Data Overview ITEC 7305 Fickett ES 2012-2014 CRCT 3rd Grade Mathematics Submitted by Ruben Barkley Purpose of Presentation The purpose of this data overview is to provide a concise summary of the student achievement results for 3rd grade students, over a 3 year period, in the content area of mathematics at Fickett Elementary School (FES). As part of this data overview, I will closely examine the 2012-2013 CRCT mathematics scores of the 3rd grade students and I will highlight strengths, as well as weaknesses, and emphasize one or two key areas in which academic improvement is needed most. In addition, I will use pie charts, bar charts and line graphs to visually display the data trends. rd 3 District Grade Proficiency Over Time 90% 84% 80% 70% 71% 68% 65% 85% 85% 79% 75% 78% 74% 66% 69% 63% 60% Reading 50% ELA 40% Math 30% 20% 10% 0% 2012 2013 2014 District 3rd Grade Proficiency Over Time (Details) District Percent Proficient Over 3 Years 2012 2013 Reading 84% 85% 85% ELA 84% 79% 78% Math 68% 66% 69% Science 65% 66% 63% Social Studies 71% 75% 74% Percentages reflect those students performing at or above proficiency (2014 reflects preliminary data) 2014 2011-2012 rd 3 Number Tested Grade School Year Subject Does Not Meet Meets Exceeds 2011-12 English Language Arts 98 17% 53% 30% Mathematics 97 36% 38% 26% Reading 98 12% 57% 31% Science 100 35% 38% 27% Social Studies 100 21% 45% 34% 2012-2013 rd 3 Number Tested Grade School Year Subject Does Not Meet Meets Exceeds 2012-13 English Language Arts 87 33% 47% 20% Mathematics 86 42% 37% 21% Reading 87 17% 54% 29% Science 89 38% 44% 18% Social Studies 89 28% 49% 22% rd 3 2013-2014 Grade 3RD GRADE - CRCT 2014 Level 1 Level 2 & 3 39% 46% 64% 67% 81% 61% 54% 36% 33% 19% READING ELA MATH SCIENCE S.STUDIES 3rd Grade Reading Preiminary Data ELA Math Science S.Studies Level 1 19 33 61 54 36 Level 2 & 3 81 67 39 46 64 2011-12 ( 3rd Grade Gender Comparison) Males Females 2011-2012 Gender Comparison (Details) School Year Gender Subject 2011-12 Female English Language Arts 49 20% 53% 27% Mathematics 48 42% 35% 23% Reading 49 12% 59% 29% Science 51 43% 37% 20% Social Studies 51 27% 47% 25% English Language Arts 49 14% 53% 33% Mathematics 49 31% 41% 29% Reading 49 12% 55% 33% Science 49 27% 39% 35% Social Studies 49 14% 43% 43% English Language Arts 46 17% 61% 22% Mathematics 45 33% 42% 24% Reading 46 9% 54% 37% Science 46 24% 57% 20% Social Studies 46 22% 50% 28% English Language Arts 41 51% 32% 17% Mathematics 41 51% 32% 17% Reading 41 27% 54% 20% Science 43 53% 30% 16% Social Studies 43 35% 49% 16% Male 2012-13 Female Male Number Tested Does Not Meet Meets Exceeds 2012-2013 (Gender Comparison) Male Female 2012-2013 Gender Comparison (Details) School Year Gender Subject 2011-12 Female English Language Arts 49 20% 53% 27% Mathematics 48 42% 35% 23% Reading 49 12% 59% 29% Science 51 43% 37% 20% Social Studies 51 27% 47% 25% English Language Arts 49 14% 53% 33% Mathematics 49 31% 41% 29% Reading 49 12% 55% 33% Science 49 27% 39% 35% Social Studies 49 14% 43% 43% English Language Arts 46 17% 61% 22% Mathematics 45 33% 42% 24% Reading 46 9% 54% 37% Science 46 24% 57% 20% Social Studies 46 22% 50% 28% English Language Arts 41 51% 32% 17% Mathematics 41 51% 32% 17% Reading 41 27% 54% 20% Science 43 53% 30% 16% Social Studies 43 35% 49% 16% Male 2012-13 Female Male Number Tested Does Not Meet Meets Exceeds 2011-2012 (3rd Grade Economic Status Comparison) Economically Disadvantaged Non-Economically Disadvantaged 2012-2013 (3rd Grade Economic Status Comparison) Economically Disadvantaged Non-Economically Disadvantaged 2011-2012 (Economic Status Comparison) Details School Year Economic Status Subject 2011-12 Economically Disadvantaged English Language Arts 78 17% 56% 27% Mathematics 78 37% 40% 23% Reading 78 13% 55% 32% Science 80 36% 40% 24% Social Studies 80 23% 44% 34% English Language Arts 20 20% 40% 40% Mathematics 19 32% 32% 37% Reading 20 10% 65% 25% Science 20 30% 30% 40% Social Studies 20 15% 50% 35% English Language Arts 76 36% 49% 16% Mathematics 75 45% 36% 19% Reading 76 20% 57% 24% Science 78 40% 42% 18% Social Studies 78 29% 51% 19% English Language Arts 11 18% 36% 45% Mathematics 11 18% 45% 36% Reading 11 36% 64% Science 11 27% 55% 18% Social Studies 11 18% 36% 45% Not Economically Disadvantaged 2012-13 Economically Disadvantaged Not Economically Disadvantaged Number Tested Does Not Meet Meets Exceeds 2012-2013 Fickett 3rd Grade Domain Data (Teacher Comparison) 51% 63% 51% Algebra 69% 84% 64% 58% 66% 64% 63% Geometry Teacher 6 79% Teacher 5 72% Teacher 4 43% Teacher 3 64% Teacher 2 49% Measurement and Data Analysis 68% Teacher 1 73% 61% 41% 63% 37% Numbers and Operation 61% 73% 70% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 2012-2013 Percentage of 3rd Grade Students At/Above Proficiency in Mathematics 65% 59% Numbers & Operations Measurement and Data Anaylsis Geometry Algebra 60% 67% Total Number of students tested: 86 (45 Females, 41 Males) Summary • On the 2012-2013 CRCT, the 3rd Grade students at Fickett ES performed the weakest in the Numbers & Operations domain on the mathematics portion of the assessment. • The inconsistency of the percentage of students at or above proficiency on the 2012-2013 CRCT, as displayed in the Domain Data comparison of teachers, suggests that there is a lack of shared and collaborative planning among the 3rd Grade teachers. • In comparing the 3rd Grade students at or above proficiency in mathematics based on gender, the females out-performed the males by 17% (Females = 66% at/above proficiency, Males = 49% at/above proficiency) on the 2012-2013 CRCT.