PLANNING FOR THE RESEARCH EXCELLENCE FRAMEWORK AT GCU page 1 The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the new system for assessing research in UK higher education institutions (HEIs). It replaces the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). The REF will be undertaken by the four UK higher education funding bodies: • Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) • Scottish Funding Council (SFC), • Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) • Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (DEL). The exercise will be managed by the REF team based at HEFCE and overseen by the REF Steering Group, consisting of representatives of the four UK higher education funding bodies page 2 The REF will: o inform the selective allocation of research funding to HEIs on the basis of excellence o provide benchmarking information and reputational yardsticks o provide accountability for public investment in research and demonstrate its benefits. The REF will be a process of expert review. Institutions will be invited to make submissions to 36 units of assessment (UoAs). The submissions will be assessed by an expert sub-panel to be established for each UoA, working under the guidance of four main panels to ensure common procedures and consistent application of the overall assessment standards page 3 Under current plans for the REF, three distinct elements will be assessed for each submission: o the quality of research outputs o the wider impact of research o the vitality of the research environment The profile method of assessing research quality introduced in RAE2008 will be used for REF2014: 4* World leading 3* Internationally Excellent 2* Internationally Recognised 1* Nationally Recognised page 4 REF 2014 Main Panel Configuration Main Panels covering 4 broad categories of “related” disciplines A: Health, Medicine and Biological Sciences B: Physical Sciences and Engineering C: Economic and Social Sciences D: Arts and Humanities These Main Panels will take an overview of reports from the work of subpanels reviewing specific Units of Assessment (UoA) page 5 REF 2014 Sub Panel Configuration REF2014 will have fewer, larger sub panel UoAs. There will be 36 Panels in REF2014 (c.f. 68 for RAE2008) GCU made 14 submissions in 13 separate Units of Assessment in RAE2008. As a result of changes to Panel structure, the subject submissions made by GCU in RAE2008 fall into 12 new REF2014 Units of Assessment page 6 REF2014 Main Panel A: Units of Assessment 1 Clinical Medicine RAE2008 Sub-panels 1-5 (Cardiovascular Medicine; Cancer Studies; Infection and Immunology; Other Hospital Based Clinical Subjects; Other Laboratory Based Clinical Subjects) 2 Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care RAE2008 Sub-panels 6-8 (Epidemiology and Public Health; Health Services Research; Primary Care and Other Community Based Clinical Subjects) 3 Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy RAE2008 Sub-panels 10-13 (Dentistry; Nursing and Midwifery; Allied Health Professions and Studies; Pharmacy) 4 Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience RAE2008 Sub-panels 9 and 44 (Psychiatry, Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology; Psychology) 5 Biological Sciences RAE2008 Sub-panels 14 and 15 (Biological Sciences; Pre-clinical and Human Biological Sciences) 6 Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science RAE2008 Sub-panel 16 (Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science) page 7 REF2014 Main Panel B Units of Assessment 7 Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences RAE2008 Sub-panel 17 (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) 8 Chemistry RAE2008 Sub-panel 18 (Chemistry) 9 Physics RAE2008 Sub-panel 19 (Physics) 10 Mathematical Sciences RAE2008 Sub-panels 20-22 (Pure Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; Statistics and Operational Research) 11 Computer Science and Informatics RAE2008 Sub-panel 23 (Computer Science and Informatics) 12 Aeronautical, Mechanical, Chemical and Manufacturing Engineering RAE2008 Sub-panels 26 and 28 (Chemical Engineering; Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 13 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials RAE2008 Sub-panels 24 and 29 (Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Metallurgy and Materials) 14 Civil and Construction Engineering RAE2008 Sub-panel 27 (Civil Engineering) General Engineering RAE2008 Sub-panel 25 (General Engineering and Mineral & Mining Engineering) 15 page 8 REF Main Panel C: Units of Assessment 16 Architecture, Built Environment and Planning 17 Geography, Environmental Studies and RAE2008 Sub-panels 32 and 33 (Geography and Archaeology Environmental Studies; Archaeology) 18 Economics and Econometrics RAE2008 Sub-panel 34 (Economics and Econometrics) 19 Business and Management Studies RAE2008 Sub-panels 35 and 36 (Accounting and Finance; Business and Management Studies) 20 Law RAE2008 Sub-panel 38 (Law) 21 Politics and International Studies 22 Social Work and Social Policy RAE2008 Sub-panel 39 (Politics and International Studies) RAE2008 Sub-panel 40 (Social Work and Social Policy & Administration) 23 Sociology 24 Anthropology and Development Studies RAE2008 Sub-panels 42 and 43 (Anthropology; 25 Education RAE2008 Sub-panel 45 (Education) 26 Sports-Related Studies RAE2008 Sub-panel 46 (Sports-Related Studies RAE2008 Sub-panels 30 and 31 (Architecture and the Built Environment; Town and Country Planning) RAE2008 Sub-panel 41 (Sociology) Development Studies) page 9 REF Main Panel D: Units of Assessment Area Studies RAE2008 Sub-panels 47-50 (American Studies and Anglophone Area Studies; Middle Eastern and African Studies; Asian Studies; European Studies) 28 Modern Languages RAE2008 Sub-panels 51-56 and 58 (Russian, Slavonic and East European Languages; French; German, Dutch and Scandinavian Languages; Italian; Iberian and Latin American Languages; Celtic Studies; Linguistics 29 English Language and Literature RAE2008 Sub-panel 57 (English Language and Literature 30 History Sub-panel 62 (History 31 Classics RAE2008 Sub-panel 59 (Classics, Ancient History, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 32 Philosophy RAE2008 Sub-panel 60 (Philosophy) 33 Theology and Religious Studies RAE2008 Sub-panel 61 (Theology, Divinity and Religious Studies) 34 Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory RAE2008 Sub-panels 63 and 64 (Art and Design; History of Art, Architecture and Design) 35 Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts RAE2008 Sub-panels 65 and 67 (Drama, Dance and Performing Arts; Music) 36 Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management RAE2008 Sub-panels 37 and 61 (Library and Information Management; Communication, Cultural and Media Studies). 27 page 10 REF TIMELINE DATES October 2010 November 2010 RESEARCH EXCELLENCE FRAMEWORK (REF) KEY MILESTONES Main Panel Chairs Designate appointed Announce panel structure and start recruitment of expert panels Deadline for applications for sub panel chairs Deadline for nominating panel members Sub-panel chairs appointed Reports from the impact pilot exercise December 2010 Early 2011 Mid 2011 Mid 2011 Panel members appointed Panels begin meeting Panels consult on criteria Guidance on submissions published Late 2011 Panel criteria and methods published Early 2013 Late 2013 Jan- Dec 2014 December 2014 Submission system operational Submissions deadline Panels assess submissions Outcomes published July 2010 17 September 2010 8th October 2010 page 11 CHANGES IN REF2014 FROM RAE2008 Larger units of assessment, broadly of similar size (1000 FTE) Fewer but larger submissions likely in each UoA (c.f. RAE2008) Bulk of quality scores will be based on assessment of research outputs (ca 60 % on publications) Significant emphasis on research environment (ca 20 %) Need to demonstrate wider research impact at research grouping level (ca 20 %) based on report of pilot exercises* Funding reward likely for research excellence (i.e. 4* and 3* International quality levels) only page 12 REF RESEARCH IMPACT PILOT STUDY Main conclusion: Expert review of case studies is an appropriate means of assessing impact It is essential that impact should be defined broadly to include social, economic, cultural, environmental, health and quality of life benefits. Impact purely within academia should not be included in this part of the REF page 13 REF IMPACT PILOT STUDY (2) Impacts from research typically develop over extended periods of time and institutions should be able to submit impacts at any stage of development, so long as some change or benefit beyond academia has taken place: The REF should only assess the impact that has taken place during the assessment period and not attempt to anticipate future or potential impact. In selecting case studies, institutions should focus on those impacts that are more fully developed or significant ‘interim’ impacts. Institutions should be permitted to submit impacts that evolve over long time-frames to successive REF exercises, with each REF assessing the specific impacts that have taken place during the assessment period. page 14 REF IMPACT PILOT STUDY (3) It is clear from the pilot study that impacts are not just economic or STEM subject related. The Expert Panels reported that arts and humanities subjects can be assessed for impact using appropriate discipline specific indicators. REF panels will develop more detailed guidance on what constitutes impact in their disciplines. This should include guidance about the types of impacts and indicators anticipated from research in their disciplines, expanding on the initial list provided by the funding bodies, and guidance on what constitutes ‘interim’ impact. The guidance should be flexible enough to allow for a wide variety of impacts and indicators, including impacts that panels may not anticipate page 15 REF IMPACT PILOT STUDY (4) Case studies should contain all the relevant information and evidence required by panels to come to a judgement Case studies should include impact indicators within the narrative that are meaningful, contextualised and relevant in demonstrating the particular case. Case studies should be based on high quality research (2* level minimum). Institutions must justify the quality of the underpinning research in their submissions (Impact must be traceable directly to excellence in research) Timescale for impact from original research is up to ca 15 years but may vary with discipline. There should be one case study per 10 members of staff but issues related to small submissions may require more consideration Criteria for assessing impact – ‘reach’ and ‘significance’ – are appropriate and should be broadly applicable across all panels Evidence will be assessed as presented to Panels but will be subject to audit by REF and verified with key users of the research. page 16 REF IMPACT PILOT STUDY (4) Feedback from Pilot Institutions Conveying meaning of REF non-academic impact to academic groups was found to be non-trivial There was an unforeseen need for a major communication exercise, extensive discussion and bilateral exchange in developing impact case studies . There was a substantial amount of work and iteration involved. for many staff across all of the institutions. The development of illustrative case studies helped with the process The need to obtain evidence relating impact to high quality research retrospectively is problematic and will require the development of appropriate information systems not currently in place. However on the whole, case studies were endorsed by pilot institutions as a good method of capturing research impact page 17 PLANNING FOR REF2014 Scheduling of mock REF exercises with University Research Committee Equality and diversity code of practice in relation to REF selection process Alignment of research group themes with REF requirements and development of possible UoA strategies (Panel guidance , 2011) Modelling of REF UoA submission scenarios via RIMS database Targeting of high quality new publications to achieve maximum academic impact to support developing narrative in time remaining Strategic focus in seeking high quality peer reviewed research grants specifically to support the developing narrative Development of case studies of research impact linked to previous outputs /activity prior to RAE2008 Update of research website with developing research narrative page 18 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION page 19