Technology Use in the Classroom Students will use and practice the following skills: Please make every effort to keep your technology at home in good working order. •Keyboarding, •Word Processing, •Spreadsheets, & •PowerPoint Students have access to: •Laptops in the classroom •Desktops in the computer lab •Digital cameras, scanners • and SmartBoards Junior high teachers work with the technology coordinator to incorporate technology within the curriculum areas. St. Paul students learn to use Microsoft Office products. Helps to support the students and staff in their quest for Information and Media Literacy. Students come weekly as a class as well as other times when needed. Students learn to use library resources as well as the resources of Westerville Library and InfOhio. Students use their skills to locate needed information for school as well as personal uses. Students are encouraged to select ‘free choice’ books for pleasure reading. This is then integrated into Language Arts through the use of the Accelerated Reader program. 6th grade ~ ESPAnOL! THURSDAYS Mrs. Betty Protz, Spanish Teacher Saint Paul School 2013 - 2014 & FRIDAYS 6th ~ grade ESPanOL! Reading with understanding Expressing ideas in written form Sharing information orally Listening Gaining with understanding cultural knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world Mrs. Betty Protz, Spanish Teacher Saint Paul School 2013 - 2014 These marks are used for class work, homework, or any skill check having a definite right or wrong answer. E – excellent, (usually –0) G – good NI – needs improvement U – unsatisfactory These marks are used on essays, projects, etc. and often have a detailed rubric attached. 4 – excels in the standard 3- meets the standard 2- needs improvement 1 – unsatisfactory **Per parent request, letter grades now appear on report cards. However, they are NOT based on percentages. They simply reflect a closing "ball park" summary of student worked based on the quarterly assessments as marked above. The Development of the 6th Grade Mind “Crossing over the line from childhood to adolescence is difficult because the line is not clear and there are inherent risks involved. It is an emotional leap as well as a physical one, and maintaining a balanced sense of self becomes increasingly difficult.” Social Media and the Sixth Grade Child Sixth Grade Science *First Quarter: Introduction to Science: Safety, Science Skills, Scientific Method, Inquiry, Measurement *Second Quarter: Matter and Motion *Third Quarter: Rocks, Minerals, Soil * Fourth Quarter: Cells, the building blocks of all living things. Religion Rules! Sixth Grade Religion •GOTW, WOW, CP •Discipleship Thursdays (extra chores) •Family Homework •Old Testament •Rosary, Prayer Services •Advent and Lent (Stations of the Cross) •Faith in Media •OLC “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.” St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church Textbook: Discovering World Geography Eastern Hemisphere with World History No workbook There should be a section in each student’s binder for Social Studies notes and papers and worksheets/maps. Supplies needed: Current World Atlas Catholic Bible Internet site: on line textbook Theme: Regions and People of the Eastern Hemisphere In grade six, Students study: Eastern Hemisphere (Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe) Geographic features, early history, cultural development and economic change Students learn about: River civilizations in Africa and Asia Governments, cultures and economic systems Contemporary regional characteristics, the movement of people, products and ideas, cultural diversity, and world religions Students develop: Understand the role of consumers and the interaction of markets, resources and competition Social Studies Standards for Sixth Grade 2013 HISTORY GEOGRAPHY GOVERNMENT ECONOMICS (including financial literacy) READING AND WRITING IN THE CONTENT AREA Textbook: Holt McDougal Mathematics Grade 6 Common Core Edition Workbook Notebook for Math ONLY. Section in their Binder where math papers, tests, and other materials will be kept. Common Core Standards Ratios and Proportional Relationships Number System Expressions and Equations Geometry Statistics and Probability Mathematical Practices 1. Make sense of problems / persevere in solving them 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use appropriate tools strategically 6. Attend to precision 7. Look for and make use of structure 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning 9. 21st Century skills SIMPLE SOLUTIONS What is it ??? Previously taught material that students quickly forget without practice Constant reinforcement with constant review Allows students to be responsible for their own learning Aligned to the Common Core HOW CAN YOU HELP YOUR STUDENT ?? Spot check homework EVERY evening Point out inaccuracies but let the student correct the problems themselves Encourage your student to look up what they do not know (back of text, “Help” pages, internet, older siblings) Ask your student to discuss and explain math to you (How did you get your answer?) Use real world math ( what is the 15 % tip ?) Talk about how you use math in your job and at home ( cooking, gardening, etc) Multiplication 0 - 10 is the most important pre-requisite for sixth grade curriculum. This is the number one goal for students to be able to learn the sixth grade standards. Without basic multiplication fluency, students will struggle with more than 48% of sixth grade curriculum!!!!!!!!! •Sharpened Pencils •Paper •Red or Green Pen • 3- subject notebook •Workbook •Homework •Notebook •Participation •Attitude •Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, usually no homework on Friday, unless the student needs extra practice, to study for tests and/or quizzes, (or if they have not been completing their homework!!!)etc. •Be ready for Pop Quizzes! •Please tell your child not to wait until the day of Tests/Quizzes to ask for help…too late! On line text: Other things happening in room 20 Geography Bee Books of hope Geography Genius Room 20 Theme for 2013 – 2014 school year: BE PROTECTORS OF OUR FAITH, EACH OTHER AND CREATION!!!!! “Let us protect Christ in our lives, so that we can protect others, so that we can protect creation. Whenever human beings fail to live up to this responsibility, whenever we fail to care for creation and for our brothers and sisters, the way is opened to destruction and hearts are hardened. In the end, everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it. Be protectors of God’s gifts.” Pope Francis BE A SIGN TO OTHERS Reading Writing Speaking Listening Viewing WHAT IS A SIXTH GRADER? Sixth Grade Success Pray GOAL #1- START THE JOURNEY. When we take the first step back, children will take the first step forward. Help without hovering. Help your sixth grader in the following ways: 1. 2. 3. 4. Time management Focus on purpose/following directions Proofreading (but not altering assignments) Monitoring the assignment notebook GOAL #2-ADVANCE SKILLS THROUGH INDEPENDENCE GOAL #3- IN FAITH, LET’S JOIN HANDS IN LEADING YOUNG PEOPLE TO CHRIST. CHURCH HOME FAMILY SCHOOL GOD