catalogue - NAM project

Milan, May 27, 2014
Matt Ager
Jack Brindley
Menna Cominetti
Peter Linden
Zoë Paul
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Matt Ager
London 1985
Smuggle, 2013
Policarbonato, gomma
50 x 50 x 10
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Matt Ager
London 1985
“Bullocks, i dunno “, 2013
Acrilico su cerata
160 x 140
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
MATT AGER b. in London 1986
(current) Royal Academy Schools, London
Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Maine, USA
BA(Hons) Sculpture at Camberwell College of Art
Classic Poncho, The China Shop, Oxford
A Nod, Space in Between, London
OVERTHIN, Gallery Primo Alonso, London
Chromatic leak – NAM project, Milan
Anat Ebgi, Los Angeles
Paradise Row, London
Premiums, Royal Academy Schools, London
Artist Make Pub Signs/GROUP SHOW, Space in Between, London
Open Cube, White Cube, London. Curated by Adriano Pedrosa
Does not Migrate, Triangle Arts Association, New York
A False Dichotomy, Shoreditch town hall Basement, London
DUMBO Arts Festival, Brooklyn, New York.
‘Prop’, Departure Gallery, London
Stardust Boogie Woogie, Monica Bobinska
State of the Art, XVII The Shop, Cambridge
2009 The Mountain of Fire and Congregational Miracles, London
Hunting the Phoenix, Ovada, Oxford
Yaddo Residency
Triangle Workshop 2010, Brooklyn, New York
Ashmoloean Youth contemporary Art Forum Lecture series
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Jack Brindley
London 1987
Designing out, 2013
100 Biro diluite con alcool, su alluminio
160 x 120
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Jack Brindley
London 1987
Untitled, 2013
inchiostro blu su carta carbone
29 x21
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Jack Brindley
London 1987
Untitled, 2013
inchiostro blu su carta carbone
29 x21
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
JACK BRINDLEY b. 1987 in London
MA Painting, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 2011-2013
BA Fine Art, University of Reading, UK, 2005-2009
Clay Arlington in London, Spring/Summer, 2014. Five Years, London. (CLAY ARLINGTON)
Sweat, Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London, UK,
BC SYSTEM - Public Work Solutions, public comission by Situations, Bristol, UK,(JOINT w. Lucas Clayton)
CANS, Winter Projects, London, UK
Terminus, Hockney gallery, London UK. (JOINT w. Neal Rock)
Blueprint, Curated by Victor Wang, CSA Space, Vancouver, Canada.
Congratulations you are the most recent visitor, Curated by Outpost at Kettles Yard, Cambridge, UK.
The Empire Never Ended. Tricycle Gallery, London, UK
Reflections on Rorschach, The Central Gallery, Reading, UK
The 8 Artistic Principles. Attic, Nottingham, UK
Points of Contact. No Format Gallery, London, UK
Mud and Water, Rokeby Gallery, London, UK
Bloomberg New Contemporaries, ICA London, & Liverpool Biennale, UK
Mythological Propotion, Laurent Delaye, London, UK
Industrious, Art Sheffield 13, Sheffield, UK,
Phosphene, Curated by Twelve Around One, The China Shop, Oxford, UK
21st Century Art and Design, Christies, London, UK.
Intercourse 3, ICA, London, UK.
MK Calling, Milton Keynes Gallery, UK.
SHOW RCA 2013, RCA Degree show, London, UK.
Slow is smooth is fast, Boetzelaer Nispen, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Signs of the City, Curated by The Drawing Room, at UBM, London, UK.
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Summer Show, RCA, London, UK
Dromology, South Square Gallery, Bradford, UK
Learning to Breath Again, Effracute Gallery, London, UK (JOINT w. Emanuel Rohss)
Compose Condition, Carte Blanche, London, UK
In forward-reverse, Schwartz Gallery, London, UK
Interim show, RCA, London, UK
Trouble in Utopia, Open, Ealing, UK
Paint, BlankSpace Gallery, Manchester, UK
Critical Writing and Curatorial Practice, Chelsea College of art, London, UK
Always coming back to you, Mile End Pavilion, London, UK
Stones of menace, St Bows Common, London, UK
Exhibitionism, Courtauld Institute of Art, London, UK
Pause and Effect - Manifesto 1.5,Stamford Works, London, UK
Open File: A Rehearsal. Outpost, Norwich. UK
Open File: Rickroll, Spike Island, Bristol, UK.
Open File: Long Live the New Flesh, ICA, London, UK
Open File: Hashfail, Grand Union Birmingham, UK
Open File: Symposium Milton Keynes Gallery, UK(June 2012)
Open File: Admitting the Flats Milton Keynes Gallery, UK (May 2012)
Open File: Temporary Sites (A Proposal) Milton Keynes Gallery, UK (May 2012)
Open File: Virtual Space / Digital Trace, Grand Union, Birmingham, UK
Open File: Site / Non-Site, Grand Union, Birmingham, UK
Open File: Pavilion Screening, Grand Union, Birmingham, UK
Open File: Echoes (disambiguation), Grand Union, Birmingham, UK
Architectural Fragments - There are two types of clarity, Apiary Studios, London
Inside outsider language, Waterside Project Space, London, UK
Subject - Object(ive) Language, Central Gallery, Reading, UK
Situations, public comision, Spike Island, Bristol, 2013
Royal College of Art Busary, 2011 - 2013
Architectural Foundation, residency at the South Kilburn Studios, 2011
The Worshipful Company of Painters and Stainers Award 2005
Mark O'Roirdan Art Traveling Scholarship 2005
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Menna Cominetti
London 1989
“ Odes to the body and her work II,2014
Acrilico spray su tavola
65 x 35
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Menna Cominetti
London 1989
“ Odes to the body and her work II,2014
Acrilico spray su tavola
65 x 35
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
MENNA COMINETTI b.1989 in London, UK
Kunstschule weißensee, Berlin
BA (Hons) Art and Visual Culture - University of West England (2009 - 2012)
Foundation: Chelsea college of Art
After Aperol (solo) Corfu, London UK
Nuovo Nuovo Vecchio, Spike Island website take over
Successone, Create london, website take over UK
Cannonballs in Westfields, what’s not to admire? Philadelphia street, Bristol UK
Enlighten Us but make it quick! New Gallery, London UK
Exhibition Z Shed, Bristol UK
Art and Visual Culture Degree show Spike Island, Bristol UK
New Contemporaries,, Spike Island, Bristol UK
New Contemporaries ICA, London UK
Dumb Shadow, with James Parkinson and Sebastian Jefford , SuperCollider hq, Blackpool
Oct 2012-Oct 2013: Spike Island Graduate Fellowship
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Peter Linden
Los Angeles 1989
“ Floor mat “, 2014
Tappeto in gomma
91 x 121
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
PETER LINDEN b.1989 in Los Angeles, US
2012 B.F.A., Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York, US
The Blind and the Elephant, The Shed Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA, US
Upshot, Still House Group Brooklyn, New York, US
Chromatic Leak, NAM project, Milan, IT
Quiet Works, Temple Contemporary, Philadelphia, PA, US
Banana Hammock, 1632 Pennsylvania Avenue, Miami Beach, FL, US
Set For Life, AMO Studios, Brooklyn, NY, US
(888) 659-2204, Rubelle and Norman Schafler Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, US
Pratt Night Out Powerhouse Arena, Brooklyn, NY, US
Ox-Bow Fellowship Exhibition, Barn Space Douglas, MI, US
Leftovers at the Ox-Bow Gallery, US
Youth Fellows, Pro-Arts Oakland, CA, US
Ox-Bow Fellowship Saugatuck, MI, US
Still House Resident, Redhook, Brooklyn, New York, US
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Zoё Paul
London 1987
“Untitled”, 2014
Inchiostro serigrafico su seta
380 x 95
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Zoё Paul
London 1987
“Untitled”, 2014
Inchiostro serigrafico su seta
150 x 100
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Zoё Paul
London 1987
“ Weaving “, 2014
Tecnica mista
72 x 79
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
Zoё Paul
London 1987
“ Weaving “, 2014
Tecnica mista
72 x 79
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
ZOË PAUL b.1987 in London
2010-12 MA Sculpture, Royal College of Art, London
2006-09 BA, Sculpture, Camberwell College of Arts
2004-05 Fine Art, AKTO School of Art, Athens
LaTraCom - Ricou Gallery, Brussels
Thalasseum - Cole, London
Pass Quietly - Cole, London
Chromatic Leak - NAM project, MIlan
Under Icebergs, curated by Aidan Doherty, Kingsgate Gallery, London
Heart of Darkness, Gallerie Carrée, Villa Arson, Nice
ZARDOZ - MOT International, London
RCA MA Show, RCA Sculpture, London
Cowley Manor and Couttes Art Award and Sculpture Exhibition
Lovely Summer Sunshine Time - Royal College of Art (Battersea), 23rd July
RCA Interim show, Royal College of Art, London
Circuit Wisely - Ability Plaza, London
Between the Lines - Cass Sculpture Foundation, Sussex
The Village Green - Artisjustaword, Stanton St John, Oxfordshire
Formal Inquiry - Cole, London
X Artworks in a Straight Line (Seeking the Perfect Sphere) - Crisp London Los Angeles,
Kids Company Shoe Box Auction and Exhibition - Haunch of Venison, London
Art Barter - The Rag Factory, London
Future Map 09 - 20 Hoxton Square Projects, London
Group show at Coleman Road Project space, London
Factory - group show at James Taylor Gallery, London
Group Show - Area 10, London
Group Show - Imperial Works, London
Between the Platform - Sassoon Gallery, London
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM
VIA G. VENTURA, 6 20134 MILANO IT | T. +39 331 225 9523 T. +39 392 399 7551 | WWW.NAMPROJECT.COM