TI MathForward - University of Oregon

TI MathForward™
improving student achievement in Mathematics
Richard Schaar
University of Chicago Mathematician
Retired from Texas Instruments
Managed TI’s Education Business
Why am I here?
Since retirement from TI have spent my time working on issues in PreK-12
mathematics education:
• Worked to bring together all interested parties.
• Working on NCTM’s Secondary School document.
• Specialized content knowledge for teaching.
What are we going to do:
• Review a Middle School implementation program that uses what you have been
learning to close achievement gaps.
• Discuss the NCTM Secondary School document and consider how Middle
School can help prepare students for the challenges of High School.
• Learn and practice some mathematics
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What is mathematics really?
It is about solving problems using a reasoning approach that is valuable in every day
• We all use math every day.
•Mathematics is about precision and logic.
• It is about what is well posed so can be attempted
mathematically and what is not well posed and cannot be
•The teaching of mathematics can lead to a life long love of
learning which is a critical skill in the 21st Century.
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Mathematical Problem Solving
• Develop a clear understanding of the
• Translate the problem into a precise
mathematical question. Mathematics is all
about precision – careful reasoning about
precisely defined objects and concepts.
• Choose and use appropriate methods to
answer the question.
• Interpret and evaluate the solution in terms
of the original problem.
• Remember that some questions do not
have mathematical solutions and,
therefore, cannot be solved
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TI MathForward™
improving student achievement in Mathematics
Presentation Agenda
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Program Genesis
Program Development
Program Components
Components for Success
Program Outcomes
Long-term Success
Getting Started
Genesis of the TI MathForward™ Program
TI partnered with a local district interested in improving mathematics achievement –
a district that was concerned about:
• Declining scores in middle grades and Algebra
• Achievement gaps among student populations
TI’s goal was to pilot a mathematics achievement
(algebra readiness) program by:
• Applying evidence-based research
• Conducting effective, research-based professional development and coaching
• Aligning curriculum with state standards and/or district standards
• Increasing instructional time
• Utilizing TI Technology
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Development on the Program
The TI MathForward™ program was created with the intent of eliminating the
achievement gap in middle school mathematics. This process began with:
• Reviewing proven professional development components
• Reviewing current research
• Creating an advisory board of experts
• Testing our eight research-based components with
teachers and students
MathForward is designed to increase learning
opportunities for all students while improving student
achievement results, regardless of ethnicity or
socio-economic status.
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Eight Components
• Increased Instructional Time
• Increased Teacher Content Knowledge
• Common Aligned Assessments
• Common Planning Times
• Coaching and Professional Development
• Use of Technology to Motivate Students
• Curriculum Integration
• Administrator/Parental Support
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Increased Instructional Time
In order to build a strong conceptual understanding of mathematics for
students, it is necessary to increase the amount of time that students are
involved with mathematics. This increased time (90-100 minutes) is called a
Power Block.
• 10 minutes warm-up
• 60 minutes district lesson
• 30 minutes problem solving
This additional time allows teachers to use
problem solving and collaborative learning
strategies, and utilizes formative assessments,
adjusting instruction as necessary.
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Increased Teacher Content Knowledge
The MathForward program provides teachers
the opportunity to construct or reconstruct their
knowledge of mathematics so that they have a
foundation on which to build a practice that
requires deep and flexible use of mathematics.
Regular training with a mathematician lets
teachers build personal mathematical
understanding and content knowledge for
upcoming lessons.
These experiences are through face-to-face
and/or online classes.
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Common, Aligned, Assessments
Teachers are trained how to administer and use formative and summative
assessments to shape instruction.
Frequency of assessments (both formative and
summative) allows teachers to identify struggling
students and address their needs immediately
rather than waiting for deficiencies to become
visible after a test, end of grading period, or a
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Common Planning Times
This time allows teachers to better leverage components of the MathForward
program to assess and improve students’ understanding and retention of the
mathematics content.
Here they can share instructional strategies,
plan lessons for the week, analyze student
work, and discuss underlying math
This connection among educators is critical
to ensure a consistent approach to the
program and an understanding of
technologies utilized.
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Coaching & Professional Development
• Professional Development enables data-driven decision making, use of
extended learning time, integration of technology, and setting high
expectations for students
• We work with teachers to align TI content
and assessments to district curriculum
• Provide in-classroom coaching which
• Modeling lessons
• Co-teaching activities
• Classroom observations and reflections
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Use of technology to motivate students
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Curriculum Integration
• The program is designed to incorporate and extend a district’s
existing local or state curriculum while adding supplemental
activities and assessments aligned to state standards
• MathForward is based on the principle
that all students benefit from rigorous curriculum
• MathForward curriculum materials are
available for seventh grade, eighth grade,
and Algebra 1
• Our Implementation Specialists work with teachers to
achieve and maintain the appropriate level of
rigor and curriculum integration
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Administrator / Parental Support
Administrator support is critical to the success of this
program. Administrators are asked to participate in staff
development, meet with program implementation specialists,
and actively support implementation.
Parental support is critical because students often are
giving up an elective to participate in the program’s
extended class period.
The teacher’s role is to stay in regular contact with
parents, informing them of their child’s progress and
discussing needs.
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Components for Success
• Conducting a Site Readiness Survey – to select the right campus
• Selecting the right teachers
• Committing to daily Power Block
• Committing to Common Planning Time
(minimum 3 days per week)
• Providing stipends for professional
development to teachers (as needed/required)
• Providing leadership support from the district
office, principal, and math department chair
• Involving the Parents
• Monitoring of regular benchmark assessments
by Teachers, Implementation Specialist, and
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MathForward Teacher Profile
• has a great deal of patience and knows that little steps in learning go a long way.
• is comfortable taking students from where they are and
providing experiences that will maximize success.
• thrives on challenge, can easily build relationships with
their students and their parents.
• has ability/willingness to:
 learn about new instructional strategies
 work with classroom implementation specialists
 share skills and knowledge with colleagues
 learn about, and work with, classroom technology
on a regular basis
• considers themselves a Life-long learner
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Program Outcomes 2006-7
• Richardson ISD – Texas (near Dallas)
• Euclid School – Ohio (near Cleveland)
• West Palm Beach – Florida (near Miami)
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More Proficiency for Failing JHS Students
Richardson, Texas
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More Proficiency with
West Palm Beach, Florida
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Closing the Gap
Euclid, Ohio
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More Proficiency for MS Students
Euclid, Ohio
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Long-term Success
• Students have confidence in their ability
to master mathematics
• Increased confidence results in greater
academic achievement, better
preparation for college, work and life
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Program Summary
• Follows a consistent, systematic approach
• Focuses on skills and strategies that students
need to be effective problem solvers
• Includes on-going assessment
• Allows teachers to easily adjust instruction
• Incorporates built-in professional development
• Based on the latest research and proven effective
• Recognizes the importance of parental involvement
• Designed to support and complement any core math program by
providing targeted instruction and practice in essential math concepts,
skills, and strategies
• Provides support, so all teachers can deliver high-quality, consistent
instruction that is explicit and systematic
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What make this program unique?
Most Intervention programs are really just remediation programs in disguise.
Typically, when those programs are introduced into the classroom the
educator lowers the level of instruction to meet the needs of the struggling
students. The scores of students that are “at grade level” or performing
“above grade level” in the those classrooms decline.
With MathForward™ all students’ scores increase! It’s not remediation it’s
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Words in Mathematics
We rarely hear anyone say "I can't read." However, it is not uncommon
to hear someone say "I can't do math.“ Working together we can
change that!
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