What is Irony? Irony is the difference between what we expect or what seems appropriate to happen in a story and what actually happens. There are three types of irony: • Verbal Irony: occurs when a character says one thing but means another. • Dramatic Irony: occurs when we, the readers, know something a character does not know. • Situational Irony: occurs when something happens in a story that is contrary to what is expected. Is this an example of dramatic or situational irony? • The name of the housing development is “The Meadows.” • This is an example of irony because the housing project does not actually contain any ____________. “Gentlemen, this is our proposal for your new housing development. We’ve chosen to call it, quite simply, ‘The Meadows.’” Is this an example of dramatic or situational irony? • The boy is trying to open the door. Why can’t he? • What does the sign at the bottom of the stairs say? • This is ironic because we expect ________ but ________ happens instead. Is this an example of verbal or dramatic irony? • If the pilots see a goat in front of them, what must be about to happen? • This example is ironic because we know ______ but the pilots don’t. Is this dramatic or situational irony? • What is the woman reading the book studying to become? • What treatments are suggested for all the horse injuries? • This is ironic because a veterinarian is supposed to _______ but this book suggests that they _______. Write a statement explaining why this is situational irony. Write a statement explaining why this is situational irony. What is ironic about this photograph? There was a merchant in Bagdad who Check out this story. What’s sent his servant to market to buy provisions ironic about it? and inwas a little while the servant came back,I “That not a threatening gesture,” Then The the merchant merchant lentwent him his down horse, to the and white and trembling. [He] said, “Master, “The Appointment in Samarra” “Now, lend me your horse, and I willjust said, “it was only a start of surprise. I his The speaker is Death marketplace the servant and mounted he saw it, me and [Death] he dug now when I from was inthis the city marketplace I was ride away and avoid my for retold by W. Somerset Maugham was astonished to see him in Bagdad, standing spursbyinainits the flanks, crowd and and ashe fast came as the to I jostled woman in the crowd and when fate. I will go to Samarra and there Ime had an appointment with him tonight in horse and could said, “Why gallop did he you went. make a turned I saw it was Death that jostled Death will not find me.” Samarra.” threatening gesture me. [Death] looked at to memy andservant made a when threatening gesture.” you saw him this morning?” Now, isn’t that ironic?