CAHSEE Exemption

SES Spring 2010
Legal Update
• Federal Court Cases – Rowley Standard,
Parent Reimbursement, IEP Attendance
• OAH – Residency, Predetermination
• State Law – CAHSEE Exemption,
• Federal Guidance – Transportation, Early
Childhood Transitions
• In the News – L.M. v. Capistrano, H1N1
Guidance, ARRA Support, RTI
Ninth Circuit #1
J.L. v. Mercer Island SD
• Rowley alive and well
• To offer a FAPE, District must offer a
“basic floor of opportunity” that is
“reasonably calculated” to provide the
student with “educational benefit”
(J.L. v. Mercer Island SD (9th Cir. 2009).)
“Educational Benefit”
• Ninth Circuit clarified that the terms
“educational benefit” and “some
educational benefit” and “meaningful
educational benefit” all refer to Rowley
• Ninth Circuit rejected argument that IDEA
amendments require that districts
guarantee some level of “outcome”
(J.L. v. Mercer Island SD (9th Cir. 2009).)
Ninth Circuit #2
Weissburg v. Lancaster
• District found student eligible under
“mental retardation” category
• Parents disagreed eligibility should be
• OAH found student eligible under BOTH
• Student received FAPE
Are parents the prevailing party?
(Weissburg v. Lancaster SD (9th Cir. 2010).)
Parents = Prevailing Party
• 9th Cir: Change in eligibility classification
materially altered legal relationship
between parties
• Student now possessed legal right to
instruction by teacher with autism
• Additional holding: Student’s attorney
grandmother could recover fees
(Weissburg v. Lancaster SD (9th Cir. 2010).)
Impact of Weissburg
Eligibility Determination
• Student still does not have a legal right to
a specific eligibility classification
– Weissburg focused more on the material
change in student’s rights resulting from new
• If IEP team cannot agree District staff
should designate appropriate category
• Can designate more than one eligibility
(Weissburg v. Lancaster SD (9th Cir. 2010).)
Ninth Circuit #3: Ashland v. E.H.
• Middle school student received special
education services due to severe
emotional problems
• Parent unilaterally placed Student in
private residential facility without notice to
• Residential facility focused on Student’s
medical needs, suicide prevention
(Ashland SD v. E.H. (9th Cir. 2010).)
No Reimbursement
9th Cir. - No reimbursement for private
placement because:
(1) Parent failed to give 10-day notice of
unilateral placement; and
(2) Private resident placement was medical,
rather than educational in nature
Note: IDEA provides judges with broad
discretion regarding parent notice
(Ashland SD v. E.H. (9th Cir. 2009).)
U.S. District Court
B.M. v. Carlsbad USD
• Dispute over IEP meeting attendees
• At meeting: District’s special education
teacher from neighborhood school
• Student’s current special education
teacher from private placement not present
Was the District required to include
private special ed. teacher on IEP team?
(B.M. v. Carlsbad USD (S.D. Cal. 2009).)
• ALJ  Failure to include Student’s private
special education teacher at IEP team
meeting does not constitute denial of
• Focused on OSEP comments: “Special
education teacher…should be person who
is or will be responsible for implementing
(B.M. v. Carlsbad USD (S.D. Cal. 2009).)
Office of Administrative Hearings - #1
Residency for Incarcerated Student
• Prior to 2006, special education student lived
with mother and attended schools in LAUSD
• 2006: Student arrested and sent to juvenile
detention facility where he received special ed.
services from LACOE
• Student turned 18, sent to LA County jail
Who is responsible for special education
services for incarcerated student?
(Student v .Los Angeles USD (OAH 2009).)
LAUSD = Responsible LEA
• It was undisputed that once out of jail,
Student would return to live with his
mother, who still resided within LAUSD
• LAUSD remained the last district of
residence, unless Student’s parent or
guardian had relocated
• OAH Incarcerated students are not like
other adult students who voluntarily move
and change their own residency
(Student v. Los Angeles USD (OAH 2009).)
Office of Administrative Hearings - #2
• District, County and Student entered into
settlement agreement for NPA’s one-to-one aide
• Settlement expressly stated NPA aide services
were “for assessment purposes only,” not for
purposes of FAPE, and would not constitute
“stay put” if disputed
• District staff believed settlement agreement
required County aide services in future, so they
did not discuss aide services at IEP meeting
(Student v. Montecito Union ESD (OAH 2009).)
• ALJ District and County predetermined that
one-to-one aide would be county employee
• Settlement agreement contained NO language
to support District’s and County’s belief that
County aide services were required
• IEP team did not consider any reasonable
alternatives, qualification of staff
• Parents denied opportunity for meaningful
participation regarding one-to-one aide services
(Student v. Montecito Union ESD (OAH 2009).)
Office of Administrative Hearings - #3
Request for Due Process
• 2003 Addendum to IEP: District agreed to
provide after-school tutoring
• District repeatedly settled disputes with parent
by providing tutoring
• 2007: District discontinued tutoring; agreed
parent could file for due process
Did the District deny FAPE by
failing to file a due process request?
(Student v. San Ramon Valley USD (OAH 2009).)
• District violated parents’ procedural rights
by failing to request a due process hearing
to resolve dispute over tutoring
• District had an affirmative duty under IDEA
to resolve disputes over necessary
services by filing due process action
• Putting the burden on parent to file and
carry burden was improper under IDEA
(Student v. San Ramon Valley USD (OAH 2009).)
CAHSEE Exemption
• AB X4 2  Created Education Code
section 60852.3
• Section 60852.3 exempts eligible special
education students from passing the
CAHSEE as a requirement for graduation
• Applies to any student:
(1) who has an IEP or a 504 plan; and
(2) has or will satisfy all state and local
requirements for graduation
CDE Guidance:
CAHSEE Exemption
• CDE recently issued guidance on the new
CAHSEE exemption for special education
students 16 FAQs
• IEP or 504 Plan: must state that student:
(1) is scheduled to receive a diploma
on or after July 1, 2009;
(2) has or will satisfy all other grad req.
(CAHSEE Exemption Q&A #1 (CDE 2009).)
CDE Guidance:
CAHSEE Exemption
• Despite the exemption, all students must
still take the CAHSEE in 10th Grade.
• Districts are not required to notify parents
of CAHSEE exemption
• Districts may NOT develop IEP or 504
plan solely to exempt student from
CAHSEE requirement
(CAHSEE Exemption Q&A # 2,8,12-14 (CDE 2009).)
CAHSEE Exemption:
• Uncertainty over whether new CAHSEE
exemption covers students who were
unable to pass CAHSEE in 2008 and 2009
and did not receive diploma
• Text of Section 60852.3 is unclear
Are 2008/2009 seniors
now eligible for a diploma?
• IEP Students: Students entitled to special
education services until age 22
– CDE District “may be required to re-open
and revise IEP.”
• 504 Students: Likely same as IEP
students, but federal rules are not identical
– CDE “consult counsel on a case-by-case
(CAHSEE Exemption Q&A # 5 (CDE 2009).)
Practice Pointer
Until CDE provides more clarification, treat
2008 and 2009 students the same as
current students
Amendments to CAHSEE Regs.
• CDE recently issued amendments to state
regulations governing CAHSEE
• Key changes in testing “variations,”
“accommodations,” and “modifications”
• Variations: Small group settings, test
questions in Manually Coded English or ASL
• Modifications: Use of formulas on
mathematics portion
OSERS Guidance:
Special Ed. Transportation
• November 2009: OSERS provided
guidance regarding transportation services
for students with disabilities
• 11 Q&As covering preschool students,
travel training, discipline on bus, bus
suspensions, etc.
OSERS: Bus Suspensions
• As with regular out-of-school suspensions,
a bus suspension may require a
manifestation determination and other
discipline procedures
• The extent of discipline procedures will
vary depending on:
(1) Length of Suspension
(2) Change in Placement
(3) Alternative Transportation
(Transportation Q&A # H-1 (OSERS 2009).)
OSEP Guidance:
Early Childhood Transitions
• Guidance emphasizes smooth transition from
Part C Part B
• Clarifies requirements for children referred for
Part C services close to their birthdays
< 45 days
before birthday
Lead agency may conduct initial
evaluation or hold IFSP meeting
> than 45 days
before birthday
Lead agency MUST conduct an
initial evaluation and hold IFSP
In the News
• Supreme Court will not hear L.M. v. Capistrano;
9th Circuit decision stands
• U.S. Dept. of Ed. issues guidance on IDEA and
504 responsibilities during an H1N1 outbreak
• OAH publishes new due process hearing
• New special education financing from federal
and state levels
• CDE Handbook: RTI
Thank you for attending!