You must complete ALL of TASK FOUR in the homework booklet – your teacher will give you a completion date. Complete page 60 of your SPAG BOOKLET – this must come with you to EVERY LESSON THOUGH (don’t leave it at home). Hot air balloon disaster – it needs to become lighter or it will crash and everyone will die. STARTER… 2 people must vacate the basket – plunging to their death. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A reformed criminal A WW2 veteran celebrating his 90th birthday A teenager with a terminal illness A couple who have just had a civil partnership A recently divorced heart surgeon. A unwed teenage mother and her 6 month old child. A vicar with a drinking problem A prostitute with 5 children at home. A university student who recently converted to Islam. YOU! In your opinion who should vacate the basket and why? Now imagine you are a Christian – might your choices change? Why To use a game of WIPEOUT, group work, and a practice exam question to understand Christian attitudes to the authority of the Church and the use of a variety of moral authorities. Grade C You will list reasons why some Christians only use the Church as a basis for making moral decisions. Grade B Most will be able to evaluate Christian sources of moral authority and explain why some Christians use a variety of sources when making moral decisions. Grade A/A* Some will be able to express an opinion on the need to use a variety of authorities when making a moral decision. The Church is used as a source of moral authority by some Christians as they believe it is able to give advice when making moral decisions. Many Christians will use other things as well as the Church when making their decisions, however, some Christians ONLY use the Church as a basis for making moral decisions. Think Read the statements on your sheet – decide which you think are correct (tick) and which are WIPEOUTS (incorrect - cross) The Church is the Body of Christ on earth and so is able to teach as Jesus would. The Church shows how Jesus and the apostles dealt with moral issues. The Church is based on Jesus’ teaching to ‘love one another’. The Church only preaches God’s word and therefore teaches Christians exactly what God wants. God only Speaks/ communicates to his followers through church leaders Church leaders have been appointed by God Christ is called the Head of the Church in the New Testament – so Church teachings come from Jesus The Holy Spirit is present in the Church today. Jesus taught that the Church The tradition of the Church was the most important should be source of moral respected. authority. God is able to speak through church leaders Church leaders are able to give the correct guidance on all moral issues. Grade C You will list reasons why some Christians only use the Church as a basis for making moral decisions. Start with one edge of the sheet In groups FOUR each… so either of bible, church, conscience situation ethics. get an A3or sheet and 4 You have 2 minutes to come up different coloured advantage and one pens (1 for each). disadvantage your section. with one After 2 minutes You are competing you with then turn against other the paper around members in your and add to another group – pride is at section – until you stake. have done all four. THE WINNER = Someone who got something in EVERY section – if this is more than one person it will then go on the quality of your responses. Now as a group – look carefully at the disadvantages – It is because of these that many Christians believe a variety of moral authorities should be used rather than just one. In the middle of your page can you come up with some reasons WHY Christians use a variety of authorities when making moral decisions. EXTENSION: Can you give any EXAMPLES to go with these points? Why some Christians use a variety of authorities when making moral decisions… Choose any FOUR (from your group work OR below) and get them in your book under the subheading above… • Some of the information from the authorities may be outdated and cannot help with modern situations. Some sources of authority are dependent on the person having sufficient knowledge to make the decision, which they may not have. • • Some sources of authority may have solutions that are not acceptable in today’s society. They may think that a mixture of sources of authority will give a more informed choice. • • • Different authorities can be used in different situations. Some sources of authority might not give advice on a certain issue. Grade B Most will be able to evaluate Christian sources of moral authority and explain why some Christians use a variety of sources when making moral decisions. Complete PAGE 54 QUESTION 2 of your REVISION WORKBOOK complete WITHOUT NOTES against the 6 minute clock. Make a note of your time in the margin. Now SWAP and PEER MARK each others work. REMEMBER mark on those P’s and E’s and KW’s and Q’s. Give them a mark out of 6 and a clear TARGET. Grade A/A* Some will be able to express an opinion on the need to use a variety of authorities when making a moral decision. Think back to the starter… Which source of authority do you think would have helped most in this moral dilemma and WHY?