Community Agreements - Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative

Please do the following…
Sign in and find your name tag.
Help yourself to refreshments.
Sit where there is a binder at the table
with your district’s name on a table tent.
Goals of the Institute
Goal for Participants
To deepen our understanding of the Standards for Mathematical Practice from the
Common Core State Standards.
To give access to sense-making strategies and classroom climate regardless of adopted
To increase teachers’ own math content knowledge and tie the experience back to
teaching and learning.
To use student thinking and work to inform instruction and improve student learning.
Goal for Teaching Community
To develop instructional leadership capacity.
To support on-going professional development that encourages learning teams and
reflective practice.
To develop a network and support system for inter- and intra- school collaboration.
To prepare teachers for the coaching partnership and establish a coach-teacher
Institute’s Theme
Standards for Mathematical Practice
• The two Problems of the Month we will be working on
involve engaging learners in problem solving.
• Research Articles:
• Standards for Mathematical Practice from Common Core
Standards (CCSS) pages 6-8.
• DRAFT CCSS Mathematical Practices in K-5.
• Daily breakout sessions will be working on building
sense-making classrooms around the Standards for
Mathematical Practice.
Daily Institute Schedule
 8:30 - 10:15 Problem Solving (Whole Group)
 10:30 -11:50 AM Breakout Group
 (K-2, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th, 7th-Algebra, Lesson Study, Content Coaching)
 12:00 - 12:35 Lunch
 Served buffet style, sit where you are comfortable
 12:35 -1:25 School Team Planning
 Room assignments posted and will be shared at end of the
 1:35 - 3:00 PM Breakout Group
 (K-2, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th, 7th-Algebra, Lesson Study, Content Coaching)
Introducing the Presenters
• Math Content and Culture K-2:
Mia Buljan
Khristy Leo
• Math Content and Culture 3-4:
Tracy Sola
Margie Trainer
• Math Content and Culture 5-6:
Mariana Alwell
Cecilio Dimas
• Math Content and Culture 7-Alg.: Becca Sherman
Jeff Trubey
• Lesson Study :
Jackie Hurd, Barbara Scott
• Content Coaching:
Sandy Devlin, Priscilla Solberg
• SVMI Director:
David Foster
 What are the Common Core State
• The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a joint effort by
the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
(NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers
(CCSSO) in partnership with Achieve, ACT and the College
• The Common Core State Standards were published June 2,
• The college and career ready math standards were adopted by
California on August 2, 2010.
Key Advances
 Are aligned with college and work expectations;
 Are clear, understandable and consistent;
 Include rigorous content and application of knowledge
through high-order skills;
 Build upon strengths and lessons of current state
 Are informed by other top performing countries, so that
all students are prepared to succeed in our global
economy and society; and
 Are evidence-based.
Mathematical Practices
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in
solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the
reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated
George Polya, (1887 - 1985)
Father of Problem Solving;
“How to Solve It”, 1945
Mathematics, you see, is
not a spectator sport. To
understand mathematics
means to be able to do
mathematics. And what
does it mean doing
mathematics? In the first
place it means to be able
to solve mathematical
Problems of the Month
A program to foster
school-wide in math
and problem-solving.
Enhance Your Personal Math
Content Knowledge Using POM’s
 Learning Math is Doing Math.
 Doing math involves nonroutine problems.
 Perseverance and learning
from mistakes are important
attributes of good
 Many reasons to pick a
certain level (deepen
knowledge of topic you will
teach, explore idea in depth,
 At every level you are
encouraged to challenge
yourself and mathematical
Why a Problem of the Month?
George Polya, said, “A problem
is not a problem if you can solve
it in 24 hours.”
Problem of the Month
Fractured Numbers
Fractured Numbers
 During this quiet think time, please read all levels of the
Problem of the Month.
 As you read…
• Think of clarifying questions you may
have for your group.
• Think of possible strategies you might like
to try to help you make sense of the
Fractured Numbers
In your group…
• Ask your clarifying questions of your
group and share your ideas on
possible strategies.
• Begin working on Level A. When you
feel you’ve gone as deeply as
possible into a level, move on to the
next one.
Fractured Numbers
 While you are working, think about these
 How are you making sense of the
 What are strategies you used when you
get stuck?
 What type of learning environment do you
need to do your best learning?
Where are we?
Check-in Point – Part 1
Think about the following questions for the level you are
currently working on or a level you feel you have
 Where are you in your thinking process? How are you
making sense of the problem?
 What strategies you’ve tried? Which ones have
moved you forward in your thinking, which might not
have been helpful?
 What questions do you have at this point?
Where are we?
Check-in Point – Part 2
Think about and record the following…
 Where will you begin tomorrow?
 What will you try next?
 What questions do you still have at this
 What other ideas might you want to
remember for tomorrow?
Community Agreements
“Establishing community
agreements and discussion
norms explicitly provide an
environment where all voices
are heard and all members
feel valued as contributors to
the learning.”
Libby Knott
“Issues of Status and Values in Professional Development
of Math Teachers”
“It is our role as teachers to establish a
class environment that values risktaking, open discussion, and promotes
cooperation so that students are:
 willing to share ideas
 building on each others’ thoughts,
 working together to find a solution.”
NCTM’s “Introduction to Problem Solving, The Math Process
Standards Series
Community Agreements
What agreements do we need for a
community of math learning that
supports risk-taking, sharing ideas,
conjectures, and insights so we can
do our best learning?
Community Agreements
Take a few minutes to read the proposed Community
Discuss with your group how the Community Agreements
align with the needs you’ve identified to do your best
Community Agreements
“No one is as smart as all of us are together”
 Respect individual think time
 Everyone participates
 Everybody helps
 Leave no one behind
 Take responsibility
Daily Institute Schedule
 8:30 - 10:15 Problem Solving (Whole Group)
 10:30 -11:50 AM Breakout Group
 (K-2, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th, 7th-Algebra, Lesson Study, Content Coaching)
 12:00 - 12:35 Lunch
 Served buffet style, sit where you are comfortable
 12:35 -1:25 School Team Planning
 Room assignments posted and will be shared at end of the
 1:35 - 3:00 PM Breakout Group
 (K-2, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th, 7th-Algebra, Lesson Study, Content Coaching)
Nuts and Bolts
College Credit
You may enroll up to 3
Quarter Continuing
Education Units from San
José State University. The
cost is $60 per unit.
Forms available and must
be completed by the last
day of the institute.
Stipend Forms
Complete and submit
Teacher and Coach Award
Forms available and must
be completed by the last
day of the institute.
Time to
and Plan
Dear Participant,
Thank you for taking valuable time out of your summer to invest in professional development to
improve the craft of teaching and enhancing mathematical knowledge. Each afternoon
following lunch we have scheduled team-planning time. This is a daily opportunity to meet
together as a team, build relationships and promote a professional learning community with your
team members, share experiences from the different grade level courses, engage in supportive
work with one another and do some planning for the school year.
During at least one of the meetings, we would like your team to discuss the article on relational
thinking found in each binder.
Other than this one request, the team planning time is flexible. You and your team should focus
on issues and items that are most important to you. Below is a list of possible suggestions for
making this time together productive.
· R e view and reflect on the Coaching Institute Goals and how to integrate them in our
· S hare out experiences from the individual course sessions
· W ork on the POMs and/or share experiences from the problem solving session[s]
· Use the Math Teaching Rubric as a self-evaluation instrument and discussion starter
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (LZW) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
· S tart to design a math plan [curriculum guide] for the school year
· Map out a coaching schedule that provides time for observations, conferences, planning
and student work examination
· D iscuss issues around norms, access, status, equity and working collaboratively
After lunch for 50
minutes - find
colleagues to work
with and use the ideas
provided ---------->
· D iscuss feelings/attitudes towards doing mathematics with adults including challenges
and opportunities
· D iscuss how to implement a POM program in a classroom, school, and/or district
· S hare readings, problems, curriculum materials that will enhance the instructional
· D iscuss how to use the MARS assessment for formative purposes
· D iscuss how to implement Number Talks at specific grade levels or school wide
· S hare issues and concerns that arise from the institute
District Planning Time
 Report to your district’s assigned location.
 Take the SVMI Coaching Institute’s PreAssessment Performance Task
 Develop a draft of an agenda for the week for
your district’s planning time.
 Turn in 1 copy of your district’s agenda and your
Pre-Assessment Performance Task to the
presenter(s) in the room to which you have been
District Planning Time Rooms
 Room 7: San Carlos Charter, Belmont, Pacifica,
Alvord Unified
 Room 8: Cupertino, Cambrian, Saratoga
 Room 9: JESD, Bayshore, Brisbane, SFUSD Mission Zone
 Room 10: Hayward, Oakland USD, OMI, Everyville,
Assumption School
 Library:
Discovery Charter, Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz,
Las Lomitas, Salinas, Mountain Elem
 Tech:
Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Ravenswood
 M.U.R.:
San Ramon, Walnut Creek, Los Altos