QR codes 1. Developed in the 90s to track car parts Like, ours :-) 2. Mobile smart devices can scan and create these codes matthew.gown@det.nsw.edu.au October 2011 1 QR codes 1. QR codes are Quick Response Codes. (They are barcodes) 2. Old barcodes one dimensional only vertical. 3. The New codes are two dimensional – using both the vertical and the horizontal to encode information (text). 4. They can hold a lot more information. 2 QR code structure (from wikipedia) The diagram illustrates the placement of the message characters within a QR code. Starting from the lower-right corner, the first four bits define the encoding used (in this case, 8 bits per character). Next is the length of the message (17; dark stands for 1, but the masking process used in this symbol inverts alternate rows). Following that is the message itself, then the end-of-message marker, and finally the error-correcting codes. You don’t need to know any of this 3 Create a QR code using an online generator 1. http://qrcode.kaywa.com/ 6. or right-click on QR code, Save As…, an image file to use later in a document or wiki etc. 2. Choose the type of QR code 3. Type the text 4. And click “Generate!” 5. right-click on QR code, copy. You can then paste QR code into a Word document etc. 4 Get a QR code app 1. There are many free QR code reader apps in iTunes. 10. Click to scan another QR code 2. An example is “QR Reader”. 3. (when it has downloaded) tap the app to start 4. Point camera at QR code 5. It will beep when scanned… 6. …and display what it says 7. Click here to see previously scanned QR codes or to create a new QR code. 8. See previously scanned QR codes 9. Create a new QR code 5 Scan a QR code with an app 1. Tap app to start 5. Click to see list of scanned QR codes 2. Hold over QR code. 3. If it’s a URL it displays the web page 4. Click here to display in the Safari browser (for better display) 6 Create a QR code using an app 1. Tap app to start 5. Click Create 6. share via email. 4. Type message 3. Click for text 2. Click to create… 7 QuickMark for PC Download QuickMark program for PC from: http://www.quickmark.com.tw/en/basic/downloadPC.asp Watch video about QuickMark program for PC from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvnc-vAe1rc 8 QuickMark for PC (without a webcam) 1. Drag QuickMark window over QR code and… 2. …then click Decode. Camera mode is not available if you don’t have a webcam) Generate History Settings 9 QuickMark for PC (with a webcam) 1. Hold QR code in front of webcam 2. Content of code automatically appears here 6. Click here to return to Screen Capture mode 5. Copy 4. Save 3. Back 10 Create a QR code using a computer program 2. Choose type of content 3. Paste text or type the content 4. Choose type of code (there are different ones) 5. Choose image file format 1. Click on Generate Save Back 11 More info makes a bigger QR code 1. smile 3. If you want the QR code to display a lot of information including pictures, put it on a web page 2. There are many kinds of smiles, each having a distinct character. Some announce goodness and sweetness, others betray sarcasm, bitterness and pride; some soften the countenance by their languishing tenderness, others brighten by their spiritual vivac 4. You can even shorten the link using http://bitly.com/ http://db.tt/IGyrvDKM 12 Some examples of QR codes in education • • • • • • • • • Add a student mini-review to a library book Question and QR code to check answer Add information to a painting on a wall Make a sheet of paper interactive Create a cool scavenger hunt Connect to a homework wiki Create a class shop Link to a web site Information card Video about using QR codes in education http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayW032sKtj8 13 QR code responsibility 1. QR codes encode text. 2. Enjoy them. 3. Don’t leave upsetting surprises hidden in them. 4. Once they’re scanned your typing is revealed. 41 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes in the Classroom https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dhn2vcv5_765hsdw5xcr&r evision=_latest&start=0&theme=blank&authkey=COX05IsF&cwj=true &pli=1 14 Links to files This powerpoint This as PDF http://db.tt/nBIKlW5f http://db.tt/bPtQW3ty 15