Publikasjonar/ Publications Sønnesyn, G.

Publikasjonar/ Publications
Sønnesyn, G. (2012). Kartlegging som reiskap i ein inkluderande skule. Spesialpedagogikk
Sønnesyn, G. & Naglieri, J. A. (2011). The Das & Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System suitable as tool for inclusion? In Lebeer, J., Candeias, A. & Grácio, L.(eds): With a
Different Glance. Dynamic Assessment of Functioningof Children Oriented at
Developmental & Inclusive Learning. Garant, Antwerpen-Apeldorn, p 113-126.
Sønnesyn, G. (2011). Dynamic Assessment of learning within curricular subjects;
mathematical knowledge. In Lebeer, J., Candeias, A. & Grácio, L.(eds): With a
Different Glance. Dynamic Assessment of Functioningof Children Oriented at
Developmental & Inclusive Learning. Garant, Antwerpen-Apeldorn, p 205-218.
Sønnesyn, G. (2011). Kartlegging i ein inkluderande skule. I Spesialpedagogikk 05/2011
Sønnesyn, G. & Sønnesyn, B. (2010). ØV-og LÆR: ANNA, ADDIS, SUB, MULTI, KLOKKA,
GRAFEM, 100. Serier av memory/lottospill for øving i analytisk koding,
matematikkferdigheiter, grafem/fonem-kombinasjonar og 100 mest brukte ord.
Pedverket, Voss.
Sønnesyn, G. (2008). Different Learners – General learning Processes in Learning Math? I
Linnanmäki, K. & Gustafsson, L. (Eds.): Different Learners – Different Math?.
Proceeding of the 4th Nordic Research Conference on Special Needs Education in
Mathematics. Åbo Akademi University, No 17/2009.
Sønnesyn, G. (2007). The Learner, Teaching and the Curriculum, Analyzed within Frameworks of
Cognitive Thinking. Paper på XI IACEP (International Association for Cognitive
Education and Psychology) Interbational Conference, Knoxville 2007.
Sønnesyn, G. (2007). Cognitive Education. In Inclues DVD, Video clips of good inclusive
practise in different countries. Statped Sørlandet, Kristiansand.
Sønnesyn, G. (2007). Mattis og Mattea 1. Ressursperm. Tell forlag, Asker
Sønnesyn, G. (2007). Mattis og Mattea 2B. Tell forlag, Asker
Sønnesyn, G. (2006). Mattis og Mattea 2A. Tell forlag, Asker
Sønnesyn, G. (2006) Mattis og Mattea 1. Tell forlag, Asker.
Sønnesyn, G. (2006) Cognitive Processes and their Influence on Attention, Behaviour and
Learning in General. In Transylvania Journal of Psychology, Special Issue No 2
Supplement, p 143-155. Pro Studium et Practicum Psychologiae Association. Cluj
Sønnesyn, G. (2005) Å overvinne barrierar i arbeidet med å lære matematikk. Spesialpedagogikk
10/ 2005
Sønnesyn, G. (2003) ADDIS, SUB og MULTI, matematikkspel. Be-Ma forlag, Pedverket, Voss
Sønnesyn, G. og Hem, M. (1996). Grunnlaget. Program for teaching basic concepts and basic
conceptual systems according to Nyborgs concept teaching model. Project INSIDE/
Pedverket Kompetanse, Voss.
Omsett til engelsk, rumensk, ungarsk, tsjekkisk og latvisk Hansen, A., Hem, M. og Sønnesyn,
G (2002). A strategy of concept teaching and a Concept Teaching Model.
Project INSIDE/ Down Syndrome Educational Trust, South Sea, UK.
Sønnesyn, G. (2001). Matematikkvanskane i klasserommet. Spesialpedagogikk 3/2001 s 6368.
Sønnesyn, G. (2000). Ti delt på atten; korleis blir det, og kvifor blir det slik? Tangenten 3/2000.
Caspar forlag
Sønnesyn, G. (1999). ANNA begrepslotto. Be-Ma forlag, Pedverket, Voss
Sønnesyn, G. og Hem, M. (1996). Grunnlaget. Undervisningsperm for begrepsundervisning
Omsett til engelsk, rumensk, ungarsk, tsjekkisk og latvisk.
Sønnesyn, G. (1992). Eit fullstendig læringsbegrep? Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift 4/192 s. 205207. Universitetsforlaget.
Lebeer, J.; Birta-Székely, N.; Demeter, K.; Bohàcs, K.; Candeias, A. A.; Sønnesyn, G.;
Partanen, P.; Dawson, L. (2012). Re-assessing the current assessment practice of
children with special education needs in Europe. School Psychology International,
Volume 33, issue 1 (February 2012), p. 69-92. ISSN: 0143-0343 DOI:
10.1177/0143034311409975 SAGE Publications
Lebeer, J., Birta-Székely, N., Demeter, K., Partanen, P., Bohàcs, K., Dawson, L., Orban, R. &
Sønnesyn, G. (2011). Problematic issues in assessment. In Lebeer, J., Candeias, A. &
Grácio, L.(eds): With a Different Glance. Dynamic Assessment of Functioningof
Children Oriented at Developmental & Inclusive Learning. Garant, AntwerpenApeldorn, p 19-27.
Lebeer, J., Birta-Székely, N., Demeter, K., Partanen, P., Candeias, A., Bohàcs, K., Dawson,
L., Orban, R. & Sønnesyn, G. (2011). Organisation and legislation of special needs
education in the partrner countries. In Lebeer, J., Candeias, A. & Grácio, L.(eds):
With a Different Glance. Dynamic Assessment of Functioningof Children Oriented at
Developmental & Inclusive Learning. Garant, Antwerpen-Apeldorn, p 29-36.
Lebeer, J., Birta-Székely, N., Demeter, K., Partanen, P., Candeias, A., Rosario, A. C., Bohàcs,
K., Dawson, L., Orban, R. & Sønnesyn, G. (2011). Organisation of assessment in the
partner countries. In Lebeer, J., Candeias, A. & Grácio, L.(eds): With a Different
Glance. Dynamic Assessment of Functioningof Children Oriented at Developmental
& Inclusive Learning. Garant, Antwerpen-Apeldorn, p 37-48.
Birta-Székely, N., Demeter, K., Lebeer, J., Partanen, P., Candeias, A., Rebocho, M., Rosario,
A. C Bohàcs, K., Dawson, L., Orban, R. & Sønnesyn, G. (2011). Test and
instruments currently used in the partner countries. In Lebeer, J., Candeias, A. &
Grácio, L.(eds): With a Different Glance. Dynamic Assessment of Functioningof
Children Oriented at Developmental & Inclusive Learning. Garant, AntwerpenApeldorn, p 49-69.
Lebeer, J., Birta-Székely, N., Demeter, K., Partanen, P., Candeisa, A., Bohàcs, K., Dawson,
L., Orban, R. & Sønnesyn, G. (2011). Critical reflections and suggestions for change.
In Lebeer, J., Candeias, A. & Grácio, L.(eds): With a Different Glance. Dynamic
Assessment of Functioningof Children Oriented at Developmental & Inclusive
Learning. Garant, Antwerpen-Apeldorn, p 71-84.
Lebeer, J., Sønnesyn G., Roth M., Pokorná V..- Shortlist of programmes, methods and
approaches that activate cognitive development: list of criteria. In-clues: clues to
inclusive and cognitive education / Lebeer, J. [edit.] - ISBN 978-90-441-2153-7 Antwerpen, Garant, 2006, p. 63-66