******************************************************************************* MEDEDELINGEN VAN HET KONINKLIJK WISKUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP, 2014 nr. 3 7 februari 2014 (electronische aflevering) De eerstvolgende aflevering verschijnt omstreeks 21 februari 2014. Kopij kan worden gestuurd naar medwg@cwi.nl; agenda-items kunnen ook worden aangeboden via de website www.wiskgenoot.nl . Mededelingen van het Bestuur ============================ Eredoctoraat voor Rien Kaashoek VU-hoogleraar wiskunde prof. M.A. Kaashoek, oud-voorzitter van het KWG, krijgt op 27 mei 2014 een eredoctoraat van North West University, Potchefstroom, Zuid-Afrika. Dit bevestigt de nauwe banden die Kaashoek heeft met het wiskunde-instituut van deze universiteit waar een grote groep werkzaam is in de functionaalanalyse en operator theorie, Kaashoek’s onderzoeksgebieden. Twee promovendi van Kaashoek (Gilbert Groenewald en Sanne ter Horst) zijn hier werkzaam en zijn VU-collega André Ran is er buitengewoon hoogleraar. Het Heidelberg Laureaat Forum Van 21-26 september 2014 vindt het tweede Heidelberg Laureaat Forum plaats. Dit forum biedt een unieke gelegenheid aan studenten, promovendi en postdocs om kennis te maken en te discussieren met winnaars van de meest prestigieuze prijzen in wiskunde en informatica: Fields, Abel en Turing Laureaten. Nadere informatie: zie de rubriek 5. Vacatures. ************************************************************************* 1. Agenda 2. Colleges, voordrachten en cursussen 3. Promoties die nog niet zijn vermeld in 2013 4. Examens in 2013 5. Vacature ************************************************************************* 1. Agenda Van de met * aangeduide activiteiten vindt men bijzonderheden in de rubriek Colleges, voordrachten, cursussen e.d. ************************************************************************* 7-2 Utrecht: Mark Kac seminar 11.15-13 Anita Winter (Essen): Invariance Principle for variable speed random walks 14.30-16.15 Elena Pulvirenti (Leiden): Phase transitions and coarse graining for a system of particles in the continuum Location: Janskerkhof 15a, room 106, Utrecht 13-2 UU: Stafcolloquium Michael Kapovich (UC Davis) Polyhedral complexes and the topology of projective varieties Time/location: 15.30-16.30 hrs, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building. The lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and cookies from 15 to 15.30 hrs, in the same room Website 13/14-2 Bonn: Fourth Workshop “Higher Geometric Structures along the Lower Rhine” jointly organized by the Geometry/Topology groups in Bonn, Nijmegen, and Utrecht Location: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn Speakers: Dimitri Ara (Nijmegen), Michael Batanin (Macquarie University, Sydney/MPIM Bonn), Pedro Frejlich (Utrecht), Bas Janssens (Utrecht), Martin Markl (Prague/MPIM Bonn), Eckhard Meinrenken (University of Toronto), Matan Prezma (Nijmegen) Registration and more information. Organizers: Christian Blohmann, Marius Crainic, Ieke Moerdijk 19-2 Leiden: EWM-NL meeting (European Women in Mathematics) There will be four inspiring talks by female mathematicians from the four different mathematics clusters in the Netherlands (GQT, STAR, Diamant and NDNS+). Next, there will be a talk from Leiden’s diversity officer Isabel Hoving, followed by a discussion and drinks. Time/location: 13.30-18.00, Lorentz, Snellius Website 20-2 UU: Stafcolloquium Fabio Pasquali (UU) Remarks on the Tripos to Topos Construction Time/location: 15.30-16.30 hrs, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building. The lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and cookies from 15 to 15.30 hrs, in the same room Website 27-2 UU: Stafcolloquium Cristian Spitoni (UU) Metastability for Reversible Probabilistic Cellular Automata(PCA) Time/location: 15.30-16.30 hrs, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building. The lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and cookies from 15 to 15.30 hrs, in the same room Website 28-2 Utrecht: Crypto Working group meeting 10.45-15.45 hr, Kargadoor, Oudegracht 36, Utrecht 3/6-3 Lille, France: Workshop “Automorphic forms, Lie algebra and String theory” Location: Lille, Laboratoire Paul Painleve Speakers and registration Organizers: Valery Gritsenko, Pierre Vanhove 6-3 UU: Stafcolloquium Siamak Taati (UU) Do cellular automata follow the second law of thermodynamics? Time/location: 15.30-16.30 hrs, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building. The lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and cookies from 15 to 15.30 hrs, in the same room Website 10-3 Eindhoven: Workshop YEP XI: Mass transportation in analysis and probability Organisor: EURANDOM, email, website 13-3 UU: Stafcolloquium Vivi Rottschaefer (UU) Title to be announced Time/location: 15.30-16.30 hrs, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building. The lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and cookies from 15 to 15.30 hrs, in the same room Website 19-3 Utrecht: Wiskunde C-D Organisatoren: PWN, SLO (T. Bruno), website 20-3 UU: Stafcolloquium Jan van den Heuvel (London School of Economics) The Complexity of Change Time/location: 15.30-16.30 hrs, room 611 of the Hans Freudenthal building. The lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and cookies from 15 to 15.30 hrs, in the same room Website 24/28-3 Paris: Asymptotic properties of groups Website email 26-3 Eindhoven: Workshop "Stochastic Optimization and Online Learning" (YES VII) Organisator: EURANDOM email, website 10/16-4 Antalya, Turkije: European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad Website email 11-4 UvA: Docentencongres Leve de Wiskunde! Website e-mail 6/11-4 Leuven: 11th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (MCQMC 2014) website 16/17-4 Delft: E-mail 24/25-4 *Lunteren: 2/4-5 België: Benelux Wiskunde Olympiade De Benelux Mathematical Olympiad (BxMO) is een wiskunde-derby tussen België, Luxemburg en Nederland. 23-5 Rennes: Spring school on Hodge theory website 23-5 UT: Kaleidoscoopdag 2014 Organisator: W.S.G. Abacus website e-mail 26/30-5 Turku: Analytic Number Theory Workshop website 5/6-6 Arnhem: Diamant symposium Organisator: Robin de Jong For more details, see the website. 16/18-6 Sevilla, Spain: 11th Advanced Course in Operator Theory and Complex Analysis 50ste Nederlands Mathematisch Congres Website PhD Days in Analysis and Dynamics website 23/27-6 Stockholm, Sweden: 6th European Woman in Mathematics Summer school IML website, informational webpage 2/4-7 Eindhoven: Conference on Algebra, Geometry and Computation Information, registration 3/13-7 Kaapstad: 55ste Internationale Wiskunde Olympiade Website, e-mail 7/11-7 RUG: The 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014) Website 14/18-7 VUA: IWOTA 2014 Website, email **************************************************************************** 2. Colleges, voordrachten en cursussen Lunteren PhD Days in Analysis and Dynamics Dates: April 24-25, 2014 During this meeting we expect participants to introduce themselves and their research in the form of a poster or a short talk. Apart from these talks, two graduate level lectures will be delivered. We believe that this is a good opportunity for PhD students to meet their fellow researchers, as well as possible future collaborators. Please encourage your PhD students to participate in this meeting! The event's webpage . Participation fee is free of charge, and includes one night's stay, breakfast, lunches and a conference dinner. Please see the website for more information and do not hesitate to contact us by email if you have any questions. **************************************************************************** 3. Promoties die nog niet zijn vermeld in 2013 UU Promoties in 2013: 6 E. Bod, Algebraic A-hypergeometric functions and their monodromy, promotor: Prof. dr. F. Beukers. B.O. Fagginger-Auer, GPU Acceleration of Graph Matching, Clustering, and Partitioning, promotor: Prof. dr. R.H. Bisseling Janne Kool, Graphs, Curves and Dynamics, promotor: Prof. dr. G.L.M. Cornelissen. I. T. Marcut, Normal forms in Poisson geometry, promotor: Prof. dr. M. Crainic. M. A. Salazar Pinzón, Pfaffian groupoids, promotor: Prof. dr. M. Crainic. W.P. Stekelenburg, Realizability categories, promotor: Prof. dr. I. Moerdijk, co-promotor: Dr. J. van Oosten. **************************************************************************** 4. Examens in 2013 UU Masterexamens Mathematical Sciences: 29 Attema, T., Berghout, S., Bet, B.P., Boven, H.W. van, Broens, J.P.S., Burger, G.A., Chan, K.M.D., Dokter, K.P.C., Doorn, F.P. van, Groothedde, C.M., Hees, S. van, Jong, T.V. de, Kekem, D.L. van, Klaasse, R.L., Koster, L.R.A., Molag, L.D., Mulder, J.,Nuiten, J.J., Pijnenburg, M.J., Pirpinia, K., Plomp, F., Schaijk, L. van, Schipper, A., Storm, R.W., Taviani, D., Verheul, N., Vromen, L.J.D., Wesselink, R.J., Zwaan, I.N., **************************************************************************** 5. Vacature „Apply Now!“ – The Application Process for the First Heidelberg Laureate Forum Is Up and Running. The second Heidelberg Laureate Forum will take place from September 21 - 26, 2014 bringing together the best students in mathematics and computer science with winners of the most prestigious awards in these two disciplines: Abel, Fields, and Turing Laureates. It is a unique possibility for young researchers to meet the laureates in person and to discuss with them in an inspiring athmosphere. Detailed information can be found at: http://www.heidelberg-laureate-forum.org/. Application Students, PhD candidates and postdocs in the fields of mathematics and computer science from all over the world are invited to apply online. Applicants will find all necessary information at: https://application.heidelberg-laureate-forum.org/intern/start_start_for.php The application deadline is February 28, 2014. einde Mededelingen