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Problem-solution Essay- Part 2
Unit 1
Write 250 words on the following topic
Obesity in children is a significant problem in
the world. What are some of the problems
associated with obesity in children, and what
are some of the possible solutions?
Intro 3 sentences
Problems 7 sentences
Solutions 7 sentences
Conclusion 3 sentences
Total: 20 sentences
Present situation 1-2 sentences
This essay will look at
Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3
Solution 1
More Info
Solution 2
More Info
Solution 3
More Info
Summary sentence(s)
Write them down - don’t organize yet.
• Problems
• Solutions
Health= The condition of the body and the degree to which it is free from illness, or the state of being well: to be in good/poor health,
regular exercise is good for your health, I had to give up drinking for health reasons, he gave up work because of ill-health
healthy, in good health=strong and well
Fit= healthy and strong, especially as a result of exercise
to eat healthily= to eat healthy food. Not junk food
anorexia= a serious illness often resulting in dangerous weight loss, in which a person, especially a girl or woman, does not eat, or eats
too little, because they fear becoming fat: anorexic
Boulimia= a mental illness in which someone eats uncontrollably and in large amounts, then vomits to remove the food from their
body: boulimic
Diet= the food and drink usually taken by a person or group=
a healthy/balanced/varied diet
Dietician= a person who scientifically studies, and gives advice about, food and eating
weight= the amount that something or someone weighs:
to put on weight = to get fat
to be overweight= to be fat
to slim down = The opposite of to put on weight or to get fat
to weigh= to have a heaviness of a stated amount, or to measure the heaviness of a person or an object
vegetarianism= a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to avoid cruelty to animals
Vagan = a person who does not eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese or leather
to do exercise / to exercise = physical activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy
Fattening= describes food that contains a lot of fat, sugar, etc. that would quickly make you fatter
Nutrition: nutritional
skimmed milk
sugar free: Sugar-free foods, sugar-free chewing-gum
Thin, slim
obese = extremely fat : obesity= increased body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat
Whole meal bread
• Emotional = psychological
• Health problems= life-threatening conditions:
diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep
problems, cancer, liver disease, early puberty or
menarche, anorexia and bulimia, skin infections, and
asthma and other respiratory problems.
• Teasing by their peers
• Harassment
• Discrimination = Stereotypes lead to low self esteem
and depression
• Lifestyle
• Medications
• Rules at schools
Past situation:
definition /
The last years in the whole World the obesity in
children has been increasing in an alarming way.
Nowadays many countries are trying to do something
to make their children’s life healthier. Obesity affects
psychologically and physically that is why we need to
change this situation.
This essay will
(Essay outline)
This essay looks at some of the effects of obesity on
children, and suggests some solutions to the problem.
Paragraph 2: Solutions
Topic Sentence There are many things that we can do to stop obesity but the most
important is to create a nutritional culture at an early age.
Examples 1-2
That is to implement in elementary school certain rules about the
kind of food that can be sold.
For example just fruit and nutritious meals. It is difficult to achieve
this goal, but it is not impossible with the help of the government.
Example 1-2
Also; an exercising program is needed. It should be implemented in
elementary school as a complement o the nutritional culture for
children. This program must arouse a sport spirit in them through
sport clubs, which are going to be free.
Nevertheless, these activities will be obligatory in public schools and
with a minimum of 4 hours per week. It is certain that this can work.
Paragraph 3: Problems
Topic Sentence
Physical effects/
Example 1
Obesity causes multiple problems in children.
Physically children’s health is affected by a variety
of illnesses like hypertension, diabetes or fatigue in
Psychologically the most important effects are
effects/ Example 1 depression and low self-esteem.
Financial effects/
Example 1
Another effect is the financial effect by which
children abuse the budget of their families in
buying foods and drinks and getting treatment to
return fit.
These effects have a direct impact in the way in
which children are going to interact with society.
In sum,
Summary of
obesity in children can be solved by taking action in the
nutritional education of children and in the way that they see
As a result, children in the world are going to grow healthier
and with a different mentality about what they should and
should not eat, and what they have to do to keep their body
and mind healthy.
Final Essay
The last years in the whole World the obesity in children has been increasing in an alarming way.
Nowadays many countries are trying to do something to make their children’s life healthier. Obesity affects
psychologically and physically that is why we need to change this situation. This essay looks at some of the
effects of obesity on children, and suggests some solutions to the problem.
Obesity causes multiple problems in children. Physically children’s health is affected by a variety of
illnesses like hypertension, diabetes or fatigue in excess. Psychologically the most important effects are
depression and low self-esteem. Another effect is the financial effect by which children abuse the budget
of their families in buying foods and drinks and getting treatment to return fit. These effects have a direct
impact in the way in which children are going to interact with society.
There are many things that we can do to stop obesity but the most important is to create a nutritional
culture at an early age. That is to implement in elementary school certain rules about the kind of food that
can be sold. For example just fruit and nutritious meals. It is difficult to achieve this goal, but it is not
impossible with the help of the government. Also; an exercising program is needed. It should be
implemented in elementary school as a complement o the nutritional culture for children. This program
must arouse a sport spirit in them through sport clubs, which are going to be free. But these activities will
be obligatory in public schools and with a minimum of 4 hours per week. It is certain that this can work.
In sum, obesity in children can be solved by taking action in the nutritional education of children and in
the way that they see sports. As a result, children in the world are going to grow healthier and with a
different mentality about what they should and should not eat, and what they have to do to keep their
body and mind healthy.