Great Learning with Great Apps! Best Mobile Apps for Higher Ed TLT 2015 We are indeed a mobile society. Our students their mobile Howalso Do live Weoff Gather Info?devices. This session will cover tools for students to These images reflect the impact of our use receive txt messages, communicate virtually of mobile devices. with Bb Collaborate, and think and learn Society is connected via mobile! visually using study apps and weblinks. Greeting St. Benedict at the Vatican in 2005 Greeting St. Francis at the Vatican in 2013 How Do You Communicate with Your Students? Most of us use Blackboard Tools • Email • Bb Announcement page • Some instructors still communicate via phone! Text Communication Web or App based: Txt messaging to students They don’t know your phone # You can pre – date all your announcements One to many communication. They can’t reply back, only receive Using the app, the instructor may add a stamp for simple feedback No need to set up contact list in phone, Remind allows students to join Types of Messages Remember ---1 Way Communication Students can’t reply, only receive Emergencies Motivational messages Reminders Tips How Remind Works Go to SignUp Add a new class (name class same as course ID) Remind will provide directions for you to get students to subscribe Remind will send directions to instructor’s email for each class added Send messages to students via app or webpage Instead of Discussion Board Try a Collaborative App Padlet Double click anywhere on the wall to add your introduction or comment Create a wall May modify wall settings: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Wallpaper Layout Privacy Address Delete wall, or create new Share ◦ Create Weblink from URL ◦ Copy embed code, insert in Bb as an Item Apps to Help Students Think and Learn Visually with Kahoot! Learn by Gaming Sign in and Create at Create Quiz, Discussion, or Survey for formative assessments (facts, vocabulary, prompts) Works on any device (desktop, laptop, iPads, iPods, Android, any device w/ Internet) Settings (Public or Private) Instructor must launch the Play mode Students interact at How To… Apps to Help Students Think and Learn Visually --Socrative! Increase Engagement and Interaction Use the teacher login on or the Teacher app on your mobile device. Create Quiz: Multiple Choice, True/False, Short Answer Works on any device (desktop, laptop, iPads, iPods, Android, any device w/ Internet) Settings (Public or Private) Play at Type in Room Name Share quizzes across departments Use the import button/IMPORT SOC # Study Apps- Quizlet Quizlet (free) Use for terms and definitions Integrate with xtra credit. Students supply terms and definitions in Blackboard Wiki Instructor Build Flashcards in Quizlet Students can study via Web link from their Bb course, or use the shared URL in the free Quizlet app Quizlet app is available for IOS and Android Play ---Build Fla Study Apps – Study Blue Study Blue (free) iew/11405554 Use Technology to Create Virtual Learning Environment Bb Collaborate ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Virtual Classroom Online Office Hours Share screen with others Students download the free IOS or Android Bb Collaborate app from the app store and can attend any webinar from the shared guest link TED on the App Store • • • • Find and share Ted videos Build a lesson based on a video, share the URL as Weblink in Blackboard Mobile Apps or Web Tools Function Apps to Download from App Store IOS or Android Web Tools to bookmark on computer or mobile device Communication via Texting Remind (formerly known as remind101) Communication on a webpage - Response and Polling Socrative, Teacher and Student Study App Quizlet Study Blue Quizlet Study Blue Collaborate Virtual Classrsoom Bb Collaborate Mobile Bb Collaborate Computer Based version TED TED