worker (Feel Good Factor) Simon Chappelow – Project Co-ordinator Ministry of Food (Zest Health For Life) Getting to know about cooking Aim This session will focus on how to deliver cooking activities to different audiences and introduce the services in Leeds that teach people how to cook - including local Cook 4 Life courses and the Ministry of Food Why teach cooking? Promotes healthy eating Develops cooking skills Increases self confidence Embeds long term health benefits individually and within families Provides a meal Provides a sense of achievement Helps to build new friendships Improves independence Inspires people to try new things – can lead to increased motivation to seek employment Encourages greater variety of food choice Allows people to know what goes into the foods they eat Helps people understand budgeting and the real cost of the ready-prepared food they buy Introduces healthy eating key messages in a practical way Caraher and Dixon et al (1999) suggest that cooking skills interventions have the unique ability to influence behaviours, attitudes and confidence. Cooking in Leeds The Office of the Director of Public Health currently commissions 2 types of cooking provision; Local 4 week Cook and Eat courses delivered by 11 Third Sector providers in the most deprived areas of the city The Ministry of Food service delivering 8 week cooking courses, within Leeds Kirkgate Market. The current cooking model operates by offering the public access to a Cook and Eat course in their local community to build basic skills and confidence and then the opportunity of signposting into the Ministry of Food, which offers a quality, assured cooking skills programme over 8 sessions. Starting a cooking course Aims and objectives Write a lesson plan How is it going to be delivered? One-off or multi sessional Practicalities: Equipment/ Recipes/food access Procedures: Health and Safety Publicity Skills of the leader What are the skills and abilities of your learners Introducing basic cooking skills Lots of videos on line which show how to break down cooking skills http://www.jamieshomecookingskills.com/skillsspecific.php?skill=howto-videos http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/techniques Important to start with 2 most common knife holds claw, bridge and then introduce knife skills rock and chop, cross chop, tap chop Important to encourage people to think about the safest way to prepare the food What information about your audience is useful to start? How old are they? What is their ability? Have they cooked before? Do they enjoy cooking? What support do they need? What information would be helpful? Do they have any particular barriers to healthy eating? What would be the key priority for the course/session? Would they need any further support to practice the skills at home? Influences on food choice What’s the priority message? Who are you teaching? What support is there Healthy Living Training – to share key healthy eating messages Services already commissioned all over the city – could be co-delivered as a training opportunity Leeds Choice and Access forum – available to share good practice and trouble shoot Cooking Course Good Practice guide and other support resources available at Public Health Resource Centre Commissioned Activity Cook 4 Life Ministry of Food Both services are able to demonstrate improvements in eating behaviours measured before and after the intervention. These include: Increased cooking from scratch Decreased takeaway/ready meal consumption Increased fruit and veg intake Decreased snacks and salt intake Improved confidence Cook 4 Life courses Healthy eating and cooking course 4 weeks long Group cooking sessions Free Delivered by voluntary sector org’s in most deprived areas Pre and post evaluations taken Contact Emma for more details for your local community Case study Ministry of Food courses Healthy eating and cooking skills 8 weeks long, or one-off taster sessions Charges for the service starting at £1 per taster or £4.50 per session for those in receipt of MTB Staff trained by Jamie Oliver’s Food Team Centre based in Leeds Kirkgate Market, also investigating city wide model Pre, post and 6 month follow up evaluation Contact Simon Chappelow for more details Case study Summary Cooking courses/session provide a wide range of health and well-being outcomes Running a cooking course requires planning and preparation Lots of support available in the city to help you deliver cooking work Leeds City Council commissions 2 types of cooking provision which you could signpost to Any questions