
App Inventor
Barb Ericson
Georgia Tech
What is App Inventor?
Free software for creating
apps for Android devices
Projects are saved to the
You create the user interface
by dragging components
(widgets) onto a screen
The Designer
You program the app by
dragging program statements
and connecting them
Requires an internet
connection to use
The Blocks Editor
You can test using wireless, an
emulator, or a USB connected
First option is best
Designer – User Interface
Blocks Editor - Programming
Tips for Workshops
Manage expectations
Pre-load Xylophone on the phones
They are not creating Angry Birds in 1 hour
Have students play with it and ask them how they think it
Introduce the computing terms
Explain how to use the phones (especially for adults)
For younger students use projects with the user interface
already done
Allow time to add features or create apps
Use examples that help people - SpeakIt
Use examples that can be customized - Fortune
Show how it relates to jobs – Dot Diva
 Both
the device and computer must be
on the same wireless network
Some networks have firewalls that don’t
allow this to work – check first
 To
use the emulator or USB connected
device you must install software
Setup the Phone / Tablet
 Menu
– Settings Applications
 Menu
– Settings Development
Install on Device
 Your
app will work as long as the device is
connected, but not when disconnected
 To have your app work after you disconnect the
In the Designer click on App (Provide QR code for
.apk) to install the app on your device
Or save the .apk to your computer and put it on a
server to share it with others
Sharing a Project with Others
Go to My Projects
Check the app to share
Click on ”Project" and
then ”Export selected
(.aia) to my computer"
This will download a file to
your computer that ends
in .aia
Others can click on
“Project” and “Import
project (.aia) from my
computer” to upload it
Computing Concepts
 Event
driven programming
 Variables
 Conditionals
 Random Numbers
 Procedures and parameters
Creating your own blocks
 Lists
 Iteration
 Recursion
 User Interfaces
Model, View, Controller
What else can you do?
Create games
Use the camera and then
draw on the picture
Create a quiz
Image sprites – collision
detection, timers
Using lists
Automatically respond to
text messages
Use text-to-speech to
read a message
Store data on the
Use the GPS to remember
where your car is
Open Google maps to a
particular URI
Create a list of people to
automatically text
Create a remote control
for your LEGO robot
Use a barcode scanner
and get info from
websites with web data
Store data on the phone
or in a web database
Tips and Techniques
You can copy and paste a set of blocks
You can just type a number or Boolean value
Control C and V on windows
The correct block will be created
When you right click on a block you can:
Add a comment
Duplicate a block
Deactivate a block
Collapse a block
Execute a block immediately
How to get devices?
 Buy
tablets – cheaper than phones
Samsung Galaxy - $180
Nexus 7 - $152
 Ask
students/parents to donate used
 Get a small grant to cover the cost of the
devices – Google Rise, Local businesses,
 Only need 1 device per 4-6 people
How to evaluate
Pre and post attitude surveys
Measure confidence, enjoyment, interest, intent
to persist, gender stereotypes
5 point Likert scale questions
Open-ended questions: best, thing to change?
Pre and post content knowledge assessments
Multiple choice questions
Additional Resources
ICE projects for App Inventor
MIT’s Tutorials are at
Gallery of apps created with App Inventor
35 hour course for teachers
Design guidelines from Google for Android Apps
Free on-line book and course materials and tutorials are at
Mobile CS Principles materials - including multiple choice questions
6 modules are at
How to publish to the play store ($25 fee to