Demonstration Lesson Guide

NYC Teaching Fellows
Lesson Guide
June 2011
NYC Teaching Fellows Demo Lesson Guide
Why Demonstration Lessons Are Important
Preparing for Your Lesson
During Your Lesson
After Your Lesson
As part of the interview process (usually after an initial conversation or
interview) a hiring representative will likely ask you to conduct a demonstration
lesson in front of a group of students or administrators.
The purpose of the Demo Lesson is to see:
How well prepared you are to teach a lesson
How you present yourself
How you engage students
Tip #1:
Always come to an interview
prepared with a demo
lesson, even if it is your first
interview or you have not
been asked to conduct one.
Tip #2:
Even if you have no or limited
teaching experience, remember
that you have already taught a
short lesson during the NYCTF
interview event and will be
participating in a rigorous
training process.
NYC Teaching Fellows Demo Lesson Guide
Why Demonstration Lessons Are Important
Preparing for Your Lesson
During Your Lesson
After Your Lesson
Be sure to clarify what you are being asked to do.
You may want to ask the principal or school representative the following questions:
■ Is there a specific subject or topic you would like
for me to teach? (If there is no specific topic, what
are the students currently learning so that I can
tailor my lesson to the current lesson.)
■ How much time will I have? Will my lesson
be part of a larger lesson (e.g., ten minutes
of a class period), or will it fill the entire
class period?
■ What grade level am I being asked to teach?
■ What curriculum have the teachers been
using this year?
■ How many students are in the class?
■ What have students learned in the last week
on this subject?
Having the answers to these questions will:
 Help you gain insight into the class and
allow you to build your lesson around
what the students are already learning.
 Give you a sense of what they are
expected to know.
■ Is there anything that I should know about
the class as I prepare the lesson?
(For example, what percentage of the
class is achieving at/above/below grade
level? What percentage are English
language learners? Have special learning
needs? etc.)
 What materials or technology is available in
the classroom?
3-Step Process for Creating a Lesson
1. Start with an Objective.
 Make sure that you have clear, measurable
objectives. What should the students
know by the end of the lesson?
2. Select a delivery method that best fits
your objective.
 See Slide 7 for different types of lesson
3. Structure your lesson within the
traditional lesson plan structure.
 See pages 237-242 of the Special
Education Guidebook or pages 113-118
of the General Education Guidebook for
information on the lesson plan structure.
Beginning: How will you check for current knowledge? How will you introduce
Middle: How will you introduce new material? What activities will you facilitate to
the topic? What is your purpose?
Engage the Students! How will you capture the students’ attention right
from the start?
help the students learn the concept you are presenting? How will you assess that
students are learning? What adjustments are you prepared to make to ensure that
you are meeting your objectives?
End: How will you end the lesson? What will you do to assess your students’
Timing: Is the lesson you have planned appropriate for the given time frame?
The Structure of the Lesson Plan (for a 40-60 minutes lesson):
■ Lesson Opening (5-10 minutes)
■ Introduction of New Material (10-15 minutes)
■ Student Practice of New Material (20-25 minutes)
■ Closing (5-10 minutes)
For more information on creating a lesson plan, refer to pages:
■ 226-242 in the Special Education Guidebook
■ 102-118 in the General Education Guidebook
Additional Guidebook Tips:
For examples of Lesson Plans, see pages:
■ 239 and 240 in the Special Education Guidebook
■ 115 and 116 in the General Education Guidebook
For a Lesson Design Checklist, see page:
■ 241 in the Special Education Guidebook
■ 117 in the General Education Guidebook
You can find sample lesson plans on Fellow Share through My NYCTF.
You can also find a few suggestions for finding lesson plans on page:
■ 25 of the Special Education Independent Study Guide
■ 24 in the General Education Independent Study Guide
Assessment/Check for Understanding: How will you determine whether the
students understood the purpose of the lesson? How will you assess that the
objective has been achieved (thumbs up/thumbs down, exit slips, etc.)?
Adjustments: What adjustments
will you make if there are
students who do not understand?
Materials: What materials will
you need to support your
instruction? What materials, if
any, do you need to prepare for
students in advance that will help
them understand and engage in
the lesson?
Make sure to review the lesson basics described below and
prepare a written plan for how you will conduct your lesson.
Carefully review any lesson you prepare, so that you are familiar with the content
and sequence.
In order to teach effectively, make the lesson your own by using your own
language and ideas.
Time yourself.
Practice in front of a few people; even if they are not teachers, they could be
good resources in terms of language, engagement, flow, speed, etc.
Try to anticipate situations that might occur (e.g., you end up with less time than
you thought you would have or the lesson goes much faster than you anticipated.).
NYC Teaching Fellows Demo Lesson Guide
Why Demonstration Lessons Are Important
Preparing for Your Lesson
During Your Lesson
After Your Lesson
Remain composed and confident.
Speak clearly and remember to project your voice, so all
students can hear you.
It is often helpful to get a sense of what students already
know about a topic you are introducing. Asking for a show of
hands in response to a few questions is an easy way to engage
students and check for prior knowledge (e.g., How many
people have ever heard of __? What does __ mean or do? etc.).
Follow the lesson plan that you have prepared, but try to be
flexible and remember that you may need to make adjustments.
Tips for Presenting
Your Lesson:
■ It is important to have
energy when you are in
front of a class.
■ Be sure to dress
■ Remain calm and poised.
■ Be confident.
■ Stay positive.
Remember to check for understanding throughout the
lesson, not just at the end.
You can do it. Good luck!
Remain positive! Tell the students when they are doing well.
Point out the good behavior and practices that are going on in
the classroom, and appropriately deal with off-task behavior.
It is important that you be
prepared to implement effective
classroom management
strategies during your lesson.
Some useful strategies you might consider:
■ Introduce yourself as Ms./Mr. ___.
■ Create name tags for the students (if you get their names prior to the lesson) so that you can call on them
by name. You could also use names written on popsicle sticks (or a similar method) to enable you to
randomly call on students who don’t volunteer.
■ Use physical proximity to help keep students on track – always circulate around the classroom during group
and/or individual activities.
■ Use positive reinforcement to encourage students.
■ Keep students engaged by enlisting their help in passing out materials, writing on the board, etc.
■ Use non-verbal cues to redirect students if they lose focus (pointing to a book or notes, direct eye-contact,
using your hand to gesture lowering their sound level).
NYC Teaching Fellows Demo Lesson Guide
Why Demonstration Lessons Are Important
Preparing for Your Lesson
During Your Lesson
After Your Lesson
REFLECT on what worked and what could have been done differently.
The principal/school representative may ask you to share your thoughts on how you
thought the lesson went. Be prepared to explain your choices and assumptions
driving the lesson. It is important to have a rationale behind what you do.
Follow up with the Job Search Support
Office after your demo lesson by
entering your interview information
into the Job Search Action Plan.
It will ask you to include information
on the school, the date of the
interview, the hiring representative you
interviewed with, and how you think it
went. Doing this is a great way to stay
organized and helps us know how your
job search is going!
You can also reach our office at or
We can also help provide you with
thoughts on next steps.