Design and Analysis of Algorithm Preface Aryo Pinandito, ST, M.MT - PTIIK UB Subject Name: Design and Analysis of Algorithm Credits: 3 SKS Semester: 4 Subject Code: IFK15202 Prerequisites: Algoritma & Struktur Data (PTI15003) - Min C Nature of Subject: Mandatory Goals: Knowing the various kinds of algorithms commonly known by its characteristics Using tools and techniques which are commonly used for the analysis and design of algorithms Design, analyze, and determine the truth of an algorithm on particular cases Comparing several algorithms and determine the best algorithm to solve the problem Lectures Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Fundamental Data Structures (a review) Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency Asymptotic Notations Algorithm analysis and complexities calculation Brute Force Algorithms Greedy Algorithm Divide and Conquer Decrease and Conquer Pemrograman dinamis (dynamic programming) Space and Time Tradeoff Lesson Plan Week 1: Preface Introduction; Lectures orientation; Lesson plan; Lectures rules; (Possibly) Assignment; Lesson Plan Week 2-7: First Half Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Fundamental Data Structures (a review) Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency Asymptotic Notations Algorithm analysis and complexities calculation Brute Force Algorithm (Sort and Search) Greedy Algorithm (Knapsack / Routing) Week 8: UTS Lesson Plan Week 9-13: Second Half Divide and Conquer (Tree, Fibonacci, Recursive) Decrease and Conquer (Search, Sort) Dynamic Programming (TSP, Forward/Backward Approach) Space and Time Tradeoff (GA, Hash, Indexing) Week 14-15: Projects Project Presentation Evaluation References Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E.Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Introduction To Algorithms, MIT Press/McGraw-Hill, 2001 Anany Levitin, Introduction To The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Addison Wesley, 2003 Evaluation and Grading Quiz – 10% Assignment – 30% 2 assignments will be given at minimum Including students' attitude, presence, and activity UTS – 30% Project / UAS – 30% Regulation Presence Minimum presence of students is 80% Presence < 80%, final score is Being late tolerance is 15 mins Student ethical code Clothing Attitude and Personality E Contact Contact @aryoxp Lecturer's Notes: Category: PTIIK, Desain dan Analisis Algoritma Tags: PTIIK, DAA Class Representatives Equipments Programming Languages: Visual Basic / C++ / C# (.NET) Java PHP Python Ruby Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Microsoft Visual Studio Eclipse / Netbeans Notepad / Notepad++ (Regular Text Editor) Grouping Quiz! Sebutkan salah satu nama algoritma pengurutan (sorting)! Bubble, Quick, Merge, Insertion Sebutkan kepanjangan dari: DLL = Double Linked List, Dynamically Linked Library GA = Greedy Algorithm / Genetic Algorithm FIFO = First In First Out Tuliskan deret Fibonacci (1-10)! 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 Preface Assignment Buat sebuah resume (rangkuman) "Analisis dan Desain Algoritma" Format: 2 halaman kertas A4 Dua kolom Times New Roman 10pt, 1 spasi Format file: Microsoft Word Document (.docx) Portable Document Format (.pdf) Rules: Tuliskan nama dan nim kelompok di bagian awal dokumen. Hindari copy-paste. 감사합니 Grazias Kiitos 다Danke Gratias ﺷﻜﺮﺍTerima Kasih 谢谢 Merci धन्यवाद Thank You ありがとうございます