What is NCEA? National Certificate of Educational Achievement – NCEA NCEA can be gained at 3 levels •Level 1 •Level 2 •Level 3 Each of these usually takes one year, but some students may need longer, ie 18 months – 2 years. This Framework is administered by the NZ Qualifications Authority (NZQA) NCEA continued…… For the assessment of NCEA, subjects are broken into standards, for example Y11 Economics has six Achievement Standards. Each standard is worth a number of credits. Students are awarded the standard at Not Achieved, Achievement, Merit or Excellence. Level 1 – 80 credits These must include10 Literacy credits and 10 Numeracy credits Level 2 – 80 credits, can use 20 from Level 1 Must have met Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy requirements Level 3 – 80 credits, can use 20 from Level 2 Must have met Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy requirements University Entrance (UE) – Level 3 NCEA including 14 credits at Level 3 in 3 approved subjects Must have 10 Literacy credits (5 reading, 5 writing) at Level 2 or above Must have 10 Numeracy credits at Level 1or above External standards - we teach the content - practice assessments in school - assessed at end of year in the exams Some students have externals where the work is completed at the school and sent away for marking Internal standards - we teach the content - assessed by a teacher in our school - % check marked by another teacher - % chosen for external moderation by NZQA ie NCEA Level One with Merit Intended to encourage and reward high quality work. Merit Certificate at Level 1–3 needs 50 credits at Merit or Excellence. Excellence Certificate at Level 1-3 needs 50 credits at Excellence. ie Level 1 English with Excellence Level 1 Maths with Merit Requires 14 credits at Merit or Excellence level, which must be gained in a single school year. At least 3 of these credits need to be from externally assessed standards and 3 credits from internally assessed standards. This does not apply to Physical Education, or Level 3 Visual Arts. LEVEL ONE – YEAR 11 English, Maths, Science and two other subjects Option booklet Option evening Term 4 Week 2 Options meeting with Dean and student Term 4 Meeting with Dean, student and parents/ caregivers at start of 2015 Students in Year 10 may start working on some Achievement Standards in some subjects this term. Social Studies, English, Maths, and Science As these are actual NCEA assessments then school assessment procedures apply. Senior Student Handbook Missed assessment Assessments not handed in on time Appeal process NCEA Information Senior Student Handbook Information booklet from NZQA NZQA website www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea www.tki.org.nz http://www.studyit.org.nz/ NZQA Website NCEA, standards, exams, examiners reports Ministry of Education Website Internal assessment tasks Studyit for Mathematics, English and Science subjects