Preconference workshop Schedule for today 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Introductions and welcome Icebreaker Learning Outcomes The QLC & Case Study Group A and Group B activity Checklist Limitations and resources Break Limitations and resources part 2 Learning principles Planning – Training models Learning outcomes – Online, In-Person and ongoing training Final thoughts Learning Outcomes • Share your training experiences (if any) and learn from other participants' home programs. • Learn how to establish a team environment. • Learn how to build relationships amongst your student and professional staff. • Learn about the benefits and challenges of different training models. • Learn how to create in-person and online training programs for their student staff/volunteers. Ice Breaker – based on the poem: “Where I am from…” from George Ella Lyon My name is: I am from: (familiar sights, sounds and smells) I am from: (familiar foods, holiday symbols, dress) I am from: (familiar expressions used by my family) I am from: (ancestors, relatives, legacy) My name is Nathalie I am from snow, trees, lakes and smell of pine. I am from tourtière, blueberries, réveillons, and Bonhomme Carnaval. I am from « Bonne heureuse année grand nez » and « Hauskaa joulua ». I am from French and Finnish background, teachers, farmers and lumberjacks. SASS: Learning Strategies and the Writing Centre Adaptive Technology Centre Queen’s Learning Commons Queen’s University Library IT Services Services provided • Workshops - from all of the partners • Help Desk – IT Services, Research (Librarians), Information, • Tutoring – ASUS • Writing consultations • Counselling • Print alternative formats, adaptive technology • Research and Information Literacy • Outreach (residences, big first year classes, international students, orientation) Vision • • • • • Accessible, collaborative place Academic success Learning, research, writing Resources and technology Staff and peers who assist students Case study Queen’s Learning Commons Student Assistants versus The Peer Learning Assistants GROUP A GROUP B Checklist Determine 1) What your students need to know right now? 2) What do they need throughout the year? 3) How will you build morale and relationships with your team (inward and outward)? Limitations and Resources BUDGET Limitations and Resources Training Limitations and Resources Policies and Procedures Policies and Performance for QLC Students Students working in the Queen’s Learning Commons are expected to perform the work assigned to them to the best of their ability. In March, there will be an informal performance evaluation/ assessment. Throughout the academic year, your performance will be monitored while you are working at the QLC. The following outlines what the criteria for your performance evaluation: 1. Attendance 2. Attitude 3. Attire 4. Communication 5. Tasks 6. Initiative 7. Observance of Policies 8. Quality of Work 9. Job Knowledge 10. Notification of improper action or activity PLA Volunteer Agreement Main Duties & Responsibilities: • Be an enthusiastic and informed ambassador for program. • Be aware of other resources on campus to be able to direct students in the right direction if need be. • Be a good role model and resource to fellow PLAs and students. • Read emails from coordinator to keep track of upcoming events, workshops and outreach programs. • Gather & provide feedback to coordinator about outreach events, workshops and Study Skills Coaching • Complete and submit activity logs PLA Volunteer Agreement Training Time Commitments: • MANDATORY: Two training sessions in September, one in January. • Two professional development opportunities throughout the year. PLA Volunteer Agreement Outreach Time Commitments: • Workshops requested by Dons and at QLC • Campus Outreach Events (e.g. social media contests, Study Skills Coaching, School of English classes, Exam Schedule Giveaways, Course Specific How To Study sessions) • Mandatory: average of 1-5 hours per month PLA Volunteer Agreement Peer Learning Assistant agrees to: • Respect confidentiality of information received or overheard about students/peers and/or staff while volunteering. • Notify coordinator as soon as possible if you are concerned about a program participant’s wellbeing or face a situation you are unsure about • Notify coordinator as soon as possible when or if you cannot make a presentation and require your spot to be filled. • Act in accordance with the roles and responsibilities outlined during training. Other Issues • • • • • Unions Workload Overtime Mental Health Work/school life balance Learning Principles: What do you already know about adult learning? Planning your training PROS and CONS Role playing Lectures Games Other ideas: What have you seen? Now it’s your turn Further resources and thank you Borin, Jacqueline. "Training, Supervising, and Evaluating Student Information Assistants." The Reference Librarian 34, no. 72 (2001): 195-206. The Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement. Volunteer Canada, 2012. Web. Collins-Shapiro, C. “Mentoring and leadership development.” Leadership Insights and Applications 21. Connell, Ruth Sara, and Patricia J. Mileham. "Student Assistant Training in a Small Academic Library." Public Services Quarterly 2, no. 2-3 (2006): 69-84. de Jager, Karin. "Navigators and Guides: The Value of Peer Assistance in Student use of Electronic Facilities." VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 34, no. 3 (2004): 109. Faix, Allison I., Margaret H. Bates, Lisa A. Hartman, Jennifer H. Hughes, Casey N. Schacher, Brooke J. Elliot, and Alexander D. Woods. "Peer Reference Redefined: New Uses for Undergraduate Students." Reference Services Review 38, no. 1 (2010): 90-107. Heinlein, W. F. "Using Student Assistants in Academic Reference." Reference Quarterly 15, no. 4 (1976): 323. Kathman, Michael D., Jane McGurn Kathman, Kathman,Michael D.Managing student workers in college libraries., and Managing student workers in college libraries. Managing Student Employees in College Libraries /. 3rd ed. ed. Chicago: College Library Information Packet Committee, College Libraries Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, 2006. Latino, Jennifer A., and Catherine M. Unite. “Providing Academic Support Through Peer Education.” New Directions for Higher Education 157 (2012): 31-43. MacGregor, Mariam G. Designing Student Leadership Programs: Transforming the Leadership Potential of Youth. Denver, CO:, 2005. Sakaduski, Nancy. Managing Volunteers: How to Maximize Your Most Valuable Resource. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013. Stanfield, Andrea G., and Russell L. Palmer. "Peer-Ing into the Information Commons: Making the most of Student Assistants in New Library Spaces." Reference Services Review 38, no. 4 (2010): 634-646. Wawrzynski, M. R., C.L. LoConte, and E.L. Straker. “Learning outcomes for peer educators: The National Survey on Peer Education.” New Directions for Student Services 133 (2011): 17-27. Williams, L. B. “The future of peer education: Broadening the landscape and assessing the benefits.” New Directions for Student Services 133 (2011): 97-99. Wilson, W. L. and D. R. Arendale. “Peer educators in learning assistance programs: Best practices for new programs.” New Directions for Student Services 133 (2011): 41-53. Wooten, Brian M., Joshua S. Hunt, Brian F. LeDuc, and Phillilp Poskus. “Peer Leadership in the Cocurriculum: Turning Campus Activities into an Educationally Purposeful Enterprise.” New Directions for Higher Education Young, Arthur P. "Student Assistants. A Report and a Challenge." Reference Quarterly 9, no. 4 (1970): 295-297. Other Resources Canadian Learning Commons Network: Resources Can-LC and Infcommons-L listservs. Thank you Merci