Independent sector reablement

Lincolnshire County Council
No use or reproduction without
Lincolnshire Assessment
and Reablement Service
 Lincolnshire began the introduction of its Reablement service in
January 2009. It identified one area of the county and the Skegness
Action Learning Programme (SkALP) ran for three months.
 As the County Council had a substantive ‘In House’ Home Support
Service. They were chosen to provide the new service having
previously had some experience in offering a short and long term
(maintenance) service.
 The Action Learning Programme that informed the introduction of a
Lincolnshire Assessment and Reablement Service (LARS) was subject
to Prince II Project Management.
 Having established the basis for the delivery of the service LARS was
rolled out to other areas during the rest of the year
Lincolnshire Assessment and
Reablement Service (LARS)
 Part way through the ‘Roll Out’ The reablement board overseeing the
introduction of LARS agreed to pilot the introduction re the viability of
the Independent Sector to provide LARS.
 Using the same Project Management Approach and with information
from the projections and modeling undertaken as part of the SkALP we
used Mietool, to consider the efficiency savings that could be achieved
through the independent sector providing a similar service and assist in
developing a business case.
 Through a short listing approach from a cohort of interested providers
we identified an Independent Company - Compleat Care -that met the
criteria for the delivery of LARS
 One of the key elements of the criteria was the company’s location in
Lincolnshire Assessment and
Reablement Service (LARS)
 The internal ramifications re outsourcing of services, were a major
consideration particularly at an early stage in what had been already a
significant shift within the county council’s own workforce.
 Choosing therefore a provider that could take up the shortfall in service
within this area was important in justifying the pilot.
 Using a project team with the various skill sets to deliver the project we
began the planning arrangements to introduce a small scale (Budget
allocated for 20) Project was for three months
 It was important early on in the project to develop a positive business
relationship with the Independent provider and vice versa.
Lincolnshire Assessment and
Reablement Service (LARS)
 Original pilot was set up to consider the viability of the Independent
Sector providing not only a reablement service but also an assessment
service as well.
 To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the service we used the
same systems and measures that were already in use for In House
service. This meant the same paperwork throughout.
 An amended specification was drawn up to reflect the changes mainly in
wording to reflect the use of Independent as opposed to In House.
Essentially the same specification.
 This was initially established as a three month pilot but has subsequently
been extended to continue to provide a LARS service in this area of the
Lincolnshire Assessment and
Reablement Service (LARS)
 The pilot has been evaluated and the project report is due to be signed
off at the boards next meeting. Headline re the objectives set are that
the project achieved its objectives which were:
To assess the impact of the Independent Sector providing an assessment
and reablement service.
To test out what would be the process and finance issues in offering this
type of service
To test out the service specification and its suitability in relation to LARS
To capture outputs and outcomes for performance reporting
 Phase I of LARS, including Independent Sector provision has been
completed on time and to budget. In House provision is currently being
independently evaluated and the report is due to be produced next
Lincolnshire Assessment and
Reablement Service (LARS)
 Using this information we have already set out the key areas for Phase
 This includes the confirmation re the size and scale of service that will be
provided by a mixed market of In House and the Independent sector
provision of LARS
 We are also following on with work to look at a person’s pathway from
the initial contact assessment undertaken by our Customer Service
Centre through to a Personal Budget. The Pilot having been helpful in
looking at how the assessment process element might evolve in a
reconfigured service.