PRIDE Olympic & Paralympic Values Personal Excellence RESPECT & FRIENDSHIP Inspiration Determination & courage Equality In this pack: SPORTING CHALLENGE: RESPECT & FRIENDSHIP • Showing respect & friendship as an Active Participant • Online resources, discussion points, activities & more LASTING MEMENTO: CREATING MEMORIES • Fun ways to record and evaluate your experiences • Ideas and evaluation sheets NEED MORE PRACTICAL HELP? • You’ll find guidance notes on printing & using the slides at the end of the pack Sporting Challenge: The Active Participant Introduction SPORTING CHALLENGE: THE ACTIVE PARTICIPANT The aim of this element is to ensure that: • Young people demonstrate the Values through sport – coaching, officiating, participating etc. • You people develop knowledge of a wide range of activities that can contribute to a healthy lifestyle • Young people develop leadership skills and self esteem through sport • Young people understand how to improve performance through hard work, training and diet • Young people experience competition with sport EXAMPLE: Value chosen: Respect & Friendship Activity & Aims: Building on ideas of fair play, respect and friendship, young people will look at examples of fair play and think about how they demonstrate respect for opponents and promote friendship through sport. Young people will examine their own attitude to sports and think about how it can influence their attitudes away from the game. Building on this they will be asked to play ‘You Are the Referee’ in some situations based on fair play and respect. YAA Challenge: Online tasks and resources can be printed or stored electronically, group discussions can be recorded in both audio and transcription, photographic evidence, blogs, evaluation sheets etc. can all form part of the evidence for the challenge Learning Outcomes: Young people will think about the ways that fair play and respect in sport can improve their performance and enjoyment of sport Online Resources Get Set resources for London 2012 sp Download Kent Sport’s FREE module ‘Teaching Values through Leadership’ Official website of the Kent 20in12 website Get involved in the Kent School Games Participate in one of the Stage Your Games events unity-games/ Find out more about staging your own Community Games – start by downloading the toolkit BBC ethics page on fair play n_sport_activities_could_include.pdf Le Respect has a useful poster to print out and use as a discussion starter or basis for poster design activity ng.pdf Streetgames report on sport and youth offending (US site) Useful discussion starters and activities looking at respect in sport Aims, Objective & Outcomes Aims Objectives Outcomes • AIMS • Becoming an active participant • OBJECTIVES • To become actively engaged with sport and exercise, to understand how respect and friendship impact on sport and life • OUTCOMES • Demonstrating respect and principles of fair play in sport and life – respect for your own body, other people & the rules and friendship and fair play as a way of creating mutual understanding Icebreakers • WRITE YOUR NAME start by writing your name in the air with your finger, then your hand, then your arm, then use your whole upper body and then your whole body. You can vary this by having young people write their name up high, down low, in front and behind. The aim is to get everybody moving their whole body! To vary it further, ask each young person individually to write the name of their favourite athlete using their whole body – if they can incorporate that person’s sport all the better! The rest of the group must guess who the athlete is. • SNOWBALLS ask each member of the group to write down on their piece of paper one or two things they do in a friendship that shows their friend they value and respect them. Make sure that no one writes their name on the paper. Now scrunch the paper up into a ball and encourage everyone to throw their paper snowball around the room as if they’re having a snowball fight. After a couple of minutes, ask each young person to pick up a snowball and open it and read out what it says. Encourage a discussion on respect and friendship and the similarities and differences in the group’s approach to those values e.g. ask each young person what’s similar/different in their own approach to what they’ve just read out. • TEAM SPIRIT With the group in the centre of the room you call out a number e.g. “in groups of four” and then add body parts that need to be touching the floor e.g. “two elbows, three feet and one head – GO”. Young people must get into groups of four and their group must have two elbows, three feet and one head touching the floor. You can change the group numbers and the body parts as you like. This is a good icebreaker for getting warmed up physically and for concentrating on how team work helps to achieve the goal. You can also try this with the whole group – but try and be realistic about which body parts will be touching the floor! Discussion Points Why not print off the discussion topic slides in this pack and put them up around your centre? Good places might be the front door, notice boards, tables where young people sit or the toilets - you could even use them as a screensaver A great extension activity would be to play the ‘Know Your Values’ quiz at this quiz focuses on which are your individual core values and would be a good discussion starter (requires internet access to play) Discussion Points What do we mean by ‘Fairplay’? And what would be ‘unfair’ play? "It's important to respect both your teammates and your opponents. Friendships can make a victory last forever." Do you agree with this statement? Or should you always play to win whatever the cost? Which sportsmen and women really represent the importance of respect and friendship for you? Can you give examples from their careers? Discussion Points When you play on a team do you make friends with your teammates? Who are your friends? Why are they your friends? Can everyone be your friend? Use a CAF (Consider All Factors) approach to make a list of all the qualities that make a good friend and all the qualities that make a good team – what qualities are shared? Which ones are different? Do good friends make good teammates? Watch the clip on respect in sport How important are respect and codes of conduct in sport? Session Ideas FAIRPLAY Explain to the group that you’re going to play a team game and set up for a game like football (or any other game that you have equipment for and are confident playing with teams e.g. pool). Now make the rules deliberately unfair e.g. one team has more players, a bigger goal, fewer balls to pot etc. Play for about 30 minutes or until young people have had enough. Ask the following questions to generate a discussion: • How did they feel playing on a side with all the advantages / disadvantages? • How important is it for everyone to play by the same rules? • Have they ever been treated unfairly, or been given an unfair advantage? • Think about the ways that unfairness operates in the world – between rich and poor countries in terms of trade, between rich and poor young people in terms of access to resources. Encourage young people to develop their own conversations and ideas about fairness and unfairness – how can respect and friendship help to change that? Extension activities: • The group could discuss the idea of competition, ‘winners’ and ‘losers’. Does it always have to be like this (not just in sport and play but in relationships between countries)? The group could then play a cooperative game where there aren’t ‘losers’ – what does this feel like compared to the unfair football? • Talk about where sports players are from / favourite teams and locate these on a world map. • The group could also discuss play and recreation as a right and not a privilege – why is it recognised as a right alongside a right to shelter and food? Look at the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 31 ‘Play and Recreation’: “That every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. • How could you as a centre get involved in Right to Play? Session Ideas • • • • GREAT TEAMS PICTURE QUIZ This activity can be done with small groups, pairs or individuals. You can either print out the sheets and hand them out for young people to complete the activity or print a few copies and put up round your centre, leave on tables etc. The aim of the activity is to encourage young people to identify the qualities that make a great team and to identify the teams that they belong to and how they can use respect and friendship to strengthen those teams. If you don’t have the facilities to print out the sheet, ask young people in pairs or small groups to identify 510 top teams in different sports. Now ask young people to identify 2 qualities that make these teams great and have a whole group discussion about those qualities. Which are the qualities that everyone agrees on? Are these qualities good or bad and why? Extension activities Work in small groups or pairs to think about the teams you belong to – these could be family, group of friends, class at school etc. Which of the qualities you discussed do these teams share? Use the ‘what makes a great team’ activity cards– write ‘good team’ ‘bad team’ on a piece of flip chart paper and then ask young people to place their cards under the heading that they believe they belong. Initiate a group discussion based on where young people have chosen to place the qualities and which qualities are important to respect and friendship between team members. YOUNG PEOPLE’S CHALLENGE The challenge is to create a new team game or sport that relies on the values of fairplay, respect and friendship. You can provide young people with resources to create a traditional game or sport e.g. bats, balls, cones or encourage them to create a board or card based game. Run a session where groups test out each game and evaluate them based on how successfully they demonstrate the values, how easy they are to play, how much fun they are and so on. ONLINE ACTIVITIES: The World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) have an excellent toolkit resource that looks at doping in sport and includes activities like the anti doping card game's%20tk%20-%20v2.0%20-%20apr2009%20-%20complete%20pdf.pdf Team Work Can you name these great teams and their sports? Team Work Answers Top Row (left to right) Tom Daley, Leon Turner (diving); Manchester Utd (football); Men’s 4x400m relay team (athletics); UK men’s wheelchair basketball team Bottom row (left to right) England’s Ashes winning team (cricket), Team GB pursuit team (cycling), New York Yankees (baseball); Torville & Dean (ice skating) What Makes A Great Team Learning from losing Taking constructive criticism Individual success Win at all costs Positive attitude Distributing blame Criticising performance Motivated Encouraging & supportive Give up when losing Good communication Lasting Memento: Treasured Moments Introduction LASTING MEMENTO: TREASURED MOMENTS The aim of this element is to ensure that: • Young people record the journey and excitement of living through the Games in their country • You people can reflect on the diverse learning experiences and opportunities generated by the Games • Young people produce personal mementos tracking their individual development through the elements • Young people achieve recorded and accredited outcomes • Young people celebrate their personal experience of the Games EXAMPLES OF A MEMENTO: • Scrapbook of press cuttings • Photo album (online or hard copy) • Badges, T-shirts and other memorabilia either official or produced as part of a cultural challenge • Certificates • Blog or website • Video Use evaluation sheets from this pack or adapt ones from previous packs available at Aims, Objective & Outcomes Aims Objectives Outcomes • AIMS • Creating treasured memories and lasting memories • OBJECTIVES • To record and evaluate young people’s experiences and to create lasting mementos • OUTCOMES • Self reflection, using a variety of styles to evaluate and record, using a variety of approaches to create mementos, reflecting diverse learning opportunities, recording the enjoyment of the journey Creating Mementos • FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS the easiest way to make a friendship bracelet is to plait one, using 6 strands of 3 colours. For a slightly more complicated pattern try the easy to follow instructions here Encourage young people to work in pairs and to choose colours that mean something e.g. red for love, yellow for fun or try and incorporate the Olympic colours of blue, red, green, yellow and black. For more patterns and ideas try • RESPECT & FRIENDSHIP TREE find a dead branch – or make a tree out of cardboard tubes and papier mache Now add paper leaves on which young people either write, draw or collage words or an image that shows what the values of respect and friendship mean to them. Instead of making a tree and leaves, you could use the same ideas to produce a RESPECT & FRIENDSHIP CHAIN glueing together strips of paper to produce a paper chain to decorate your centre. • RESPECT/FRIENDSHIP RECIPE, divide young people into small groups and get each group to think about the values that go into respect and/or friendship and which values are most important then make up a ‘respect recipe’ e.g. take 8oz of friendship, 4oz of empathy and a pinch of humour. Bring the group back together to share their recipes and start a discussion about similarities and differences between recipes e.g. why did group A think a particular quality was more important than group B? Whose recipe seemed to have the best balance of ‘ingredients’? As an extension activity you could use shop bought uniced cupcakes with icing and decorations to produce ‘respect’ and ‘friendship’ cakes then photograph them before you have a cake sale or a pig out! If you have the facilities, you could also bake your own – divide the group into pairs to work together to find out each other’s favourite ingredients to add to friendship cupcakes. Extension activity: create your own Friendship Cake using the instructions on the next page Herman the Friendship Cake The friendship cake is an Amish tradition and is perfect for these times when we want to waste less and share more. Just like a real friend Herman needs feeding and looking after – before you share him with your friends and bake a delicious cake! You can make a Herman starter like this: • • • • • 2 cups flour 2 cups milk 1 cup flour 1/3 cup warm water 2 packets active dry yeast Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of sugar over the water and sprinkle over the yeast. Let this stand in a warm place for 10 minutes – it should bubble up and double in size. Mix milk, flour, the rest of the sugar and the yeast mixture in a glass or plastic bowl with a wooden spoon – DON’T USE METAL as this kills the yeast that makes Herman ‘live’ Cover loosely and put in a warm place overnight. Next day is DAY 1 and you’ll need to follow the instructions for stirring and feeding. If you make a starter to divide up for young people to take away and look after, you’ll need to give them a copy of the following instructions: Looking After Herman Here’s how to look after Herman – and turn him into a delicious cake! Day 1: Today Herman is given to you. Put him in a big bowl (At least 4pt capacity). Cover Herman loosely so he can breathe. A tea towel or loose lid is ideal. Days 2 & 3: Stir Herman 2-3 times a day with a wooden spoon (DO NOT USE METAL) – you can leave the spoon in the bowl – don’t forget to say hello! Day 4: Herman is hungry. Feed him with 200mls milk, 200g self-raising flour and 250g sugar Days 5, 6, 7 & 8: Stir Herman 2-3 times a day – don’t forget to talk to him! Day 9: Herman is hungry again! Give him the same ingredients you gave him on Day 4. Stir well then divide him into 5 equal parts. Give 4 baby Hermans away with a copy of this sheet. (or keep one back for yourself to grow and redistribute to other friends) Keep the 5th portion to bake. Day 10: Herman is absolutely starving. He needs a holiday. He likes to go to a hot resort. The oven is his favourite. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees (Gas Mk 4) and grease a cake tin generously. Fatten him up with the following: 150g SELF-RAISING FLOUR 200mls OIL (E.G. SUNFLOWER OR VEGETABLE) 2 teaspoons CINNAMON 2 GRATED APPLES OR CARROTS 100g FINELY CHOPPED NUTS/RAISINS ½ teaspoon of BAKING POWDER 3 EGGS Bake in a loaf tin or 9 inch circular tin – you can ice with glace icing or cream cheese frosting if you want! Recording & Evaluation GROUP EVALUATION • OUT OF THE HAT print out the sentences, cut into strips, fold and put in a hat, bowl or something similar. Pass the bowl round the circle and ask young people to draw out a piece of paper, read the sentence and fill in the blanks. You can do this several times – just make 2 or 3 copies of each phrase. Prompt discussion around the qualities that make us feel good in friendships: what qualities do you think are important in friendships after this session? What are the aspects you value most in your friendships? Extension activity: ask young people to write their own fill in the blank sentences and repeat the evaluation using these. • PERSONAL EVALUATION use the personal evaluation tool as a way of understanding young people’s learning from the sessions and exploring their outcomes. Extension activity: ask young people to design their own evaluation to use with young people and youth workers. • DISCUSSION CAROUSEL Decide on the topic you want to evaluate then get the group to make 2 circles, one facing the other. Give everyone a minute to consider their views then give the inner circle 2 minutes to tell the person sitting opposite what they think. The outer circle just listens. Now swap over and the outer circle speaks and the inner circle listens – this way both groups have the chance to feedback. Next move round inner circle in a clockwise direction, the outer circle anti clockwise and repeat - you can either set a new question or build on the last one. Recording & Evaluation SMILEY FACE/SAD FACE • Label 2 jars – one with a smiley face, one with a sad face. Decide on a series of evaluation questions with young people then ask them to place a marble/small stone in the jar that reflects their response to the question. A fun, easy way to gauge young people’s reactions. WORD BANK • Lay out a series of word cards – you can use the suggestions on the following sheet or make up your own – then ask young people to pick the words that best reflect their experience of the session or sessions they’ve been involved in. This can be done in small groups if young people are unconfident of making choices alone. SNAP EVALUATION • For a very simple evaluation, take photos of things that have happened during the session/sessions and ask young people to rate them out of 5 (say if 5 is high or low). You could also ask questions about each activity that is depicted and ask young people for responses/ratings from 1-5 For more detailed evaluation of distance travelled try the NYA ‘Hear by Right’ tools Word Bank Evaluation Interested Frightened Disappointed Excited Bored Confident Nervous Uncomfortable Happy Impatient Enthusiastic Miserable Uncertain Determined Self conscious Worried Safe Thoughtful Annoyed Curious Satisfied Entertained Confused Challenged Tired Pleased Sad Out of the Hat Today I learned ____________________________________________ I value _______________________ most in a friendship I know when I can trust a friend because ________________________ I know that I can talk to _________ if I’m having a problem or need help Respect is important because __________________________________ I know when someone respects me because they __________________ Fair play is important in sport because ___________________________ I can show respect to other people by ____________________________ If I show respect then _________________________________________ I’m hanging out with _____ this weekend because __________________ I’d like to find out more about ___________________________________ Friendship is important because _________________________________ Personal Evaluation: Trust & Respect in Friendships A=Agree S=Sometimes NO=Not Often N=Never SHOWING RESPECT Truthful I can admit if I’ve done something wrong Caring & loving I show concern for others and don’t make fun of them Fair I treat others equally and see beyond the stereotypes Polite I use good manners to show people I respect them Good listener I give people my full attention when they’re speaking Good citizen I obey the law and follow rules Considerate I value other people’s feelings, property and belongings Follow the Golden Rule I treat others as I would like to be treated BUILDING TRUST Reliable people can depend on me, I keep my promises Kind I speak well of others and don’t go behind their backs Willing to forgive I accept apologies and let go of anger Consistent I say no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes A S NO N How Do You Feel About…? Not bothered Self conscious Bored Target Evaluation Think about the activities you did in the session and write the name - or put a symbol to represent the activity - in the area of the target that reflects how much you enjoyed what you did! Brilliant, great, fantastic! Would like to do it again or find out more It was OK, I might like to do it again It wasn’t so good, I wouldn’t like to do it again Guidance Notes HOW TO USE THIS PACK: HOW TO DOWNLOAD: To download from website: • Click on the link to the pack you want to download • From the dialogue box, choose to ‘open’ or ‘save’ the file then click OK • The pack will open as a slideshow: all links are live but you will need to left click to advance through the pack. • Choose PRINT from the drop down FILE menu to print all or some of the pages (see below) • Choose SAVE AS from the drop down FILE menu to save a copy to your hard drive HOW TO PRINT (NOTE – THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THE ENTIRE PACK, ONLY INDIVIDUAL SLIDES WITH ACTIVITIY SHEETS): • Before printing, delete ‘Index’ arrows by selecting and then pressing DELETE • Individual slides can be printed by selecting individual slide numbers or ranges in the PRINT menu • To print slides in black & white or grayscale, select the relevant option from the Colour/Grayscale drop down menu when you are about to print HOW TO VIEW LINKS/USE SLIDES • These slides may be used to form part of a presentation – press F5 to view as a slideshow • To delete individual slides, click on them to select then click on ‘cut’ in the Edit menu • To make links ‘live’ you will need to view the pack as a SLIDESHOW – go to the ‘View’ menu or press F5 If you have any comments regarding this pack, or need any additional help in using it, please contact: SUZANNAH YOUDE: or tel: 01622 221678 All information in this pack was correct and all links active at time of upload but may be subject to change