KC 3 Book Award KRIS BAUGHMAN KC3 CHAIR LACIE GRIFFIN KC3 PAST-CHAIR RAYTOWN C-2 SCHOOLS Purpose of the KC3 Program To promote reading by providing a list of quality books for 3rd graders (and SPED students) at this reading level. The list that represents both EVERYBODY and CHAPTER BOOKS. Participation Students who have read, or have had read to them, at least four (4) titles from the master list will vote for his/her favorite. Ballots will be prepared for school librarians to distribute and collect from participating classrooms in March. The author of the winning title will receive special recognition. Last year, 51 schools participated for a total of 2,316 voters. This year, 47 schools participated for a total of 1,891 voters. Committee School librarians from Kansas City area serve 3-year terms. One representative from Kansas City Public Library Standing member One representative from Mid-Continent Public Library Standing member The members read large numbers of books searching for those that meet the criteria for the KC3 Award; they attend several meetings to create a Reading List of 30 books which is narrowed down to 10. Committee Members Kris Baughman, Chair Raytown Sandi Cole, Vice Chair Liberty Susie Ference, Treasurer Raytown Corliss Moore, Secretary Park Hill Anitra Steele Mid-Continent Public Library Helma Hawkins Kansas City Public Library Vicki Hansen Park Hill Renee Joy Blue Springs Linda Lepper Center Jane Pettman KCMO Lacie Griffin, Past Chair Raytown Timeline 2011-12 Suggestions via GKC website/email by August 20th 1st meeting: Top 30 selection August 21st Reading: August 21st -November 28th 2nd meeting: Top 10 selection November 29th Online voting for 2010-11 KC3 winner February 1stMarch 10th Banquet: Beginning of May Selection Books shall be of copyright date two years prior to the date of acquisition by librarians. Books must have been written by United States authors who are living at the time of the final selection by the committee. Books should be evaluated according to reading/interest levels, potential popularity with the intended students, and literary quality. New adaptations of old classics or folk tales shall not be eligible for consideration except for American folklore. Selection KC3 Reader Selectors can be any librarian (public or school) or teacher (public or private) that works with 3rd grade students. We need as many readers as possible to attain a list that meets a diverse student population. All input is reviewed and accepted. List of 30 2010-2011 Top 30 Reading List Each title is read and rated by committee members and volunteer readers. KC 3 Nominees for 2010-2011 2010-2011 Top 10 Nominees Finally, the committee oversees selecting of the top 10 rated books and creates the next year’s nominee list. Website http://www.gkcasl.org/kc3/default.htm Voting Student Ballot: Printable sheet for student voting Classroom Tally Sheet: Teachers gather total votes before using the online voting link Online voting for the 2010-2011 Nominees Survey Monkey collects demographic data from each school participating and the total number of votes for each title. Analyzing the data is an easy feature to break down total number of schools participating and votes per book. Mary Amato’s Thank You to KC3 Drooling and Dangerous The Riot Brothers Return QUESTIONS? Activities Kris Bethany Hamilton Follow Your Dreams Biographies Elements of Non-Fiction Gathering Information from graphs, charts, maps Oh Brother! Elements of Poetry Characterization Nikki Grimes has great resources for teachers/librarians. Readings by Nikki Grimes Activities- Lacie Part 1 Mary Amato’s Website: http://www.maryamato.com/ Wonderful teaching ideas and a 3 min video on the writing process Shout Out to Missouri Stinky and Successful: The Riot Brothers Never Stop just won the KC3 Reading Award for 20092010 sponsored by the Greater Kansas City Association of School Librarians. Thanks to all you wild and crazy kids and librarians in Kansas City. Activities- Lacie Part 2 Paper Bag Book Report