CAPTURE THE EVIDENCE: SHOUT IT OUT! LEE FITZGERALD, LORETO KIRRIBILLI SCHOOL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES SATURDAY 15 SEPTEMBER, 2012 WHAT HAVE WE CAPTURED? • The data from two Guided Inquiries - The Modern and Ancient Historical Investigations 2012 • Guided Inquiry has two purposes: Guiding students through their inquiry and gathering data for evidence-based practice. • The first purpose is the most pressing one. • Analysis comes later (NOW!) and is secondary. WHAT DO THE INQUIRIES LOOK LIKE? The Guided Inquiries take 5 weeks, 26 lessons. EBP Action Plan What are we measuring for impact? 1. Did students achieve deep knowledge of their topic? 2. What did we and they learn about their information process Research literature documenting evidence for impact : • Guided Inquiry studies – CISSL; Practitioner studies in Scan and Access, • Evidence Based Library and Information Practice journal etc. EBP Action Plan Template Adapted from Hay/Todd 2012 – EBP Action Plan and Program Templates – SybaSigns School Libraries Making a Difference Seminar – 21 May Sydney EBP ACTION PLAN Types of evidence required to demonstrate impact Student evidence: 1. Growth from facts, to explanations, to conclusions in reflection sheets and essay – Q.1 on the SLIM Toolkit. 2. Data from reflection sheets relating to difficulties expressed, and reflections on learnings. 3. Teacher/student teacher/teacher librarian culminating conversation. Program evidence: • Grades allocated to their essays for content and process. ROSS’ ACTION PLAN CONTINUED.. Strategies and techniques to collect data: • Individual filmed interviews • Whole class films • Reflection sheets (4) • Blog responses • Essays • Our marking grid – process and content • Our culminating conversation. Strategies and techniques to analyse data • SLIM Toolkit • Triangulation of data from this with other methods – interviews, films, culminating conversation. A MORE STUDENTFRIENDLY INFORMATION SEARCH PROCESS. Kuhltau, C, Maniotes, L and Caspari A. Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for Inquiry in Your School. Libraries Unlimited, 2012. OUR CULMINATING CONVERSATION: WHAT WENT WELL? Teaching team: Teacher/TL/Student teacher agreed on this: • Five weeks inside the head of each individual student • Reflection for synthesis of information and interventions • Dividing up the students between the members of the teaching team for feedback and conversation with students, then rotating this close scrutiny. • Inquiry circle of three students all investigating Atlantis. • Inquiry conversations one on one. • Feedback on blog. WHAT RESULTED IN ACHIEVEMENT OF OUTCOMES/WHAT DIFFICULTIES DID STUDENTS FACE? The level to which outcomes were met depended on these: • ability and engagement • choice of topic • good inquiry questions • moving from broad to specific searching • Analysing information and extracting the relevant bits • use of Easybib for notes and bibliography • creating a well synthesised essay plan • managing scholarly conventions well – bibliography and footnotes • using all supports available to them (reflections, sources, feedback from teachers) • use of, and ability to comprehend high level sources • essay construction and writing skills. SOME OF OUR STUDENTS Action plans for students Student name: The team agrees on actionable items for each student of concern. Kathryn: Qin Shi Huangdi Information process Essay structure Incomplete sentences Paragraph breaks Developing an argument, rather than a narration Writing and essay structure Breadth of research Developing an argument, rather than a narration Historicity Grammar Spelling Clarity of expression Essay structure Essay planning No areas of improvement! Sophie: Battle of Teutoberg Forest Caitlan: Jezebel Ailish: Atlantis Action Teacher/TL/Literacy Teacher/TL Teacher/TL Teacher/TL ACTION PLANS? Action plans for teaching team The team agrees on actionable items for the team. Next time, we will…. • resist temptation to provide information, and teach more on how to locate it and how to read dense texts. - All of us! • Offer after school workshops for Year 11 going into Year 12 on searching, notetaking, synthesising, and essay writing. - TLs • Do more explicit teaching of how to use Easybib - TLs • Restrict the inquiry next year to five groups of topics, and use Inquiry circle techniques recommended by Kuhlthau et al - T and TL • Rotate support of groups of students during process of enquiry. DATA ANALYSIS ONLY JUST BEGUN! • Enquiry has just finished, and we are handing back the essays this week. • Examples of our data: • Essay • Marking • A reflection sheet • Eloise reflects! Olivia’s notes on Easybib SHOUTING IT OUT? • • • • • Get analysing with student teacher, using SLIM! Student input into analysis of their essays. Write it up. Present it at Loreto at staff meeting. Hope to present this at CISSL Research Symposium on Guided Inquiry, Rutgers University, 2013