GSST Mission Challenge students to acquire knowledge, develop understanding and think reflectively. Take intellectual and creative risks in problem solving. Provide a cohesive sequence of courses in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and research. Provide opportunities for social peer interaction, as well as career and college guidance. Providing leadership education and opportunities i.e. math, science and research competitions. Prepare students for acceptance into top universities. Shorten time to undergraduate degree completion. Prepare students for successful, fulfilling STEM careers GSST Research & Mentorship Ongoing research is a cornerstone of the GSST learning community. GSST’s primary goal is to lead students to develop skills required for completion of advanced research i.e. professional literacy, technical writing. GSST students are introduced to the process of science, research methodology, ethical considerations, need for objectivity and peer review, as well as skills in communicating scientific findings. GSST students select, design, and conduct a year long research project under the direction of a mentor. GSST students present their work orally and visually at science consortia and create formal written research documents. GSST students are highly competitive at Regional, State, and International levels of science and engineering fairs. GSST Alumni Survey 2013 • Gifted high school program • Opportunities for college-level STEM • Emphasis on research (STEM+R) Purpose of Survey: To determine if GSST had an impact on student’s participation in STEM fields in college and careers. GSST Alumni Survey 2013 Survey deployed via facebook September 2013. We are interested to determine if attending GSST has an impact on student participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields in college and careers. Total program graduates – 330 Respondents – 137 Class 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % 2.1 11.7 14.6 19.0 18.3 32.8 Number (3) (16) (20) (26) (25) (40) Participation – 41.5% School Division Number % Gloucester County Schools ( 8) 5.8 Hampton City Schools (15) 11.0 Newport News City Schools (12) 8.8 Poquoson City Schools ( 7) 5.1 York County Schools (51) 37.2 Williamsburg/James City County Schools (20) 14.6 Isle of Wight County Schools (24) 17.5 GSST 5 Year Avg. Enrollment by Division GSST Alumni Survey 2013 Why did you elect to attend GSST? N=137 % Long-term interest in science, mathematics, engineering or technology and anticipated STEM career Number 94.9 (130) Not really interested in STEM but hoped to improve my GPA 2.2 (3) Parents made the choice 2.9 (4) Because of my participation in the GSST Program …. I was better prepared for college math, science, computer science, and engineering classes than I would have been with home school classes. 80 Overall Response N= 137 respondents Percent of Respondants 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 Strongly Agree 93.4 % 2 Agree 3 Neither 5 Strongly Disagree Because of my participation in the GSST Program …. I was better prepared for college math, science, computer science, and engineering classes than other students in my college classes. Percent of respondants 40 Overall Response N= 137 respondents 30 20 10 0 Strong-agree Agree 82.3 % Neither Disagree Strong-disagree Overall, attending GSST was a good decision and has long-lasting positive impacts on my college success and career path. 80 Overall Response N= 137 respondents Percent of respndants 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 StrongAgree Percent within all data. 86.8 % Agree Niether Disagree StrongDisagree When asked by other students, friends, parents or siblings about attending GSST, I was a valuable experience. 80 70 Overall Response N= 137 respondents Percent 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1. encourage application and attendance because I am very pleased that I attended GSST. It 1 2 Response 97.1 % 3 2. encourage attendance but warn that the work will be much more and harder than staying at home school. 3. discourage attendance. During college did you participate in any of the following STEM-related activities? (check all that apply) N = 137 STEM-Related activity Internship Research Field work Undergraduate thesis Number of responses 52 59 17 15 Participated % 55.5 Number 76 Did not participate 44.5 61 Summary GSST Program alumni: Feel very well prepared for the challenges of STEM courses in college, including the nation’s best Report that their choice to attend GSST has long-term benefits Would recommend the GSST Program to others Continue in STEM • College Major in STEM fields - 125 of 137 (91.2%) • Work in STEM fields - 10 of 25 (40.0%) • Seek advanced study in STEM fields - 11 of 25 (44.0%) 84.0%