ELA Instruction & Assessment Ross-Pike ESD 2014-15 • Make informed curricular decisions • Plan instruction and assessments strategically for student success on Next Generation Assessments • Discover resources that will support instructional design HIGH SCHOOL ASSESSMENTS Math – Algebra I, Geometry English – English 1, English 2 Science – Physical Science Social Studies – American History, American Government Performance Based Assessments + End Of Year Performance Level Descriptor (points) ONGA Details Components: Diagnostics, Mid-year, PBA, EOY, Speaking/Listening Equal Weighting ELA Results: Pearson & ETS Turn-around Time Hybrid Scoring a) Read/Comprehend Complex Text, b)Write Effectively & c) Research/Synthesize Ideas WHOM DOES IT AFFECT? End of Course (EOC) / End of Year (EOY) exams go into effect with this year’s freshmen class (class of 2018). However…. ANY student taking American History and/or American Government this year is required to take those exams Time Expectations for PARCC PBA - EOY • Grades 9-10 ELA -Unit Time 75 90 60 - 60 60 • Est. Time on Task 50 60 40 - 40 40 • Algebra I • Geometry • Integrated Math I, II Unit Time 90 75 - 80 75 • Est. Time on Task 60 50 - 60 50 Time Expectations for AIR • American Government Unit Time 90 90 • Est. Time on Task 60 60 90 90 • Est. Time on Task 60 60 • Physical Science Unit Time 90 90 • Est. Time on Task 60 60 • American History Unit Time WHAT IF WE ARE ON A BLOCK SCHEDULE? PARCC will have ELA and Math tests available for PBA and EOC for first block. They will be paper/pencil only. Window for testing: • Nothing available for Science or Social Studies for first block – ODE’s suggestion is to give interim end of course exam from last year in Am. History/Government BLOCK SCHEDULE CONSIDERATIONS • High School only • Paper/Pencil is only option • ELA/Math will be only subjects available • Performance-Based section – Dec. 1 through Dec. 12 • End of Course section – Dec. 15 through Jan. 19 WHAT ABOUT OGT? OGT will continue to be in effect for this year’s sophomores, juniors, & seniors. (Double testing for some of these students) What about “freshmores” or “academic redshirt freshmen”? They fall under sophomore classification OGT will continue to be given to those that don’t reach the minimum score (until 9/1/22). GRADUATION POINTS • As one of the three pathways to a diploma, students can accumulate their scores from end-of-year/course exams. The higher a student’s score on any end-of-year exam, the more graduation points (s)he earns: • • • • • § Advanced Level = 5 points § Accelerated Level = 4 points § Proficient Level = 3 points § Basic Level = 2 points § Limited Level = 1 point • If a student reaches 18 graduation points overall, he or she becomes eligible for a diploma (also need credits + options). • Of these overall points, a student must earn at least four points between the Math exams, four points between the English exams, and six points between the Science and Social studies exams. 4+4+6=14 ? SUBSTITUTE EXAMS Students in certain courses can take a substitute exam, such as an Advanced Placement (AP) exam, instead of the state’s end-of-course exam. The State Board-approved AP exams may be substitute tests for the following courses: • Physical Science: § AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based § AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based • American History: § AP United States History • American Government: § AP United States Government and Policy RETAKING EXAMS A student who scores below Proficient on any end-of-course exam may retake the exam after receiving extra help from the school. A student scoring Proficient or higher can retake an exam only if he or she has taken all seven end-of-course exams and still is below the minimum point requirements. Any student who automatically earned three graduation points from a course can retake the exam for a higher score. Highest score counts For example, if a student retakes an end-of-course exam, or if he or she takes the college admissions test before or after it is offered by the state, the student’s highest recorded score will count. Transfer students • • Districts will scale down the graduation points requirements for students who arrive at a school with credit for some, but not all, tested courses. However, these students still must earn at least five points between the English II and either the Geometry or Integrated Math II exams. Students who transfer having taken all of the tested courses will take only the college admissions test. If the student does not reach the score needed for graduation, the student must take the English II and Integrated Math II exams and earn five points between them. MAJOR STEPS FORWARD Phase-in exemption and automatic points If a student earned high school credit for a tested course before July 1, 2014, the student automatically earns three graduation points. Students who earn credit for a first semester block course in American History, American Government or Physical Science before January 31, 2015, will also automatically earn three graduation points. If a student receives automatic points, he or she does not have to take the exam, unless that student chooses to take it. The exemption for block schedule students is part of a rule that will be finalized in December 2014. Industry credentials The State Board approved the criteria for the industry credentials a student may use to help qualify for a diploma: All credentials must be tied to jobs that are in-demand, either statewide or locally. A student can use any credential for graduation that appears on the list during the student’s junior year, even if that credential comes off the list during the senior year. A student may always use new credentials added to the list after his or her junior year. The department will release the first approved credentials list in December 2014. FUTURE WORK • College admissions test • Job skills test • Substitute exams Fall ’14: All 3rd Grade Students take OAA (October 6-10, 2014) Cut Score for TGRG (‘14-15) = 394 If score 394 or above take PARCC Spring ’15 If score BELOW 394 take OAA Spring ’15 Alternative Assessment Score ? Reading Improvement Plans K-3 Literacy Grade Implications… Implications… Implications AIR ASSESSMENTS • Social Studies (4th and 6th) • Science (5th and 8th) Performance-based section • Computer or Paper/Pencil (Mar. 2 – 13) End of year section • Computer or Paper/Pencil (May 4 -15) Teacher-Level Value-Added Report: Aggregate Level Reporting Aggregate-level effectiveness of this teacher over time The table displays how that teacher performed compared to the state’s 3-year average and the district’s 3-year average in that same grade level and subject area (most recent year first). In 2011, you will only Value Added Linkage see one year of data. Spring ‘15 District Teacher Effectiveness Listing Where Are We? Sharing Resources • What do we have? • What is/are our greatest need(s)? Where Do We Need To Be? Criteria Focus Content Alignment Are the expectations consistent for both curriculum and assessments? Depth-of Knowledge Consistency Are the cognitive demands of curricular aims and assessments the same? Range of Knowledge Is the span of knowledge reflected in curriculum and assessment the same? Balance of Representation Does assessment reflect the priorities of the curriculum and the instruction? Popham, W.J. (2012) System for Educators (2nd ed). Boston: Pearson. ©2013. Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved. Mastering Assessment: A Self-Service ©2013. Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved. Level I and Level II Usually one right answer Level III More than one correct answer or approach is possible Level IV Real-world applications in new situations ©2013. Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved. DOK Levels •The DOK level is not related to the difficulty or point value of an item. •Verbs alone do not determine the cognitive complexity of assessment tasks. •The DOK level is assigned based on the intent of an item. •Many questions seem higher-order when in fact the question was discussed in detail in class (thus, making it a Level 1 question). •If an item falls between two DOK levels, select the higher of the two levels. Source: Corey Palermo: Measurement Incorporated LA Example (grade 10) Which word would be the best substitution for the word “infallible” in the first paragraph? • A. disloyal • B. hardy DOK Level? • C. reliable • D. uncertain LEVEL 2 – SKILLS/CONCEPTS The reader must use context clues to determine the intended meaning of a word. Creating Text-Dependent Questions 1. An effective text dependent question delves into a text to guide students in extracting the key meanings or ideas and events found there. 2. To achieve this end, text dependent questions begin by exploring specific words, details, explanations and arguments. 3. They then investigate the text through utilizing the Anchor and/or Grade-level Reading Standards to generate the question. Effective text-dependent questions ask students to extract evidence from the text to make inferences and draw conclusions based on what the text says explicitly or inferentially. Assessment Literacy Where Do We Need To Be ? cont… Begin with the end in mind… Pacing Implications Evidence Tables Test Specs Text Complexity EBSR – PCR - TECR PARCC ASSESSMENTS Math / ELA in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th & HS Performance-based section On computer (Feb. 16 – Mar. 20) Paper/Pencil (Feb. 16 – Mar. 6) End of Year section On computer (April 13 – May 15) Paper/Pencil (April 13 – May 1) Evidence Statements/Tables & Task Models 1. Combine standards naturally when designing instructional tasks 2. Align complexity levels of text with standards for instructional passage selection 3. Develop stems for questions/tasks for instruction aligned with the standards 4. Determine and create instructional scaffolding (to think through which individual, simpler skills can be taught first to build to more complex skills) 5. Develop rubrics and scoring tools for classroom use 34 PBA Task Generation Model Grades 3 – 11 36 Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) PARCC will report students achievement using PLDs and scaled scores. In October 2012 PARCC established 5 performance levels o Level 5: Students performing at this level demonstrate a distinguished command of the knowledge, skills, and practices embodied by the Common Core State Standards assessed at their grade level. o Level 4: Strong command… o Level 3: Moderate command… o Level 2: Partial command… o Level 1: Minimal command… Cut Scores will be determined in the Summer of 2015 using multiple stakeholders in the decision making process. Looking at the PLDs: Written Expression This row provides the sub-claim being viewed This row provides the level being described This row provides information about the patterns displayed by students in writing at this level 38 PLD’s • Grades 3-8 • Grades 9-11 Implications for Instruction DOK Question Construction Pacing Scoring Design Weighting PBA vs. EOC/EOY How do we get there? Sample Test Items Analyzing Samples • • • • Cognitive Demand? Content? Test Specs (ECD) ? Blueprints? Associated Skills? Keyboarding Stamina Problem Solving – Technology Accessibility Features JH Example JH Example JH Example, cont. Tech Issues • • • • Access: Software, Hardware Time Resources Keyboarding Skills Cumulative Expectation Begins with Kindergarten Aligned Expectations PARCC Scoring Tools Accessibilities - Accommodations Important Implications for Instruction As You Plan… http://nextgen.apps.sparcc.org/la/9-12 PARCC ELA - Ohio PARCC Sample Items PARCC Test Specs/Blueprints PARCC Practice Test, Tutorials… Read Write Think Teaching Channel Humanities & ELA More Resources Practice Tests Virginia Smarter Balance Georgia Washington Internet4Classrooms Sample Performance Tasks & Exemplar Texts Ohio Resource Center PBS Digital Thinkfinity Google Books Reading Rockets Char’s Blogspot Revisit Learning Targets… Can you…. • Make informed curricular decisions? • Plan instruction and assessments strategically for student success on Next Generation Assessments? • Discover resources that will support instructional design? Thank you! Heidi Gray Special Ed Supervisor/Curriculum Consultant hgray@rpesd.org Office Phone: (704) 702-3120 x. 64309 Lisa Cayton Consultant & SPDG Lead SST Regions 14 & 15 lcayton@sst15.org Office: 740-289-4171 X. 64223 Cell: 740-935-1383