Presentation on the NAP process under UNFCCC - UNDP-ALM

Introducing the NAP
Paul V. Desanker
UNFCCC Secretariat, Bonn, Germany: 17 February 2014
The background of the NAP process
Focus of adaptation under the Convention over time
Last 10-15 years:
• Focus on assessing impacts and
improving the science of CC including
• Exploration of different frameworks to
define adaptation, small funds to test
different ideas
• Addressing urgent and immediate
adaptation needs in LDCs through NAPAs
COP 13 Bali Action Plan:
• Long-term and cooperative
action by Parties initiated
From fragmentation to coordination and integration of adaptation
Over time:
• Parties recognized the
fragmented nature of
adaptation under the
COP 16 Cancun Adaptation
• New institutional structures and
processes established to address
adaptation in a coordinated and
coherent manner
 Adaptation Committee
 National adaptation plans
 Work programme on loss and
The NAPAs in LDCs
• National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) created by the COP in
2001 as part of a Work Programme for LDCs – along with guidelines for the
preparation of NAPAs
• The LDCF was also created in 2001 to support the LDC work programme,
and the GEF asked to manage it, giving initial priority to funding for the
preparation of NAPAs
• The LEG was created at the same time, to provide technical support and
advice to LDCs as they prepare their NAPAs (LEG prepared annotated
guidelines for the preparation of NAPAs, offered training etc)
• The COP defined the implementation of NAPAs in 2005, and asked the GEF
to start supporting implementation of NAPAs in addition to the preparation
• The guidelines for the preparation of NAPAs included a template for the
compilation of NAPAs, including for the presentation of project profiles as
NAPAs a success story for adaptation and for LDCs
• NAPAs are truly country-driven and country-owned
• LDCs built a lot of capacity and ownership of adaptation efforts in their
countries through the NAPA
• Awareness of climate change was greatly enhanced across levels of
government, from the local to highest policy circles – many heads of state
regularly track progress in the NAPAs, in addition to high-level of endorsement
• NAPAs taught the world a lot about adaptation planning and implementation –
several reports have been written about NAPAs. The experience has also been
useful in financing of adaptation; and for the agencies, they have learned a lot
about how to support and work with countries on adaptation
• The focus on urgent and immediate (=short term), has highlighted the focus on
local community needs, as well as the need to also focus on the medium and
Establishment of NAPs at COP 16 (part of Cancun Adaptation framework)
• The COP established a process to enable LDC Parties to formulate and
implement national adaptation plans as a means of identifying mediumand long-term adaptation needs and developing and implementing strategies
and programmes to address those needs (Decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 15),
• The COP invited non-LDC developing countries to employ the modalities
developed for the national adaptation plans (paragraph 16).
• The COP then requested the SBI to elaborate modalities and guidelines for
the provisions of paragraphs 15 and 16 of decision 1/CP.16, for adoption by
the COP 17.
More on NAPs at COP 17 (Initial guidelines for the formulation of NAPs;
and technical guidelines for the NAP process by the LEG)
• At COP 17, the COP adopted the initial guidelines for the formulation of
national adaptation plans (as contained in the annex to decision 5/CP.17).
• COP 17 also requested the LEG to prepare technical guidelines for the
national adaptation plan process, based on the abovementioned initial
• The LEG published the Technical guidelines for the NAP process end of
2012/early 2013, after broad stakeholder feedback that included a technical
meeting to review a draft
• The technical guidelines are available in English, French and Portuguese.
• In addition, a brief summary document was also produced, along with a
poster showing building blocks and sample outputs along the process
Objectives of the NAP process
The COP guidelines for NAPs provide the basis for formulation and
implementation of NAPs
The objectives of the NAP process are:
a) To reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, by building
adaptive capacity and resilience;
b) To facilitate the integration of climate change adaptation, in a
coherent manner, into relevant new and existing policies, programmes
and activities, in particular development planning processes and
strategies, within all relevant sectors and at different levels, as
Ref: Decision 5/CP.17, paragraph 1
What is the NAP process all about?
 The NAP process encourages countries to advance from NAPA and other individual adaptation
experiences to comprehensive, medium- and long-term planning for adaptation that is driven
by a country-owned NAP framework, strategy or roadmap
 NAPs will be the primary statement of national adaptation needs and priorities, including costs
 In order to succeed, the NAP process will be implemented through an overarching national
adaptation programme with clearly identifiable leadership and resources that would spawn
activities that formulate plans, implement them, and then monitor progress, effectiveness and
gaps, in order to inform further actions
 A national coordinating mechanism entitled through a respective mandate would define the
modalities for the country approach and coordinate incoming efforts to ensure a sustainable
adaptation approach that fully supports the national vision for climate-resilient development
What is the NAP process all about?
 The NAP process is framed along a continuum of 4 elements that are designed to
lay the ground work and build capacity, followed by assessments, then strategies for
implementation and subsequent monitoring, review and reporting
 Through the NAP process adaptation will be integrated into existing planning
systems and activities prioritized so as to prevent negative climate impacts on
 The process adopts a transparent and participatory approach that is gendersensitive, considers vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems and takes
into account best available science and traditional and indigenous knowledge
What is the NAP process all about?
Risk management
 Based on a future reference point for climate change, countries would identify the level of
climate risk which can be addressed given economic, social and ecological constraints and
encourage the provision of adequate and predictable support which takes into account the
comprehensive, continuous and iterative nature of the NAP process
 Country-ownership provides the chance to build confidence in partners to support a process
that requires action beyond the implementation of projects
Level of risk that a country is able to
address through its own resources
Country determines the level of risk it seeks to adapt to and coordinates required support
What is the NAP process all about?
 The process will contribute to learning about how to manage multiple stress factors that
combine in complex ways across scales through means of rigorous monitoring and review
 At the same time it will ensure continuity and learning in planning and implementing adaptation,
and communicate progress through iterative updates and outputs, as defined by the country
 Outputs may include major reports of outcomes of various stages of the process, as well as
national adaptation plans that either integrate all issues and sectors, or address given sectors
or themes individually, but taking a national approach
Essential functions of the NAP Process
In its further guidance to the NAP process, the LEG has consolidated the activities that
the NAP process would undertake and support, into a 10 essential functions
The essential functions are being applied to provide a basis to examine national
adaptation capacity, as well as to guide the development of monitoring and evaluation
protocols for the NAP process – to facilitate a successful process (“PEG M&E Tool”), to
complement efforts aimed at monitoring and evaluation of adaptation
(projects/programmes, as well as outcomes of such efforts in the long run)
The following are the 10 essential functions (as presented in LEG 24th report to SBI 39 –
November 2013)
The 10 essential functions of the NAP process
1. Helping governments to provide national leadership and coordination of
adaptation efforts at all levels and to act as the main interface with regional and
international mechanisms;
2. The collection, compilation, processing and dissemination of data, information
and knowledge on climate change and relevant development aspects in support
of adaptation planning and implementation;
3. Identifying and addressing gaps and needs related to capacity for the
successful design and implementation of adaptation;
4. Assessing climate development linkages and needs and supporting the
integration of climate change adaptation into national and subnational
development and sectoral planning (through policies, projects and programmes);
5. Analysing climate data and assessing vulnerabilities to climate change and
identifying adaptation options at the sector, subnational, national and other
appropriate levels;
The 10 essential functions of the NAP process
6. Appraising adaptation options to support decision-making on adaptation
investment plans and development planning;
7. Promoting and facilitating the prioritization of climate change adaptation in
national planning;
8. Facilitating the implementation of adaptation at all levels through appropriate
policies, projects and programmes, taking into account opportunities for
9. Facilitating the monitoring, review and updating of adaptation plans over
time, to ensure progress and the effectiveness of adaptation efforts and to
demonstrate how gaps are being addressed;
10. Coordinating reporting and outreach on the NAP process to stakeholders
nationally and internationally on progress to the Convention.
Current status of the NAP process
Technical guidelines for the NAP process have been produced
by the LEG
The LEG launched the process at the NAP Expo in June 2013
The GEF announced that the LDCF and SCCF are ready to be
accessed for financial support to NAP formulation
The LEG has incorporated training on NAPs in its 2012-2013
training workshops and is planning to conduct more
comprehensive NAP training starting in 2014
Parties, organizations and agencies have been invited to support
the NAP process and many are providing financial support,
specialized tools and material or support programmes, such as
the Global Support Programme (GSP)
Several countries have embarked on the formulation of their
NAP and some have produced initial outputs
It is expected that most countries will have their NAP ready for
implementation before 2020