Marigold is an annual plant. A species that completes it’s life cycle in 2 growing seasons. An oak tree is a perennial plant. A daylily is an example of a herbaceous, perennial plant. Burning Bush is an example of a woody, perennial plant. Sugar Maple is a deciduous, woody perennial plant. Norway Spruce is a coniferous evergreen, perennial plant. Ilex meserveae 'Blue Angel' Holly is a broad-leaf evergreen, perennial plant. Eastern larch Bald cypress Simple Compound Pinnately compound Bipinnately compound Palmately compound Scale-like Needle-like Oleander Leaf type? Leaf shape? Leaf margin? Leaf arrangement? Leaf type? Leaf shape? Leaf margin? Leaf arrangement? Leaf type? Leaf shape? Leaf margin? Leaf arrangement? Leaf type? Leaf shape? Leaf margin? Leaf arrangement? Leaf type? Leaf shape? Leaf margin? Leaf arrangement? Vegetative Flower Mixed Flower bud Vegetative bud Mixed bud Paper birch Wayfarringtree viburnum I would advise against doing a Google image search using the key words “naked buds”. Terminal Bud Bitternut hickory Common lilac Lateral Buds Basswood Leaf Scars Black walnut Northern catalpa Green ash Vascular Bundle Scars Ohio buckeye Terminal Bud Scale Scars Lenticels White poplar Paperbark cherry Tree-of -heaven Pith Butternut Black walnut Kentucky Coffeetree Take a look at the twig image and answer the following: What’s the leaf arrangement? Does your twig have a terminal bud? Lateral buds? Can you find any leaf scars? Vascular bundle scars? Can you find any lenticels? Can you find the most recent set of terminal bud scale scars? Do you even care anymore? Do you have a headache? White ash END Plants have 2 different names: Common Name Botanical or Scientific Name Sugar Maple Acer saccharum Acer saccharum Acer = genus saccharum = specific epithet genus + specific epithet = the “binomial” that identifies a species Gymnocladus dioicus What’s the name of the genus? What’s the name of the specific epithet? What’s the name of the species? Acer saccharum ‘Autumn Splendor’ ‘Autumn Splendor’ is a cultivar name cultivars, generally speaking, do not come true-to- type from seed. A species may have several cultivars or none at all: Acer saccharum ‘Arrowhead’ Acer saccharum ‘Cary’ Acer saccharum ‘Millane’s Dwarf’ Acer saccharum ‘Seneca Chief’, etc… Gleditsia triacanthos inermis Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis inermis is a variety name. Varieties come trueto-type from seed. Acer saccharum Legacy® Legacy® is a registered trademark (PP 4,979). Legacy® is registered with the Office of Trademarks and Patents in Washington, DC. Acer saccharum Oregon TrailTM Oregon TrailTM is a trademarked plant. The TM protects the commercial application of that name to said plant.