Teaching Tech Online presented by Ken Baldauf Director, Program in Interdisciplinary Computing (PIC) Tallahassee MOOC Massively Open Online Course “Welcome to the brave new world of Massive Open Online Courses — known as MOOCs — a tool for democratizing higher education.” Massive Fall, 2011: over 160,000 people signed up for a course in artificial intelligence, offered by Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig Open Anyone may enroll. Offered on a timetable to promote synchronous interactions. Online Lecture videos, assignments, tests, and community tools. Courses Non-credit-earning courses offered by universities (and sometimes individuals). Sometimes providing a certificate of compeletion. MOOC and Online Education Platforms • Udacity (independent) • Coursera (33 universities) • EdX (4 universities) MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, UT • Google Course Builder • Stanford’s Class2Go School’s Reactions? Let’s go online! • Motivated by MOOC competition • Motivated by budget cuts • Tech/Computing courses are an ideal start Pedagogical Thinking Technological Thinking Online Course Components Content Assessment Community Content Delivery Considerations CONTENT DELIVERY CONSIDERATIONS Content should be packaged specifically for online delivery taking advantage of web technologies! CONTENT DELIVERY CONSIDERATIONS Format Choose HTML over proprietary formats like PDF and DOC whenever possible. Proprietary Where is it stored? Is the content easy to move from system to system. Who owns it? Accessibility Is it easily accessible without password from all kinds of platforms? CONTENT DELIVERY CONSIDERATIONS Media Lecture capture, screen capture. Resolution and size. Embedded media. Proprietary Where is it stored? Is the content easy to move from system to system. Who owns it? Accessibility Closed captioning! Is it easily accessible from all kinds of platforms? Is a password required? FLIPPED! Community Considerations COMMUNITY CONSIDERATIONS High levels of communication between members to create a learning community is the key to success! Allow students to learn about each other through member profiles and photos. Not easily accomplished through LMS! Utilize social media! Assessment and Record Keeping Other Considerations Accessibility Mobile access CAN ONE SYSTEM DO IT ALL?! CASE STUDY Blackboard LMS Course Administration Assignment Submission Gradebook Grade Submission Assessment Assignments Quizzes Exams Learning Community Course Content Public Splash Page Lessons in all formats Exercises/Assignments Community/Communication Member Profiles Course Announcements News feed Discussion forums Synchronous chat Email & messaging Virtual office hours https://pic.fsu.edu/courses/2012/summer/cgs2821 Skills & Tools for Online Teaching SKILLS AND TOOLS Curriculum and Teaching Technology • Chunk course content into manageable learning paths Web Consider delivery vehicles: text, image, or video (picture worth 1000 words) Media • • Live an online lifestyle HTML, Web Servers and Hosts, WordPress graphics editing, video editing, lecture recording, desk lecture, screen video capture, vimeo, youtube, screenshare, prezi Social Media and Online Learning Platforms Best Practices BEST PRACTICES What students can teach each other is just as important as what the professor teaches. Understand that it’s not just a day job. Let students get to know you as a person. Online should never mean easy, for teachers or students. Giving thoughtful and regular feedback is essential. High-quality course materials count even more online. Be willing to revise and refine your lessons. Decide how you want to communicate with students. http://edudemic.com/2012/10/20-tips-effective-online-teachers/ Questions? Ken Baldauf | kbaldauf@pic.fsu.edu | 850.645.8649 www.pic.fsu.edu, www.kenbaldauf.com @kenbaldauf on twitter, linkedin, and skype @kbaldauf on google+ and facebook