SharePoint Apps for IT Pro

SharePoint Apps for IT Pro
Michel Barneveld
SharePoint Architect at Avanade
Dear Admin, please deploy this...
• You get this from your developer:
Dear Admin,
please deploy the .app to and the package to
And now?
What are Apps?
Configure App support
Server to Server (S2S) Trusts
Do I need Apps?
• Why can updates be difficult?
• Why can upgrades be difficult?
• What causes (most?) support issues?
Developers are EVIL!
Apps are good 
• Apps allow customizations to be offloaded from
– Increased stability
– Lower upgrade/update costs
– Shorter upgrade/update timeframes
More reasons?
SharePoint 2013 App Model – Vesa Juvonen
What is an App?
• Essentially a web application
• Written in HTML, JavaScript, PHP, .NET, etc.
• Hosted on SharePoint or ‘Cloud’ (azure, onpremises webserver, etc.)
• Communicates and integrates with SharePoint
using REST or SharePoint Client API (javascript,
• Offloading custom server code from SharePoint
User experience options
• Full page
• App Part (iframe)
• UI Custom Actions (menu extensions)
App Hosting
• SharePoint hosted
• Autohosted
• Provider-hosted
This presentation
SharePoint App Architecture
• SharePoint-Hosted Apps
App resources added to SharePoint host
Stored in child site known as app web
App can have client-side code
App cannot have server-side code
• Cloud-Hosted Apps
App resources deployed on remote server
Remote site known as remote web
App can have client-side code
App can have server-side code
App Package
• File with a “.app” extension (add .zip to open it)
• Contains items like appmanifest.xml, SharePoint
solutions, Host web Features with custom actions,
App Parts, .resx files, web deploy packages, etc.
• Appmanifest.xml contains name, id, required
permissions, location, etc. for the app
Authentication & Authorization
• SP2013 now supports authentication and authorization for
• Required permissions for App in appmanifest.xml or requested
on the fly
• Not set using normal SharePoint permissions
• More controls to elevate permissions for user
(compared to full trust solution using
SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPriviledges  full control on web
What are Apps?
Configure App support
Server to Server (S2S) Trusts
SharePoint vs Provider Hosted
SharePoint hosted
Provider Hosted
SharePoint Services
Service Applications
App domain
No Remote Web!
SharePoint Services
Service Applications
App domain (optional!)
Remote Web
Services needed
• Start the Subscription Settings and App
Management services
Service Applications
• Create a Subscription Settings service application
using powershell
$appSubSvc = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication –ApplicationPool
$appPoolSubSvc –Name SettingsServiceApp –DatabaseName <SettingsServiceDB>
• Create a App Management service application using
powershell or central admin
Site Collections and App Catalog
• Use Host Named Site Collections (HNSC)!
• Create HNSC for your intranet (
New-SPSite "" -OwnerAlias "SP\sp_install"
-HostHeaderWebApplication $wa -Name "Intranet" –Template "STS#0“
• Create HNSC for you App Catalog
New-SPManagedPath -RelativeURL "apps" -HostHeader –Explicit
New-SPSite "" -OwnerAlias “SP\sp_install" -HostHeaderWebApplication $wa -Name
"Application Catalog" -Template “APPCATALOG#0”
Make sure the web application has a root site collection!
Prerequisites App domain
separate domain for apps
e.g. for apps and for intranet
Wildcard SSL certificate for app domain
Wildcard dns CNAME alias to SharePoint
(* 
Configure app url
• Configure App Catalog url in CA
• Configure app url in CA or using powershell
Set-SPAppDomain <appDomain>
Set-SPAppSiteSubscriptionName -Name "app" -Confirm:$false
Deploy Remote Web Application
For Visual Studio projects:
• Read the readme file? ;-)
• Configure deployment settings in: <name>.SetParameters.xml
• Execute <name>.deploy.cmd
• Has a dependency on msdeploy.exe (Web Deploy: )
Deploy .App file
Add .app to App Catalog
Add app to Site Collection
Url of Remote web is located in AppManifest.xml in .app file!
Technet article
Configure an environment for apps for SharePoint
(SharePoint 2013)
What are Apps?
Configure App support
Server to Server (S2S) Trusts
Remote app calls SharePoint on behalf of App or User
On-premises Farm
SSL Cert
e key pair
Requires a Server to Server Trust (S2S)
What is a S2S Trust?
Trusted connection between app and SharePoint
“oAuth and ACS*” for on-premises farms
Trust between servers configured using SSL certificates
App code requires access to private key of SSL certificate
Requires creating Security Token Service on SharePoint
*) Access Control Services
S2S Trust Architecture
• App has x.509 certificate with public/private key pair
– Private key used to sign certain aspects in access token
• Public key registered with SharePoint farm
– This creates a trusted security token issuer
• App creates access token to call into SharePoint
– App creates access token with a specific client ID and signs it
with private key
– Trusted security token issuer validates signature
• SharePoint establishes app identity
– App identity maps to a specific client ID
– You can have many client IDs associated with a single x.509
Remote Web
Why is it called a “High Trust” App
• App must authenticate the user (!)
– App provides user identity to SharePoint
– SharePoint farm trusts that the app is telling the truth
about user identity
• “High Trust” is very different from “Full Trust”
– Full trust code is not limited by permissions – it can
do anything it wants
– High trust app has set of permissions that say what it
can do
Examples of S2S trust applications
• Exchange 2013
• Workflow Manager 1.0
• Your Custom SharePoint Apps or Web Applications
Configuring a S2S Trust
• Steps to configure an S2S trust
– Create an x509 certificate including private and public
– Export public key from above certificate for
– Use PowerShell to create a trusted security token
issuer based on public key on SharePoint
– Register App Principal on SharePoint
– Deployed Remote Web App
• Configure location for private key file in web.config
• Create certificate using makecert or use IIS for it.
– .pfx file that includes the private key with password
– .cer file with only the public key
• Certificate must be trusted by SharePoint and
Remote Web Server
• S2S certificate ≠ SSL certificate for webserver
(but can be the same certificate)
• S2S certificate can be self signed or from existing
Creating the Secure Token Issuer
• Steps to creating security token issuer in SharePoint
farm (1 per certificate)
Get the authentication realm (aka tenancy)
Create realm-qualified app identifier
Create certificate object using .cer file (public key)
Call New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer
Creating the App Principal
• Can be done several different ways
– Use built-in page named AppRegNew.aspx
– Use Register-SPAppPrincipal
– Use SPAppPrincipalManager
– Let Visual Studio do it for you when developing
Using SPAppPrincipalManager
IssuerID vs ClientID
• IssuerID
– Used to create Secure Token Issuer in SharePoint
– Used by remote web app (e.g. configured in web.config)
IssuerID vs ClientID
• ClientID (aka App ID)
– Used to create App Principal
– Used by remote web app (e.g. configured in web.config)
– Configured in appmanifest.xml
Quick Recap
App model is good (remember: developers are evil!)
App domain mandatory for SharePoint hosted, optional for Provider Hosted
Use Host Named Site Collections
Use SSL (HTTPS) for SharePoint and Remote Web
Configure S2S trusts if Remote Web App needs to call into SharePoint
Use dedicated certificate for Apps (but can be limited to 1 certificate per group
of apps)
Register a certificate (Secure Token Issuer) only once in SharePoint!
Keep your private key private
Location of Remote Web App is in AppManifest.xml in .app file (OTAP?)
ClientID/AppID usually provided by Developer, IssuerID by SharePoint Admin