Ways an Author Reveals Character

in Five
#1 Direct Description by
the Author
Portions of narrated text
reveal things about the
characters in the story
What the author tells us
about the character is
The witch to the right of Fudge
leaned forward so that Harry saw her for
the first time.
He thought she looked just like a
large, pale toad. She was rather squat
with a broad, flabby face, as little neck
as Uncle Vernon, and a very wide, slack
mouth. Her eyes were large, round, and
slightly bulging. Even the little black
velvet bow perched on top of her short
curly hair put him in mind of a large fly
she was about to catch on a long sticky
Ready to See How the
Illustrator Pictured Her?????
#2 Character’s Words and
What the character does
in the story and things
that he/she may say to
We learn about people
through their actions
and what they say!
“Has everybody got a copy of the
No one answered.
“I think we’ll try that again,” said
Professor Umbridge. “When I ask a
question, I should like you to reply ‘Yes,
Professor Umbridge,’ or ‘No, Professor
Umbridge.’ So has everyone got a copy
of the textook?”
“Yes, Professor Umbridge,” rang
through the room.
“Good,” said Professor Umbridge.
“Turn to page five and read chapter one.
There will be no need to talk.
#3 Character’s Thoughts
and Feelings
How the character feels
about certain things or
The character’s
“Mr. Potter, the Dark Lord has NOT
returned from the dead and anyone who
says that he has is perpetuating lies. I
will not have it. Tell me at once who is
saying such things and they will be
punished accordingly. We are all
perfectly safe,” she said smugly. It was
clear that her intention was to deceive
the wizarding world into believing that
Voldemort was not on the verge of
attacking and that she was thrilled to
have the opportunity to brainwash as
many wizards as possible.
#4 What Other Characters
Say About the Character
The way the character is
described by other
characters in the story
Positive or Negative comments????
“Professor Umbridge is an evil old
bat who only cares about pretending
that Voldemort hasn’t returned with a
plot to kill us all,” exclaimed Harry.
#5 How Other Characters
Interact With the
How do other characters
treat him/her in the
As Professor Umbridge entered
the room, the students rolled their
eyes and muttered unhappily under
their breath. “Good Afternoon
Professor Umbridge,” they exhaled
Can You List the 5 Ways
Characters Are Revealed?
Direct Description
Character’s Words and
Character’s Thoughts and
The Way the Character Is
Described By Other
Characters In the Story
How Other Characters
Interact With the Character