Elements of an Online Syllabus Contact: Melody Buckner Instructional Designer Define the purpose of a syllabus Explain difference between an on-campus syllabus and online line syllabus Identify critical components of an effective online syllabus Convert a traditional syllabus into an effective online syllabus Identify some “best practices” to use in the design of an online syllabus Objectives of this presentation The basic elements and guidelines for the course Outline the expectations of the faculty and the students Foundation for measuring the learning experience in the course A contract or agreement between the faculty and the student The Purpose of a Syllabus On-campus syllabus ◦ abbreviated because there is verbal explanation. ◦ can be clarified in class. ◦ the faculty sets the tone in person Online syllabus ◦ requires no verbal explanation. ◦ must stand alone and serve as a guide for the student. ◦ the syllabus set the tone electronically On Campus vs. Online Course Description Goals and Objectives Required Texts Grading Policies Academic Policies Contract between faculty and student Similarities of On-Campus/Online Syllabus Outline time commitment Explain instructor availability Describe the pace of the course Due dates must account for time zones Explain how to submit assignments Difference of On-Campus/ Online Syllabus Links can be placed into syllabus for more explanation Navigation of course management system Define the responsibilities and expectations of student and faculty ◦ Role of faculty is: facilitator, evaluator, etc. ◦ Role of student is: active learner, peer reviewer, facilitator, etc. More Difference of Online Campus/ Online Syllabus Welcome Faculty information Course description Course goals/objectives Required text/ materials Course requirements Student expectations Student evaluations Technical support Technical requirements Calendar of events Features of an online syllabus E-mail students the week before class begins Describe the map or flow of the online course Emphasize the importance of reading the syllabus State that the syllabus is a contract Conduct a quiz over the syllabus Post a discussion area for questions about the syllabus The Welcome Photo Contact information Office hours Biography information ◦ E-mail address ◦ Phone number (office, cell, Skype) ◦ Both synchronous and asynchronous ◦ State how often you will be checking in on the course ◦ Professional ◦ Personal (if desired) Faculty Information Catalog description Course goals or objectives Outline course expectations ◦ What am I going to learn ◦ Why is this important to me ◦ What the course is not… Self-pace Independent Study Easier or less time than a face-to-face course Any other specific course information ◦ Pre-requisites Course Description Supply the ISBN with title and edition of any text ◦ Recommend where to purchase ◦ Give links, if possible Supply information about accessing published material on the library database List any Internet resources with links Require Text and Materials Describe all activities required of the students during the course including: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Readings Assignments Projects Research Group work Assessments Etc. State again the objective/goal/reason behind the requirements State the flow of the course ◦ Weekly or by unit or self pace Course Requirements Define participation ◦ Is it part of the grade? Responsibilities ◦ As an individual ◦ As a group member Time commitment Due dates ◦ time zones Discussions (asynchronous/synch ronous) Rubrics help define expectations Describe the pace and flow of the course Policy on plagiarism, academic integrity, and ADA compliance Student Expectation Explain grade criteria List the components of the total course grading system Describe the grading percentages, points or scale Explain the criteria for passing the course or obtaining the various levels of grades Explain late policies Describe objective and subjective assessment Supply students with a Rubric! Student Evaluation Objective assessment is when there is only one answer. Examples include: ◦ Multiple Choice ◦ True/False questions ◦ Matching Subjective assessment is when there may be more than one way to answer. Examples include: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Extended response Essay Project based Peer reviews Reflections or self-review Good idea – Supply students with a Rubric! Objective vs. Subjective Example of a Standard Grading Rubric Example of a Peer Review Rubric List the University technical support ◦ 24/7 phone number If available supply the course management system’s (CMS) technical support website or helpline Contact information for any other resources Technical Support Include hardware and software requirements List any software or plug-ins requires and where to obtain them List required auxiliary devices ◦ Head sets ◦ Web cam ◦ Microphones Technical Requirements Visual representation of: This can be done in several forms: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Assignment due dates Assessments Discussion posts Group work Availability of faculty (or unavailability) Calendar List or Table Spreadsheet Timeline Calendar of Events Example of Calendar of Events Example of Calendar of Events Objectives in each module Create the first assignment to orientate the student to the online environment Explain how the online environment is different from the on campus environment Student centered (the learner must be proactive) High level of learning involving: ◦ Critical thinking skills ◦ Reflective assignments (writing skills) ◦ Cumulative assignments (organization skills) Best Practices in an Online course Maryland Online Training of Faculty New to teaching online: http://www.mdfaconline.org/index.html Additional Resources