COURTESY TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH Rome SERVIZIO STUDI E GESTIONE DATI DIVISIONE BANCHE DATI E ANTIFRODE Prot. n. All.ti n. 21 May 2014 47-14-001794 To the insurance undertakings with head offices located in Italy and pursuing motor liability insurance To their premises To the branches in Italy of insurance undertakings with head offices in a non EEA country and pursuing motor liability insurance in Italy To their premises To the insurance undertakings having their head office in another EEA Member State and pursuing motor liability insurance in Italy by way of freedom to provide services To their premises To the insurance undertakings having their head office in another EEA Member State and pursuing motor liability insurance in by way of establishment To their premises copy to: Ministry of Economic Development Via Molise, 2 00187 Rome ANIA National Association of Insurance Undertakings Via della Frezza, 70 00186 Rome RE: Appointment by insurance undertakings of a referent subject for anti-fraud activity Pursuant to article 30 of Decree-law n. 1 of 24 January 2012, converted into law n. 27 of 24 March 2012, IVASS exercises the supervisory powers referred to under title XIV, chapter I, of legislative decree n. 209 of 2005 to ensure the adequacy of the company's organisation and of the claims settlement systems in respect of the objective of combating fraud in this field. In light of the above, the recipient undertakings shall appoint a referent subject for anti-fraud activity charged with implementing the requirements related to this activity, including those resulting from the Integrated Computerized Data Bank which is to be set up. In addition, the referent subject for anti-fraud activity shall act as contact person also vis-à-vis the Law Enforcement Bodies operating on the Italian territory and shall be the addressee of any inquiries sent by these bodies, unless otherwise provided. The referent subject shall be appointed and vested with the relevant representative powers by the competent corporate bodies within 30 days of the date of this letter. Within the same deadline, this appointment - signed by the company's legal representative – shall be notified to IVASS through a letter to Servizio Studi e Gestione Dati – Divisione Banche Dati e Antifrode, sent by e-mail to Taking into account the confidentiality of some of the information which may be exchanged with IVASS, a certified electronic mail address - assigned to the referent subject must be provided. Within the same deadline of 30 days, a form containing the information requested (encl. 1) shall be sent to the same e-mail address, by using the file in electronic format (.xls) attached to this letter and downloadable from IVASS's website (normativa/lettere al mercato/lettere dispositive). Any changes in the name and/or relevant addresses shall be notified immediately to IVASS according to the same terms and procedures. Yours faithfully the President 2