9th Grade Social Studies Fall 2011 Unit 3 The Big Picture Martin Luther began a movement to reform the practices of the Catholic Church that he believed were wrong. Reformation leaders did not intend to destroy Christian unity but rather redefine it. Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism produced a dramatically new religious map. Catholic revival, and new tools such as the powerful Jesuit order, preserved much of territory for Catholicism, but it could not stem division. The result was a period of confusion and considerable conflict, including concern about witchcraft. Why we study this unit: Martin Luther's protests over the abuses in the Catholic Church led to a permanent split within Christianity. Nearly one-fifth of the Christians in today's world are Protestants The Reformation's questioning of beliefs and authority laid the ground work for the Enlightenment. Essential Questions: 1. How did abuses in the church spark widespread criticism? 2. How did Martin Luther challenge Catholic authority and teachings? 3. What role did John Calvin play in the Reformation? Essential Questions: 4. What were the effects of Protestantism in England? 5. What reforms were made in the Catholic Church? 6. What were the religious and social effects of the Counter-Reformation? Units: Last Unit: The Renaissance Current Unit: Protestant Reformation Next Unit: Absolutism Odd Days: Learning Activity/Assessment 10/27: Protestant Reformation part 1 10/31: Causes of Reformation chart 11/2: Divisions of Christianity 11/2: Religions chart 11/2: Luther Flowchart 11/2: Spread of Protestant Ideas Qs 11/4: Luther/Calvin Venn Diagram 11/4: Protestantism Spreads to England Qs Odd Days: Learning Activity/Assessment 11/4: Protestantism Spreads to England Qs 11/4: Luther Actions/Reactions notes 11/9: Reformers Chart 11/9: Tudor Family Tree 11/9: Facts about Henry VIII 11/11: Actions of the English Monarchs 11/11: English Reformation video notes 11/15: Elizabethan Settlement 11/15: Problems/Solutions of Catholic Church 11/15: Counter Reformation chart 11/15: Counter Reformation part 2 Odd Days 11/15: Counter Reformation part 2 11/17: Background notes C.R. 11/17: Effects of the Counter-Reformation 11/17: Unit Review Even Days: Learning Activity/Assessment 10/26: Protestant Reformation part 1 10/28: Causes of Reformation chart 10/28 Divisions of Christianity 10/28: Religions chart 11/1: Luther Flowchart 11/1: Spread of Protestant Ideas Qs 11/3: Luther/Calvin Venn Diagram 11/3: Protestant Reformers Chart 11/3: Protestantism Spreads to England Qs Even Days: Learning Activity/Assessment 11/3: Protestantism Spreads to England Qs 11/3: Luther Actions/Reactions notes 11/7: Tudor Family Tree 11/7: Facts about Henry VIII 11/9: Actions of the English Monarchs 11/9: English Reformation video notes Even Days: Learning Activity/Assessment 11/14: Elizabethan Settlement 11/14: Problems/Solutions of Catholic Church 11/14: Counter Reformation chart 11/14: Counter Reformation part 2 11/16: Background notes C.R. 11/16: Effects of the Counter-Reformation 11/16: Unit Review Protestant Reformation Terms Protestant Reformation Indulgences Martin Luther Theocracy John Calvin Predestination Henry VIII Annulled Elizabeth I 95 Theses Charles V Edict of Worms Zwingli Anglican Church Act of Supremacy Mary Tudor Edward VI