WELCOME MANAGING ATTENDANCE GOVERNOR / PRINCIPAL TRAINING MARCH 2012 Aims of the Policy To promote and encourage an attendance culture To inform staff and Boards of Governors of the policy and procedures for managing attendance in schools and confidentiality of information To ensure that all staff are treated fairly, consistently and with sensitivity during times of illness To address the negative effect on staff morale To raise awareness of health and welfare support services Effects of Absenteeism Staff morale Quality of service Customer service Temporary cover Overtime costs Role of the Governors To adopt and promote the Managing Attendance policy To monitor the implementation of the policy in your school To ensure that Governors receive up to date information regarding absence management and action taken To ensure this area features as an item for discussion and update during each BOG’s meeting. To manage the principal’s attendance Role of the Principal (Induction for new staff) Inform staff of procedures Monitor absence levels Maintain contact with employee Conduct absence interviews/meetings Provide support Maintain confidentiality Discipline – misuse of policy Role of employee Follow reporting procedure Submit documentation promptly Appropriate conduct during absence Maintain regular contact Attend return to work/absence meetings Attend occupational health as required Discipline for misuse of policy Role of human resources Monitor policy – consistent application Advise on policy Medical referral arrangements on request Provide support – Elements of Staff Welfare Role Independent Counselling Service It is the role of the principal and/or Governors to monitor and manage attendance – not human resources Reporting absence Any employee who is sick should: Make personal contact (only in exceptional circumstances should a relative or friend contact on their behalf) Text messages and e-mail messages are not considered an appropriate method of communication. State nature of illness, expected date of return, or potential length of absence Maintain appropriate contact during absence with principal and/or Governors Provide relevant documentation to cover absence – Teaching CCU67 – Self Certification Non-Teaching SC1, SC2 Self Certification, medical certificates Trigger points NON-TEACHING STAFF (Support Staff) : More than 8 casual days More than 3 periods of 3 days or more Continuous absence 4 weeks or more Individual absence rate of 5% or over TEACHING STAFF : The reason for the absence is STRESS (including work related stress) More than 6 casual days in 12 month rolling period Continuous absence of 4 weeks or more Action to be taken (Informal Return to Work Meeting) After every absence principals and/or Governors should: Welcome the member of staff back Check that good health is restored Update regarding developments during the absence This should be informal in nature Action to be taken (Informal Return to Work Meeting) When an employee is approaching a trigger point principals and/or Governors should: Meet confidentially with the employee Raise awareness of absence levels Identify any problems Advise that absence levels will be monitored This should be informal in nature Action to be taken (Formal Return to Work Meeting) When an employee exceeds a trigger point principals/and or Governors should: Conduct a formal return to work meeting Decide what if any action is necessary eg further monitoring, medical referral Adopt a fair and consistent approach Meeting must be confidential in nature Written record should be maintained Formal Return to Work Meeting Should be supportive – not critical Welcome employee back and update Discuss attendance problems Identify support required Determine appropriate action e.g. medical referral, further monitoring period Monitor attendance for a period Provide written confirmation to employee Aims of Return to Work Meeting To make the employee feel welcome and valued To ensure that the employee is fit to return To create an atmosphere of trust and support To approach the meeting in a genuine spirit of enquiry (exercising duty of care) Be prepared to address the issues Options available if no improvement in attendance A B C D Further meeting Medical referral Referral to officer responsible for Staff Welfare eg work related stress Disciplinary action eg high levels of absence Role of Occupational Health Service Support and guidance for individual staff in relation to their illness A mechanism to address absence problems, work related stress and identify staff with disabilities Establish existence or otherwise of genuine medical conditions to enable appropriate action Facilitate ill health retirement Act as a deterrent where illness is not genuine Summary Return to work meetings, both formal and informal, are the single most effective tool for reducing absence Principals and/or Boards of Governors must carry them out for every person The meeting is part of the support structure of the organisation – not the disciplinary structure What Human Resources can offer Group training sessions on policy and procedures for principals/managers/Governors on annual basis On site training for staff/principals provided on request Specific training for conducting Return to Work Meetings One-to-one advice & support for principals and/or Governors re specific cases Arranging medical referrals on request Providing draft documentation to assist principals Contact Us Bernadette Doherty Managing attendance and medical referrals e-mail: bernadette.doherty@belb.co.uk Tel. 9056 4361