Maths Workshop December 2013 Aims • To share some of the strategies that we use in our school to teach “Number” and “Calculation”. • To give you some ideas of how to make maths fun for your child/ren. NUMBER We teach the children to read, write, count, compare and order numbers. Expectations Reception • Count reliably to 20. • Order numbers. • Use language such as more/less to describe numbers Year 1 • Read, write, count and order numbers to 10 then beyond. • Begin to use the fraction one half. Year 2 • Count sets of objects reliably. • Begin to understand the place value of each number and use this to order numbers up to 100. • Begin to use halves and quarters. Reading and Writing Numbers at home • Practise Try to make it fun, • reading numbers that you see on your way to school. • Writing using big paint brushes, squeezy bottles, chalk. • Writing in sand, flour, shaving foam or “gloop”. Click for the pencil Click green for go! Counting • We sing number songs and rhymes. • We count objects and match numbers to them. • We use number lines and number squares (sometimes called 100 squares) • We also use resources such as Numicon Ordering and recognising numbers • The children order the numbers from smallest to largest. • Then they add the numbers as figures or words underneath. • The children quickly spot the differences between the even numbers and the odd numbers. How quickly can you order the Numicon? CALCULATION We teach the children to add, subtract, multiply and divide. This includes doubling and halving. Expectations Reception • Using objects they add and subtract two single digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. • They solve problems including doubling, halving and sharing. Expectations Year 1 • Understand subtraction as taking away objects from a set and finding out how many are left. • Add and subtract numbers of objects to 10. • Begin to know some addition facts. • Solve addition/subtraction problems up to 10 objects. • Record their work. Addition Recording What we teach now 4+2=6 The New Curriculum 4 +2 6 Expectations Year 2 • Use their knowledge that subtraction is the inverse of addition and understand halving as a way of “undoing” doubling and vice versa. • Use mental recall of addition and subtraction facts to 10. • Use mental calculation strategies to solve number problems including money and measures. • Record their work in writing. • Choose the appropriate operation when solving addition and subtraction problems. The children are also using multiplication and division. Strategies for teaching Addition and Subtraction Calculating at home Counting how many knives and forks are needed to set the table. What if you have an extra guest? How many characters are there in Goldilocks and the 3 Bears? How many eggs are there in one box? How many in two boxes?… Addition and Subtraction in Reception • Lots of practical play based work with some recording. Early Strategies for addition and subtraction. Using hands then pictures. Addition and Subtraction Using Numicon Using a number line to add or subtract 3+4= We encourage the children to put the biggest number first. So the child would start on 4, then count on 3 more. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Using partitioning to add or subtract 34 + 23 = 30 + 20 = 50 4+3=7 50 + 7 = 57 (This looks complicated but we use special cards to help the children separate the tens and units) 25 – 12 = 20 – 10 = 10 5–2=3 10 + 3 = 13 (We only teach this step when they are confident using partitioning to add) Game • Use the Numicon tiles to find out how many different pairs of numbers add up to 10. • This is one method that we use to teach number bonds. We start with bonds to 10, then 20, then 100... Early Strategies for Multiplication 2x2=4 Strategies for Multiplication 3x5= Strategies for Division 12 shared between 3 groups. 12 ÷ 3 = 4 We use counters or cubes and physically share them out. Then move on to drawing simple pictures and drawing rings around them. Finally… Inverse Operations We teach the children that subtraction can undo addition and that division can undo multiplication. 6 + 4 = 10 10 – 6 = 4 2 x 6 = 12 12 ÷ 2 = 6 We use unifix cubes to demonstrate this. Any questions? Please can you take a little time to complete an evaluation form? Thank you very much for joining us today. I hope that you have found it useful. I will be holding another work shop later in the year.