Albania_National VET Agency

Recent Development in
Albanian VET System
Chisinau, 11-12 July 2011
Ilia Paluka &Marsela Robo
LAW, “ For Some additions and amendments in
the law no. 8872, dated 29.03.2002 “On Vocational
Education and Training in the Republic of Albania",
The draft law, is designed to improve the existing law, his adaptation
to the situation and the future of education and vocational training
(VET) and its harmonization with European standards and
Proposed Changes to the Law no. 8872, "On Education and Training in
Albania", as amended, can be grouped as follows:
The new structure of the VET System;
The role of social partners in the development of VET;
Autonomy of schools and centers of VET.
Institutions and structures of VET policy
1. Changes related to the structure of the VET
The Vocational Education system in Albania offers long-term vocational education programs (2, 3
and 4 years). In 2009 -2010 academic year, a new structure with three levels of education was
implemented for the first time.
This structure is consistent with the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED),
the Albanian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
Basic Vocational Education programs, introduced in level I (ISCED 3C, Introduction to
employment), are focused in 22 main qualifications, which last for two years. This platform is
equivalent to Level II of EQF and AQF. At the end of the program students are awarded basic
vocational training certificate (semi-skilled worker / assistant); once level I is completed, students
may transfer to Level II of the VE or the labor market.
b) Level II of Vocational Education (ISCED 3C) programs are oriented in key profiles (within a
given professional direction), with 1 year duration. It is equivalent to Level III in EQF and AQF. It
awards a certificate of professional training and allows the transition to Level III of the VE or to the
labor market.
Level III: Technical Vocational Education / managerial level III (ISCED 3A) is oriented towards
professional directions. There is one year duration (2+1+1) or 2 years (2+2) and it is equivalent
to Level IV in EQF and AQF. At the end of this level, students are subject to the state matura exam
and the professional practice exam. Once level III is completed, students may transfer to the labor
market, pursue higher education or post-secondary vocational education.
The post -secondary vocational education in Level IV (ISCED 4B), is offered as a special
block program, oriented towards professional specialties. There is (1-2) years duration after
completion of secondary education (general or vocational) and it is equivalent to Level V in EQF
and AQF.
2. Changes related to the role of social
partners in the development of VET.
Social partnership is indispensable to a solid development of the VETsystem. The draft - law highlights a variety of elements important to the
institutionalization of social partnership in VET.
Inclusion of private companies in the development of VET has been limited,
due to a lack of legal infrastructure for its institutionalization. Article 14 of the
draft (which reflects changes to Article 18 of the existing law) defines the
support of state associations and their involvement in the public system of
VET. This article creates favorable ground for linking students of VET to
internships in the private sector.
In the existing law, social partners do not enjoy the liberty in partaking during
decision-making processes, concerning to the development of VET.
Article 24 of the draft law (which reflects changes to Article 26 of the existing
law) regulates the competences of social partners in VET.
Furthermore, social partners can organize vocational training courses, according
to specific needs of the areas they cover, in creating the professional capacities
that also accommodate their staff needs.
3. Changes related to increased autonomy of
schools and centers of VET.
A modernized VET system is multifunctional and
flexible: it offers a variety of courses with different
duration, for different categories of students,
participants and clients.
Article 27 of the draft law (which reflects changes
to Article 30 of the existing law) legitimizes the
right of public institutions that offer / provide
vocational education and training to carry out
profitable market activities in fields that are related
to the implementation of teaching programs and
4. Changes related to institutions and structures
of politic and implementation of development’s
policies of VET.
The VET reform is effective and based on a partnership model that engages in all its
activities, different stakeholders (government, social partners, various communities, etc.).
low proposes (Article 18) a greater participation of employers and employees to
the National VET Council, bringing the total number of eight members, incorporating
both public and private actors.
The National VET Council is an advisory body and is supported by a technical secretariat.
The Council of Ministers sets up the legal provisions as per the organization, operation
and financing of the National VET Council and the technical secretariat. National VET
Council recommends policies to line Ministries concerned on further improvement and
development of the VET system.
22 in the draft law defines the mission, tasks and the role of the National Agency
6 of the draft indicates that the accreditation of institutions offering qualifications
in VET in accordance with AQF levels will be carried out by NAVETA. The Ministry of
Education and Science along with the Ministry of Labor set up standards, accreditation
criteria and procedures related to the accreditation process.
the changes of the VET structure, referring to the three levels of education, the
type and the format of the relevant certificates or diplomas have been revised. Article 10
and 11 of the draft law define key concepts regarding final assessment system related to
Objectiv of Vocational Education Policy of the Sector
 Main focus of the Albanian Government for VET System,
in long term period is:
1. Improvement of Quality of VET Qualifications offered by VE
Schools and VT Centres. Through this measure we intend to raise
up the interest of the public for VET Qualification and to become
more attractive
2. Diversification of VET offerings and providers like public and
private VET schools and centres, with the aim to give more
opportunities of qualification to young people and adults in the frame
of LLL..
3. Enhance institutional capacities and increase their efficiency
with the aim to be able to manage and develop their own
qualifications and profiles in a quality based methods and added
values, through close cooperation with Social Partners and
interested group.
Functioning legal framework
Good coverage of network of employment services
New structure of Vocational Educational programmes is
lunched supporting 4 levels of qualification.
Existence of incentives in programs in education and in
Vocational Education in particular through scholarship etc
Effective social inclusion policies and social protection
Some active employment programmes already in place
Relatively good cooperation between relevant institutions
(implementing and horizontal institutions)
Low level of activity and employment rates
Relative high unemployment rate and structural unemployment
High share of long term unemployed persons
Policies for youth (high fixed term employment, high unemployment
Gap between labour market/education
Weak capacity in labour market institutions
Not developed database/monitoring and evaluation system,
Weak structure to support adult education and LLL
Low level of participation in LLL
Not-updated and upgraded qualifications of teachers and
Low quality assurance in education and training (despite some
efforts already made),
Inadequate infrastructure in vet providers
insufficient capacity to build on sustainability of projects financed
by donors
Lack of incentives for vocational training courses
Still generally young population
EU accession process
Foreseen investments in major projects, such as
investments in tourism, public constructions,
energy infrastructure, ect.
active donor community, with recent efforts of
coordinated approach
increased investments in human recourses
governmental commitment for VET and
employment policy
High percentage of young people in education and
higher education