SmoothWall Express

Nada Abdulla Ahmed
 SmoothWall Express is an open source firewall
distribution based on the GNU/Linux operating
system. Designed for ease of use, SmoothWall
Express is configured via a web-based GUI and
requires absolutely no knowledge of Linux to install
or use.
 SmoothWall Express enables you to easily build a
firewall to securely connect a network of computers
to the Internet.
The goals of the smoothwall can be summed up as:
 Be simple enough to be installed by home users with
no knowledge of Linux
 Support a wide variety of network cards, modems and
other hardware
 Work with many different connection methods and
ISPs from across the world
 Manage and configure the software using a web
 Run efficiently on older, cheaper hardware
 Develop a supportive
Minimum Hardware Requirements
 Any Pentium class CPU and above with a
recommended minimum of 128MB RAM
 64bit build for Core 2 systems
SmoothWall Express supports the following network configuration types:
Green (Red is modem/ISDN)
a network interface card (NIC) to connect to the internal network it is
a modem or ISDN card to connect to the Internet or external network.
Green +Orange (Red is
a NIC to connect to the internal network it is protecting
a NIC to connect to a de-militarized zone
a modem or ISDN card to connect to the Internet or external network
Green +Red
a NIC to connect to the Internet or external network.
a NIC to connect to the Internet or external network.
Green +Orange + Red
Green + Purple (Red is
Green +Purple+Orange (Red is
• a NIC to connect to the internal network it is protecting
• a NIC to connect to a wireless network
• a NIC to connect to a de-militarized zone
• a modem or ISDN card to connect to the Internet or external network
Green + Purple+ Red
• a NIC to connect to the internal network it is protecting
• a NIC to connect to a wireless network
• a NIC to connect to the Internet or external network.
Green + Purple+ Orange + Red
•a NIC to connect to the internal network it is protecting
•a NIC to connect to a wireless network
•a NIC to connect to a de-militarized zone
•a NIC to connect to the Internet or external network
Accessing SmoothWall Express for the First Time
SmoothWall Express offers these features:
Detailed reports wonderful system for everything related to the
Supports LAN, DMZ, and Wireless networks, plus Extrnal
Cash fast with reports of sites visited
Has a filter to filter sites
There is more than its anti-virus and is updated automatically
You can make a vpn connect users to data encryption ,
confidentiality and protection
Has a great firewall you can control it with ease and customize
Free of all the system updates
You can access it from outside the network and control
The possibility of recording conversations
Through the quality of service to improve the quality and performance of the
Control Tab :The Control section contain SmoothWall Express’s
home page which is the main status page.
About Tab SmoothWall Express
• Status Displays a list of core and optional services.
• Advanced :current configuration and resource usage about SmoothWall
• Traffic Graphs :Displays
statistical graphical and
numeric data based on
traffic across SmoothWall
Express’s network
Bandwidth Bars :Displays realtime network bandwidth usage bars.
Traffic Monitor:
Displays realtime
network bandwidth
usage graphs.
Your SmoothWall Express :Displays credits and copyright information and enables you to
register your SmoothWall Express and create a MySmoothWall profile.
SmoothWall Express Services Tab
enable and manage web, instant messaging, POP3, SIP DHCP, dynamic DHCP
and intrusion detection system services.
Instant Messaging Proxy : (IM) proxy service enables you to log IM conversations
and file transfers on the green neatwork and the purple network if it is enabled
AV Scanning the POP3 Proxy : SmoothWall Express can Anti-Virus (AV) scan
POP3 emails as they are downloaded from external mail servers to clients
running on the green and purple networks.
 The Session Initiation Protocol SIP : able to proxy Real-
time Transport Protocol (RTP) traffic, and will solve some
of the problems involved in setting up VoIP behind NAT.
Configuring the DHCP Service
Dynamic DNS
Static DNS
Managing the Intrusion Detection System
Configuring Remote Access using the secure shell (SSH)
Configuring Time Settings the date and time, synchronise
time with a network time server.
(IDS) detects potential security breach attempts from outside your
This service only detects intrusion attempts, it does not prevent
Network Tab
• Managing incoming and outgoing traffic
• Controlling internal traffic and access to services
• Blocking specific IP
• Configuring timed access to the Internet
• Managing Quality of Service (QoS)
• Configuring Dial-up Connections
• Working with interfaces.
ip block
block external IP addresses from accessing SmoothWall Express and any
machines behind it.
We can configure up to five different dial-up connections that can be used to connect
SmoothWall Express to an ISP via ISDN, USB ADSL or an analogue modem
Networking > interfaces to configure and edit network interfaces,
DNS and gateway settings
VPN : SmoothWall Express enables you to create Pre-Shared Key, IPSec VPN connections to
other SmoothWall Express systems or IPSec-compliant hosts which have static IP addresses
Accessing System Logs Tab
1. system
2. Web Proxy Logs
3. Firewall Logs
4. IDS Logs
5. Instant Messages Logs
6. Email Logs
SmoothWall Express Tools Tab
IP Tools
• Ping
• Traceroute
shell : The web-based secure shell (SSH) remote access tool
enables command line administration of the SmoothWall Express
system through a web browser.
Maintenance Tab
From time to time, security and product updates are rolled out to all
SmoothWall Express systems.
You can use SmoothWall Express to check for and install updates
 Updating Automatically
 Updating Manually
The End