competition for a

Reform of the Higher Education
System in Poland
Maciej Żylicz
June 2010
What is our country’s education policy?
- Equal access to education or
- Everyone with the right intellectual ability
have equal opportunities, regardless of their
financial capacity
Good universities
maintain extensive internal autonomy and
operate within an external environment that
forces them to obtain their own funding for
research and teaching
fundig for
funding for
Autonomy of universities
Most important and essential guidelins for
changes in Polsh higher education system:
BS nad MS degrees should be granted by the
institution which received the accreditation
from the Polish Accreditation Committee
Autonomy of universities
Most important and essential guidelins for
changes in Polsh higher education system:
BS nad MS degrees should be granted by the
institution which received the accreditation
from the Polish Accreditation Committee
differentiation among schools (KNOW and flagship
universities-interfaculty integration)
Autonomy of universities
Most important and essential guidelins for
changes in Polsh higher education system:
BS nad MS degrees should be granted by the
institution which received the accreditation
from the Polish Accreditation Committee
differentiation among schools (KNOW and flagship
universities-interfaculty integration)
internationalisation of universities and science
Autonomy of universities
Most important and essential guidelins for
changes in Polsh higher education system:
BS nad MS degrees should be granted by the
institution which received the accreditation
from the Polish Accreditation Committee
- differentiation among schools (KNOW and flagship
universities-interfaculty integration)
- internationalisation of universities and science elimination
of set pay scales and required teaching loads
Autonomy of universities
Most important and essential guidelins for
changes in Polsh higher education system:
BS nad MS degrees should be granted by the
institution which received the accreditation
from the Polish Accreditation Committee
- differentiation among schools (KNOW and flagship
universities-interfaculty integration)
- internationalisation of universities and science elimination
of set pay scales and required teaching loads
- elimination of the title of professor granted by the
President of Poland
Autonomy of universities
Most important and essential guidelins for
changes in Polsh higher education system:
BS nad MS degrees should be granted by the
institution which received the accreditation
from the Polish Accreditation Committee
- differentiation among schools (KNOW and flagship
universities-interfaculty integration)
- internationalisation of universities and science elimination
of set pay scales and required teaching loads
- elimination of the title of professor granted by the
President of Poland
- habilitation replaced by international competition
Autonomy of universities
Most important and essential guidelins for
changes in Polsh higher education system:
BS nad MS degrees should be granted by the
institution which received the accreditation
from the Polish Accreditation Committee
- differentiation among schools (KNOW and flagship
universities-interfaculty integration)
- internationalisation of universities and science elimination
of set pay scales and required teaching loads
- elimination of the title of professor granted by the
President of Poland
- habilitation replaced by international competition
- new university menagment system: board of trustees
-(rector-elect proposes deputy rectors and deans)
How is teaching funded?
- Universal system of students loans,
in which banks would lend students
money on reasonable terms for their
education, transferring the funds to the
schools in question
How is teaching funded?
- Universal system of students loans,
in which banks would lend students
money on reasonable terms for their
education, transferring the funds to the
schools in question
- After earning a degree, the graduate
would repay the loans taking advantage
of partial tax deduction and the option to
suspend payments temporarily
How do we stimulate the quality
of teaching?
More prestigious universities/faculties would be able
to demand higher tuition fee, up to a market equilibrium
How do we stimulate the quality
of teaching?
More prestigious universities/faculties would be able
to demand higher tuition fee, up to a market equilibrium
Part of the loan remitted:
- good grades and on-time graduation
- governmental intervention (lack of key specialists)
such subsidies should depend on the quality of the
courses monitored my PAC
- quality of research (KNOW and flagship universities)
How do we stimulate the quality
of research?
-- competitive grant system with major indirect costs
How do we stimulate the quality
of research?
-- competitive grant system with major indirect costs
-- competition for KNOW status (within groups of
disciplines defined by ERC) - additional
investment grants and subsidies for students
How do we stimulate the quality
of research?
-- competitive grant system with major indirect costs
-- competition for KNOW status (within groups of
disciplines defined by ERC) - additional
investment grants and subsidies for students
-- competition for a „flag-ship” status for university
with the largest number of KNOW (additional
investment grants and subsidies for students
When the system will work?
When the universities that abuse their
autonomy and fail to conduct competitive
research or meet their obligation towards
their students will go bankrupt
Foundation for Polish Science
11 Grazyny Street
02-548 Warszawa
Tel. +48 22 845 95 01
Fax +48 22 845 95 05
Thank you for your attention